Biden 'On Vacation' As Afghanistan Govt Falls, His 'Saigon' Unfolds

So answer the question. Who is responsible for the 5000 Taliban prisoners Trump released against the advice of the Pentagon, and the Afghan government, and the UN Security Council?

Trump did NOT release '5,000 Taliban Commanders', you nutbag.

Prisoners were handed over to Afghan military / govt control, and the Taliban have been freeing all of them as they sweep through Afghanistan seizing control of cities and bases., as fast as corn through a goose.

EVERYTHING Biden said in a press conference weeks ago 'Will NOT happen' in Afghanistan has happened.

Adn after Biden declared to the world, 'The United States Is Back', he demonstrates what that means under him:

Shocking video purportedly shows Afghans clinging to American aircraft leaving Kabul airport

Shocking video purportedly shows Afghans clinging to American aircraft leaving Kabul airport

'America Is Back'? This scene does not show that. THIS clusterfu@k shows America FLEEING, much like the democRAT FLEE-baggers who ran from Texas like a scalded dog, trying to run from their responsibilities simply because they can't get their way as the 'minority' party in Texas....but I digress...

The US fleeing Afghanistan with the people Joe reassured we would not abandon. many who helped us during the conflict, attempting to cling to the last plane out as they are abandoned on the tarmac as the Taliban close in on shutting down the airport.

And the only idiots who blame anyone else but Biden are TDS-suffering, partisan/Trump hate-driven, low-IQ. propaganda-spreading, fake-news-parroting snowflakes like YOU:

Saigon wasn't worth it; neither is Kabul.

Should have happened years ago.

Or would you have us stay longer?

Two important stories about Afghan militant leaders have come out in the last few days. Together, they highlight a rather stunning, if unsurprising, aspect of the war: we do not really support the good guys. From over the weekend, the New York Times ran an excellent piece about the Haqqanis, a family of Afghan insurgents who also operate like a hyper-violent mafia:

With a combination of guns and muscle, the Haqqani network has built a sprawling enterprise on both sides of a border that barely exists............

Trump did NOT release '5,000 Taliban Commanders', you nutbag.

Prisoners were handed over to Afghan military / govt control, and the Taliban have been freeing all of them as they sweep through Afghanistan seizing control of cities and bases., as fast as corn through a goose.

EVERYTHING Biden said in a press conference weeks ago 'Will NOT happen' in Afghanistan has happened.

Adn after Biden declared to the world, 'The United States Is Back', he demonstrates what that means under him:

Shocking video purportedly shows Afghans clinging to American aircraft leaving Kabul airport

Shocking video purportedly shows Afghans clinging to American aircraft leaving Kabul airport

'America Is Back'? This scene does not show that. THIS clusterfu@k shows America FLEEING, much like the democRAT FLEE-baggers who ran from Texas like a scalded dog, trying to run from their responsibilities simply because they can't get their way as the 'minority' party in Texas....but I digress...

The US fleeing Afghanistan with the people Joe reassured we would not abandon. many who helped us during the conflict, attempting to cling to the last plane out as they are abandoned on the tarmac as the Taliban close in on shutting down the airport.

And the only idiots who blame anyone else but Biden are TDS-suffering, partisan/Trump hate-driven, low-IQ. propaganda-spreading, fake-news-parroting snowflakes like YOU:

Read it and weep troll boy


Two important stories about Afghan militant leaders have come out in the last few days. Together, they highlight a rather stunning, if unsurprising, aspect of the war: we do not really support the good guys. From over the weekend, the New York Times ran an excellent piece about the Haqqanis, a family of Afghan insurgents who also operate like a hyper-violent mafia:

With a combination of guns and muscle, the Haqqani network has built a sprawling enterprise on both sides of a border that barely exists............

I don't know the folks we relied on that well. But going back to the days of arming Bin Laden and the northern alliance.... Its bewildering how we keep making these mistakes.
You can’t look at the

You can’t look at the tweet from the RNCs website?
Not from where I am at currently.....that is what 'I can't look at your picture'. Did you graduate from the state where they just signed a policy allowing kids to graduate without knowing how to read?
I don't know where we go from here.

We have no acting president....seemingly no acting administration
Just like Barry blamed Bush for everything he f*ed up / everything that went wrong his entire 8 years in office, Biden and Democrats will try to Blame Trump for Bden's failures.

Even Obama was honest enough to declare, 'Never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things up.'
- Wish snowflakes could be that honest.
"I understand we finally reached someone at the White House... sir your response to the whole world trying to reach American leadership??".......



America is back. Biden isn’t on vacation, and why are top Taliban commanders among the 5000 released by Trump among those surrounding Kabul?

Got an answer for that troll boy?
another great example of a Democrat Cultist

Obama WH Doctor Slams Biden: 'Do Your Damn Job' or 'Resign Immediately'​

Dr. Ronny Jackson warns Biden 'not mentally capable of handling' Afghanistan crisis​

The only part of this that I detest is getting our first female President in the form of Kamala Harris. No matter how short her term in office is, she will manage to screw us all.

They are attempting to blame Trump for this.
Biden's people have even said that because the Taliban already controlled 90% of the country what was the big deal.
It's time to look at the 25th amendment for gross incompetence, and dereliction of duty for hiding from the Press.
Just like Barry blamed Bush for everything he f*ed up / everything that went wrong his entire 8 years in office, Biden and Democrats will try to Blame Trump for Bden's failures.

Even Obama was honest enough to declare, 'Never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things up.'
- Wish snowflakes could be that honest.

It's too massive, with too many devastating photos. It won't work
They are attempting to blame Trump for this.
Biden's people have even said that because the Taliban already controlled 90% of the country what was the big deal.
It's time to look at the 25th amendment for gross incompetence, and dereliction of duty for hiding from the Press.
I like how the GOP is scrubbing their websites right now.
Mainstream media slams Biden for betrayal of Afghans, 'series of mistakes'

Mainstream media slams Biden for betrayal of Afghans, 'series of mistakes'

Mainstream media crushes Biden for ‘flat-footed,’ ‘humiliating’ betrayal of Afghans as Taliban takes control

‘Saigon all over again’: Biden criticized as Taliban retakes power

Joe Biden’s credibility has been shredded in Afghanistan

'The US failure makes it much harder for Biden to push his core message that “America is back”. By contrast, it fits perfectly with two key messages pushed by the Chinese (and Russian) governments. First, that US power is in decline. Second, that American security guarantees cannot be relied upon.'

Once again the US is humiliated, depicted as weak, and in decline - aiding Xi/the CCP (and Russia) - thanks to the man who took MILLIONS from the CCP and Russia during his election camp[aign....(over a billion from the CCP)
Mainstream media slams Biden for betrayal of Afghans, 'series of mistakes''series of mistakes'

Mainstream media slams Biden for betrayal of Afghans, 'series of mistakes'

Mainstream media crushes Biden for ‘flat-footed,’ ‘humiliating’ betrayal of Afghans as Taliban takes control

‘Saigon all over again’: Biden criticized as Taliban retakes power

Joe Biden’s credibility has been shredded in Afghanistan

'The US failure makes it much harder for Biden to push his core message that “America is back”. By contrast, it fits perfectly with two key messages pushed by the Chinese (and Russian) governments. First, that US power is in decline. Second, that American security guarantees cannot be relied upon.'

Once again the US is humiliated, depicted as weak, and in decline - aiding Xi/the CCP (and Russia) - thanks to the man who took MILLIONS from the CCP and Russia during his election camp[aign....(over a billion from the CCP)

The media will now attempt to begin the long, long climb to gaining their credibility back.


Never. Not from me.

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