Biden said this was going to be “transitory inflation”


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
“As our economy comes roaring back, we’ve seen some price increases,” Biden said duringremarks on July 19, 2021. “Some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. But that’s not our view. Our experts believe, and the data shows, that most of the price increases we’ve seen are – were expected and are expected to be temporary.”

EXPERTS? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :hyper: :hyper:
There are people working together to destroy America. The Globalists and the CCP are using their Republican and democrat Flying Monkey.

At this point we need a zero based budget.

Furthermore, Congress should not be able to pass any new laws until we start paying down debt
Just one lie after the other. Every day they lie enough to make it through the day.

Meanwhile, the cult members kiss the boots of their puppet masters.

It is disgusting to watch.

The cult claim to be secular, they are not. They are religious as fuck. The STATE is their God.
“As our economy comes roaring back, we’ve seen some price increases,” Biden said duringremarks on July 19, 2021. “Some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. But that’s not our view. Our experts believe, and the data shows, that most of the price increases we’ve seen are – were expected and are expected to be temporary.”

EXPERTS? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :hyper: :hyper:

The inflation is transitory. It's transitioning from "unusually high" to "off the hook."

Soon it'll transition to recession, maybe even another Great Depression.
The dotted line is Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Oh, wait, it's not.

It's Biden's inauguration.

It was called a Deception, it was not actually happening. Then it was transitory. Then it was only affecting the rich. Then they told everyone it was a sign of a booming economy. Then along came the Russian invasion and it was Putin‘s fault. The problem is very simple you have people in control of the country that have no clue what to do or why to do it. But they lie about things in the hope enough voters are not smart enough to notice.
Problem is there are just that many brain dead voters to keep them in power.
The problem is that voters would rather feel that the economy is improving than read about it. And in this hyperpartisan environment even if the statistics tell you you’re doing better, you’re not going to give Joe Biden credit for that

Which means Democrats have a message marathon, not a sprint. They’ll be forcing votes on core economic issues that force a contrast and that contrast will be drawn in potent thirty second ads in the midterm election this fall
They love this inflation. It moves their goals for a digital blockchain currency to replace the dollar that much faster.

That's the ultimate goal. To reset "dollars" and move to something they can control easier. Digital currency will be the end because we will no longer own our own money at all and every single thing you do can be tracked and traced. Gold and silver will be the only ways you can buy stuff on your own.

Biden and his administration have fooled everyone into thinking this is inflation that means stuff is more expensive. It isn't. Our money is worth less because we just print whatever we want. Our money has no value because it isn't backed by anything like gold and silver. It's just pieces of paper, or promises. They write a check for 100million it's just a piece of paper, its value is an illusion.
That's the ultimate goal. To reset "dollars" and move to something they can control easier. Digital currency will be the end because we will no longer own our own money at all and every single thing you do can be tracked and traced. Gold and silver will be the only ways you can buy stuff on your own.

Biden and his administration have fooled everyone into thinking this is inflation that means stuff is more expensive. It isn't. Our money is worth less because we just print whatever we want. Our money has no value because it isn't backed by anything like gold and silver. It's just pieces of paper, or promises. They write a check for 100million it's just a piece of paper, its value is an illusion.

With digital, every transaction will be monitored and programmable. You will be cut off if you don't obey or now.
With digital, every transaction will be monitored and programmable. You will be cut off if you don't obey or now.

Well ultimately the problem will stem from esg scores. They already exist for companies right now. But once money goes digital it will be applied to individual people as well.


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