Biden leading in Wisconsin by 17 points!

17 points?

It's your upper lip.

They are too far up Dear Leader's butt. ;)

same polls that lied to you in 2016, enjoy your last few days on the forum, you leave next wednesday FOREVER.

I leave when the votes are counted smelly, slimy, scaly one. :)
You are just making Trumps win worse for need to just accept the fact that Joe will not fact he will do worse than the Hildabeast.....

Oh interesting. He's tripled Crooked Hill's lead in almost every swing states at this point so your prediction sucks. But keep telling yourself that everything will be fine. Another Rump "landslide" !!! :auiqs.jpg:
Your dear leaders love fucking with you... you're easier to control when you lap up their shit. And it plays well into your self-loathing.

Trump will win WI by 6. Book it.
Your dear leaders love fucking with you... you're easier to control when you lap up their shit. And it plays well into your self-loathing.

Trump will win WI by 6. Book it.

Money where mouth is. Loser leaves the board for eternity. May I book that? :)
Stop Socking that stupid ass bet SOCK...........

trying to see how many you can troll with that when you and your party don't have and ounce of honor.

How many socks do you have Grump...........lmao
Uncle Joe by THIRTY points among women? :omg:
Rump should have realized by now that his maskless Super-Spreader events are costing him VOTES.

A surge in coronavirus cases has damaged President Donald Trump's re-election campaign in Wisconsin, with growing criticism of his work on the pandemic and preference for former Vice President Joe Biden to handle it. Biden holds a slighter advantage in Michigan, with sizable leads among women, moderates and independents in ABC News/Washington Post polls in both states.​
Biden leads Trump by 57-40% among likely voters in Wisconsin, a state that's now reported to be third in the nation in per capita COVID-19 cases, with a 53% increase in average daily cases in the past two weeks, a record number of hospitalizations and a 112% jump in deaths. That compares with a closer 52-46% in mid-September.​

Ain't gonna matter:

nobody cares about Hunter Biden. Literally, Trumpublicans are the only ones interested in Rudy's latest ruse.

So which one is it? Nobody cares? Or "Trumpublicans" care? That's called contradicting yourself. I'm sure you won't understand this fact but if you get somebody with a brain & a coloring book, they can explain it you. Maybe
That poll is an outlier in 2016 RCP had Hillary leading by 6.5 today they have Biden leading by 7.8 factoring in the outlier poll remove that and he is probably leading by the same margin Hillary was in 2016 maybe less yet Trump won the state in 2016.
Oh interesting. He's tripled Crooked Hill's lead in almost every swing states at this point so your prediction sucks. But keep telling yourself that everything will be fine. Another Rump "landslide
You are looking at bad polls...just like in 2016 the polls are tight in every swing state.....but Joe leads Trump by less than Hillary did....and look what happened....the pollsters will need to revamp their system after this election....they should have done that after 2016....but they poll to try and affect the election not to give an accurate count and are going to be more hurt and confused on Nov 3rd if you do not look at all of the polls....No way Joe wins....not a chance....mark my words!!!!!
Uncle Joe by THIRTY points among women? :omg:
Rump should have realized by now that his maskless Super-Spreader events are costing him VOTES.

A surge in coronavirus cases has damaged President Donald Trump's re-election campaign in Wisconsin, with growing criticism of his work on the pandemic and preference for former Vice President Joe Biden to handle it. Biden holds a slighter advantage in Michigan, with sizable leads among women, moderates and independents in ABC News/Washington Post polls in both states.​
Biden leads Trump by 57-40% among likely voters in Wisconsin, a state that's now reported to be third in the nation in per capita COVID-19 cases, with a 53% increase in average daily cases in the past two weeks, a record number of hospitalizations and a 112% jump in deaths. That compares with a closer 52-46% in mid-September.​


He's up by 40 in Texas!
It's TRUE!
Fingering Frackless Quid Pro Joe will most likely win all 57 states by huge margins!
He's up by 40 in Texas!
It's TRUE!
Fingering Frackless Quid Pro Joe will most likely win all 57 states by huge margins!

Cool fantasy - Rock on! Texas: Trump vs Biden Real Clear (and this includes RASMUSSEN ;-)

RCP Average10/5 - 10/25----48.045.4Trump +2.6
NY Times/Siena*10/20 - 10/25802 LV3.84743Trump +4
Quinnipiac10/16 - 10/191145 LV2.94747Tie
University of Houston10/13 - 10/201000 LV3.15045Trump +5
Dallas Morning News*10/13 - 10/20925 LV3.24548Biden +3
Rasmussen Reports10/5 - 10/61000 LV3.05144Trump +7

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