Ex-FBI adviser Phil Mudd: "I'm more concerned going to my home now than when I was chasing ISIS" Navy Vet: MAGA GOP more dangerous than enemies abroad


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald

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just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald

So whats he afraid of,,,,,,,he should be loved and protected by the likes of Comey and current deadbeat leaders
Makes sense since ISIS never did do anything to us. Yes, you are more likely to have something happen to you going home than ISIS doing something to you.

Did we really pay this guy?
any relation to Dr Sam Mudd?
stay on topic, Victor Hugo

  • Samuel Alexander Mudd Sr. (December 20, 1833 – January 10, 1883) was an American physician who was imprisoned for conspiring with John Wilkes Booth concerning the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Mudd worked as a doctor and tobacco farmer in Southern Maryland ."
Victor Hugo?
  • Samuel Alexander Mudd Sr. (December 20, 1833 – January 10, 1883) was an American physician who was imprisoned for conspiring with John Wilkes Booth concerning the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Mudd worked as a doctor and tobacco farmer in Southern Maryland ."
no relation. give it a rest
just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald

Is this one of those threads saying you're only allowed to publish addresses of Supreme Court Justices? This guy is a fricken wus.
just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald
Cannot understand your motivation for posting this thread. Unless you are like these two who actually believe the right is where the unhinged, angry violent forces have been manifesting. The last 8+ years has not sent the real message out? How screwed up and sick does the culture and the govt. have to be before we can make some conclusions?
just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald
These fucktards are coming out of the woodwork now that we're getting close to the election.

Who is this idiot? Never heard of him. Someone in the MSM seems to think he's important though.

Personally it warms my heart to see leftards in fear. That's where I want them. Better than feeling bold and empowered.
just for the record, this guy really hates Trump and has always made negative comments against The Donald

I get pretty disgusted when Veterans use that status to suggest they have some sort of magical insight into international affairs.

This guy served for eight years? Say, that's swell. I served for over 20. If someone's "Veteran" status equates to them having wisdom and insight, as this clown would want you to believe. then his wisdom and insight would pale against mine, and against anyone else who's retired military.

It's just opinion, yet there are those who will stupidly take it as gospel...
Maybe he should be put in protective custody - a nice federal prison perhaps - for his own safety?


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