Biden says Climate Change is about Race


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
Yes, the poor does bear the brunt of global warming "policies" which the prog masters always leave out. Raise taxes on CO2 and the poor and middle class get hurt the most....
Climate Change is a money making hoax. Al Gore laughed his way to the bank when he pulled his CC gig. Anyone who believe that drivel is dumber than a box of rocks.

Find a way to control the Sun and the Moon, then you can control the weather. Only a gullible fool believes this Climate change shit.
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
There is no president rigged and Biden has not made climate change about race. The facts are that poor communities are the most negatively impacted by climate change and most of those communities are people of color.
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
It is common scientific knowledge that the gas CO2 is racist and has been for some time.

We believe the change occured during the FDR administration.

It's all science really, or are you a science deinier?
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
There is no president rigged and Biden has not made climate change about race. The facts are that poor communities are the most negatively impacted by climate change and most of those communities are people of color.

Very little impact in affluent countries like the US. Third world countries have much more of a beef. Also, it is one thing to believe that the climate may be slowly changing and having some negative impacts, it is quite another to believe we can implement some very expensive policies that will have any impact whatsoever. The policies themselves will have a much larger negative impact on the poor and people of color than climate change itself. Remember, only “rich” countries are willing to dole out significant amounts of money on this fantasy. Poor countries have higher, much more pressing priorities. The US is fat and spoiled by international standards but has to have something to worry about to keep them busy. It is kind of like the guys at the country club meeting discussing the problem they have with the shore power intermittently going out at their dock yachts.
Look at cities full of democrat voters, look at Flint, now you know why its related to climate control is related to race.
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
There is no president rigged and Biden has not made climate change about race. The facts are that poor communities are the most negatively impacted by climate change and most of those communities are people of color.
Is it because the poor people of color get to use air conditioners? Or that they drive older vehicles that use up more gas, so their energy needs must necessarily skyrocket so they cut back on that free stuff..
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online
I can see Biden trying to change the name of the White House to something less racist, unstable bastard that he is.
To be fair, he doesn't know anything about climate change -- or anything else.

His radical "advisers" handed him a speech to read and he did it.

And, of course, no reporters were allowed to ask him questions, for he would not have been able to answer any of them.

Dang! His "advisers" must think that the American people are stupid. And they may be right.
Why is President Rigged making the faux climate change issue about race?
How does the weather affect people differently by race?
Is the Democrat Party racist?
Why doesn't the Yellow Press ever ask Dems any hard questions?
Climate Change is not really about the environment.
It is a faux issue that uses FEAR to control people and to loot the taxpayers.

"Joe Biden is set to announce on Wednesday a radical proposal for tackling climate change, which will emphasize the fact that marginalized communities and ethnic minorities frequently bear the brunt of global warming."
Joe Biden set to unveil a 'historic' climate change plan | Daily Mail Online

To a democrat EVERYTHING is about race.
To be fair, he doesn't know anything about climate change -- or anything else.

His radical "advisers" handed him a speech to read and he did it.

And, of course, no reporters were allowed to ask him questions, for he would not have been able to answer any of them.

Dang! His "advisers" must think that the American people are stupid. And they may be right.
Well, supposedly 80 million voters for Biden sure are stupid.
I am an Environmental Engineer. Thirty years in the field, PE and an advanced degrees. Cleaned up more pollution in one week of my career than ten thousand of these Environmental Wackos will see in their lifetimes.

When I went to college I never had a class in "Environmental Justice".

There was never a question on "Environmental Racism" on the Professional Engineer's Exam.

Never had a goddamn project on "Environmental Racism Restoration" .

That dumbshit doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
I am an Environmental Engineer. Thirty years in the field, PE and an advanced degrees. Cleaned up more pollution in one week of my career than ten thousand of these Environmental Wackos will see in their lifetimes.

When I went to college I never had a class in "Environmental Justice".

There was never a question on "Environmental Racism" on the Professional Engineer's Exam.

Never had a goddamn project on "Environmental Racism Restoration" .

That dumbshit doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
When i was living in Maryland i saw the racial injustice done. I was coming up to SR202 off of the Parkway and a car full of blacks, took their McDonalds bags and threw them out the window. I called the park police about the incident (for which littering on the parkway was a $2,000 fine) and said i would be their witness as i had a description of the vehicle and driver of the car. The park police said that they couldnt do anything about it, as probably the car was stolen. I was flabbergasted that the police were such racists against the environment. Blacks produce the squalor, then blame others for their actions.
This dufus China Joe hires a dumbass affirmative action low IQ hate filled Environmental Wacko Negro to head the EPA and this is the kind of racist shit we get out of him.

I doubt the sonofabitch even knows how to spell Environmental, no less what it means.


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