Biden Prioritizes Climate Change With Kerry Pick


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Biden Prioritizes Climate Change With Kerry Pick

Remembering Biden’s Senate record for helping the Republicans torpedo progressive legislation,‭ ‬one must question his sincerity for now becoming an advocate for fighting climate change.

Biden knows full well the ruling billionaire class will pour millions of dollars into campaign donations to House Democrats‭’ ‬coffers,‭ ‬the same Democrats who blamed AOC for their election losses earlier this month.‭ ‬Although there is no reason the fat cats need to spend so much,‭ after all, ‬these House Democrats sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class long,‭ ‬long ago.‭ ‬They joined with congressional Republicans in their pledge to serve the financial interests of the ruling billionaire class...‭ ‬exclusively.

So,‭ ‬any legislation to fight climate change that doesn’t get stalled in committee,‭ ‬is dead-on-arrival when it reaches the House for a vote.‭ ‬All Republicans will vote it down,‭ ‬and the...‭ ‬cooperative Democrats will serve their wealthy masters and vote with the GOP.‭

Big Business wins and the environment loses.

Biden knows the many shady workings in congress,‭ ‬so he can play along with the progressives knowing he will never see a bill to fight climate change reach his desk.

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That shithead Kerry is not only a coward and traitor to his country but he is dumber than a doorknob.

Kerry is like all dumbass Libtards. He is as confused about Climate Science as he is confused about Economics, Biology, History, Ethics and Constitution.

He will give away the store to foreign counties like China.

Of course Biden is China's Big Guy in the White house so they are getting payback for their investment in Hunter Biden.

We better pray that the Republicans don't lose the Senate or else the cost of energy will soar and China will be getting richer at our expense.
Biden Prioritizes Climate Change With Kerry Pick

Remembering Biden’s Senate record for helping the Republicans torpedo progressive legislation,‭ ‬one must question his sincerity for now becoming an advocate for fighting climate change.

Biden knows full well the ruling billionaire class will pour millions of dollars into campaign donations to House Democrats‭’ ‬coffers,‭ ‬the same Democrats who blamed AOC for their election losses earlier this month.‭ ‬Although there is no reason the fat cats need to spend so much,‭ after all, ‬these House Democrats sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class long,‭ ‬long ago.‭ ‬They joined with congressional Republicans in their pledge to serve the financial interests of the ruling billionaire class...‭ ‬exclusively.

So,‭ ‬any legislation to fight climate change that doesn’t get stalled in committee,‭ ‬is dead-on-arrival when it reaches the House for a vote.‭ ‬All Republicans will vote it down,‭ ‬and the...‭ ‬cooperative Democrats will serve their wealthy masters and vote with the GOP.‭

Big Business wins and the environment loses.

Biden knows the many shady workings in congress,‭ ‬so he can play along with the progressives knowing he will never see a bill to fight climate change reach his desk.

Biden Prioritizes Climate Change With Kerry Pick

Picking John Kerry doesn't prioritize "climate change" it prioritizes treason. But no surprise there.
LOL. All I got out of Biden’s little show and tell this afternoon is thst there is NOTHING this administration will do that I will agree with and nobody who will be part of the administration that I will not detest.

It’s a sorry state when I feel like I would probably side with our enemies in case of an invasion; and definitely in case of a coup.
fighting climate change is a waste of time.
It's a redistribution of wealth scheme, so prepare yourselves to be robbed big time.

Trump is still President, and the people had best get behind him to remain as president. No matter how much hell the Demoncrats threw at Trump, he kept this thing on an even keel. The destruction of the voter class in this country has finally reached it's goals, and payday has arrived for those who had embarked on their destruction of America for financial gains policies going way back.

Either the Patriots take this nation back by putting the right man in place or they will just capitulate giving up their children's futures, their freedom's, their dreams, and ultimately their lives. It's really simple, but here we all are in this ridiculous situation.

The reason I think the so called pandemic has been ramped up to huge levels again, is because the Democrats want to keep fear at the highest levels possible in order to detour an in-person re-vote senario if that is what comes of the election being deemed null and void, otherwise all due to the election fraud and irregularities that definitely are leaning it that way fast.

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