Biden laid the Trap in Philly….Trump runs into it head first in Wilkes-Barre

So, lefties think Biden is smart enough to come up with a scheme like this? I don't....

No, the speech from Biden was exactly what it was, a divisive, dark call to pit American against American....sad.
Biden's speech has become the image of the Democrat's democracy.


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The Atlantic maybe nails it? Joe Biden’s speech wasn’t to rally Americans. It was to bait Trump into making this election about him and he took the bait. Remember he has lost every election since 2016.

Trump’s wacko speech this weekend was everything Biden was looking for to take eyes off of gas prices and inflation. Trump has no self control. He is an animal that responds to stimuli and Biden owns him.

Biden Laid the Trap. Trump Walked Into It.

For the 2022 election cycle, smart Republicans had a clear and simple plan: Don’t let the election be about Trump. Make it about gas prices, or crime, or the border, or race, or sex education, or anything—anything but Trump. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost control of the House in 2018. He lost the presidency in 2020. He lost both Senate seats in Georgia in 2021. Republicans had good reason to dread the havoc he’d create if he joined the fight in 2022.

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One of the purposes of Biden’s Philadelphia attack on Trump’s faction within the Republican Party was surely to goad Trump. It worked.

Yesterday, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Trump addressed a rally supposedly in support of Republican candidates in the state: Mehmet Oz for the Senate; the January 6 apologist Doug Mastriano for governor. This was not Trump’s first 2022 rally speech. He spoke in Arizona in July. But this one was different: so extreme, strident, and ugly—and so obviously provoked by Biden’s speech that this was what led local news: “Donald Trump Blasts Philadelphia, President Biden During Rally for Doug Mastriano, Dr. Oz in Wilkes-Barre.”

Trump spoke at length about the FBI search of his house for stolen government documents. He lashed out at the FBI, attacking the bureau and the Department of Justice as “vicious monsters.” He complained about the FBI searching his closets for stolen government documents, inadvertently reminding everyone that the FBI had actually found stolen government documents in his closet—and in his bathroom too. Trump called Biden an “enemy of the state.” He abused his party’s leader in the U.S. Senate as someone who “should be ashamed.” He claimed to have won the popular vote in the state of Pennsylvania, which, in fact, he lost by more than 80,000 votes.

The rally format allowed time for only brief remarks by the two candidates actually on the ballot, Oz and Mastriano. Its message was otherwise all Trump, Trump, Trump. A Republican vote is a Trump vote. A Republican vote is a vote to endorse lies about the 2020 presidential election.
You're lying of course. But what else is new.


Trump simply mentioned that the FBI and the Biden adm invaded his home....and mentioning it isn't falling into a trap.

But like everything else you folks on the left do....everything is a more and more of America can see it and will react accordingly.

What the Biden adm forgets is that doing this to an important political leader makes the possibility more real to his followers. Now everyone can imagine a bunch of Khaki-wearing Jackbooted Thugs invading our homes for no legal reason.
Trump spoke at length about the FBI search of his house for stolen government documents. He lashed out at the FBI, attacking the bureau and the Department of Justice as “vicious monsters.”
The FBI IS a vicious monster organization. It should be immediately disbanded as soon as Trump or DeSantis are president. It's only been around since the 1920s! It's not like the Holy Church, you know. There are several federal organizations that need to be disbanded, the FBI and Education are the first I can think of.

Can you take another shot at explaining what you think was Biden's motivation in doing his Hitler act in Phili? I am very interested in that --- (why oh why would he do and say such a thing??????!!!!!) but I'm not getting what you are meaning.
Man, just look at the optics of that.

Imagine being stupid enough to believe that would be a good thing...
Really, it's so truly awful --- Nuremberg Lite --- that I begin to wonder if maybe Biden IS going senile. Pols at that level are supposed to be better at politics than that! I never believed Biden to be senile before; he looks in pretty good shape to me. But darn, unless this Hitler act saying 74 million Americans are Enemies of the State has a POINT meant to help Dems (somehow), I start to wonder.

But his handlers didn't pick it up either? NOBODY thought the blood-red lighting and calling us all internal enemies was a problem? Does Biden not have speechwriters? Is no one EDITING these speeches. I wonder if Biden even read it over first.
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What the Biden adm forgets is that doing this to an important political leader makes the possibility more real to his followers. Now everyone can imagine a bunch of Khaki-wearing Jackbooted Thugs invading our homes for no legal reason.
Well said. And the long prison terms for people didn't do anything bad in the Capitol Jan. 6 ---- it's all so sad and scary. The Dems have become Stalinist.

I want the FBI disbanded. It is plain they are way, way too dangerous to all honest Americans.
At least that's what the Democrat Party thinks.....and it's up to the women in America to prove they were correct.

Or prove they are wrong.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah -----------------------------------

We ain't gotta prove nuffin to anyone.
Good question. But the evidence and facts show that the search was legal, with probable cause and inevitable, based on Trump's careless actions and lack of straightforwardness and honesty with the National Archives and doj/fbi.
Every justification the FBI claims for raiding Trump, they also had for raiding H. Clinton. See my sig for why they did not.
The FBI IS a vicious monster organization. It should be immediately disbanded as soon as Trump or DeSantis are president. It's only been around since the 1920s! It's not like the Holy Church, you know. There are several federal organizations that need to be disbanded, the FBI and Education are the first I can think of.

Can you take another shot at explaining what you think was Biden's motivation in doing his Hitler act in Phili? I am very interested in that --- (why oh why would he do and say such a thing??????!!!!!) but I'm not getting what you are meaning.
You’re on the defensive. I get it. Biden snared your boy. What ever momentum the republicans HAD with inflation and gas prices is dried up because Trump can’t keep his lid shut. Roe.. bam millions of votes…. Trump’s nonsense on election fraud.. bam, millions of votes. Biden isn’t Mr Mcgoo, he’s Detective Columbo… keep underestimating him while he puts you in jail for your illegal activities.
Actually, Trump has lost one election, and only one election.

When the GOP tkes the House and Senate in November, can we count on you to call out Biden for being such a loser?
Lost 2018 midterms
Lost 2020 elections White House and House
Lost 2021 senate with GA special election
Lost Lost Lost.

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