Biden Is The Worst President In US History

Hey ruskie, try reading actual history before posting your fascist shit.
ThankYou Comrad otto105. Good idea, but the history you got is the cover stories and excuses of the high priests of war and their puppets and deluded followers.
Then you may have been living on a different planet prior to Nov. 2020. Trump was pushing for the vaccines to get approved at "Warp Speed" and boasting about pre ordering 2 x 100 million from Pfizer and Moderna even without an approval at hand, while the Democrats were bashing the vaccines and praying the approval doesn't come through prior to the elections, so that the economy remains suppressed. We all know what we saw and heard. Then Biden stepped in and fucked it all up in record time.
Not sure what reality that you’re claiming to represent. Democratic pols stated that they wanted the FDA to approve any vaccine thru normal process. That would create high public trust in it.

BTW which way is it, a good vaccine or a dangerous untested one?
Then you may have been living on a different planet prior to Nov. 2020. Trump was pushing for the vaccines to get approved at "Warp Speed" and boasting about pre ordering 2 x 100 million from Pfizer and Moderna even without an approval at hand, while the Democrats were bashing the vaccines and praying the approval doesn't come through prior to the elections, so that the economy remains suppressed. We all know what we saw and heard. Then Biden stepped in and fucked it all up in record time.
You mean the Biden economy which has produced more jobs than the previous one, higher markets and a 4.2% unemployment rate….
Good observation Mad_Jack_Flint.
Truman was a Talmudist, and for Him, Talmudically, He was a hero for killing so many Christians with only 2 bombs.
He deliberately, with malice aforethought kept the war going to he could nuke those 2 cities.
According to the protocols and Talmud, America is or was Edom's weapon against anyone in the world that opposes them. Roosevelt, set up the Pearl Harbor event, and even though He was part of Edom's game, they bumped him off later after using Him so as to utilize that Truman guy who was more vicious than Roosevelt.
Good observation Mad_Jack_Flint.
Truman was a Talmudist, and for Him, Talmudically, He was a hero for killing so many Christians with only 2 bombs.
He deliberately, with malice aforethought kept the war going to he could nuke those 2 cities.
According to the protocols and Talmud, America is or was Edom's weapon against anyone in the world that opposes them. Roosevelt, set up the Pearl Harbor event, and even though He was part of Edom's game, they bumped him off later after using Him so as to utilize that Truman guy who was more vicious than Roosevelt.
Russian boi, WTF.

Please post like an adult.
Not sure what reality that you’re claiming to represent. Democratic pols stated that they wanted the FDA to approve any vaccine thru normal process. That would create high public trust in it.

BTW which way is it, a good vaccine or a dangerous untested one?
Eh take a hike, hack, Biden pushed for boosters for adults and vaccines for kids before the CDC / FDA gave the go ahead.
Eh take a hike, hack, Biden pushed for boosters for adults and vaccines for kids before the CDC / FDA gave the go ahead.
Yes, President Biden said adults and should get the shot pending CDC/FDA approval. Just like Democrats did last year under the former president.
While folks are arguing about which president is better or worse, the same old evil continues.
Here's one under color of the Biden regime:
The US military covered up a deadly attack on Syrian civilians that killed as many as 80 people, claiming that women and children could have been terrorist fighters, according to a New York Times investigation.
On March 18, 2019, a US F-15E fighter jet dropped a bomb on “a large crowd of women and children huddled against a river bank” near the town of Baghuz and then proceeded to drop several more, killing survivors, according to a New York Times report published on Saturday.
Amazing for New York times to reveal something like that.
At nearly every step, the military made moves that concealed the catastrophic strike,” the report alleged, claiming that “the death toll was downplayed,” reports were “delayed, sanitized and classified,” the blast site was bulldozed, and “top leaders were not notified,” in an effort to keep what happened firmly under wraps.
US Central Command admitted that the strike killed 80 people – of which only 16 were alleged Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists – after being approached for comment by the newspaper, and Central Command bizarrely attempted to justify the rest of the deaths by claiming that the women and children could also have been terrorists.
According to the report, after Central Command identified 16 alleged fighters and 4 civilians killed in the strike, it said that it “was not clear” that the 60 other casualties were civilians, “in part because women and children in the Islamic State sometimes took up arms.”

The strike would be one of the Pentagon’s worst civilian casualty events in Syria, if 64 civilian deaths were officially acknowledged, but even the Times admitted that civilian deaths in US strikes are often “undercounted even in classified reports” – hinting that the true number of casualties could be even higher.
With memories still fresh of a US drone strike in Kabul that killed an aid worker and seven children – but not a single ISIS terrorist – also first unveiled by the NYT, the new revelation shocked readers in the US and around the world, who called for action over what many called a war crime.

“How do you even get around a defense like you don't know for certain that those babies weren't ISIS fighters?” journalist Caitlin Johnstone questioned, while Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) director Daniel Mahanty tweeted, “This is nothing short of criminal conspiracy. They bulldozed the strike site and manipulated logs. Who is going to jail for this?”

A former spokesperson for President Barack Obama, Tommy Vietor, called on the Department of Defense to release all information related to the attack, describing it as a “truly horrifying story.” As if Obama didn't oversee the same sort of slaughter.

The shit head USA is still bombing Syria to this day.
USA started the terrorist war on Syria and has kept it going in order to create Greater Khazaria for Lord Esau and his fake Israel invaders now controlling Palestine.



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While folks are arguing about which president is better or worse, the same old evil continues.
Here's one under color of the Biden regime:
The US military covered up a deadly attack on Syrian civilians that killed as many as 80 people, claiming that women and children could have been terrorist fighters, according to a New York Times investigation.
On March 18, 2019, a US F-15E fighter jet dropped a bomb on “a large crowd of women and children huddled against a river bank” near the town of Baghuz and then proceeded to drop several more, killing survivors, according to a New York Times report published on Saturday.
Amazing for New York times to reveal something like that.
At nearly every step, the military made moves that concealed the catastrophic strike,” the report alleged, claiming that “the death toll was downplayed,” reports were “delayed, sanitized and classified,” the blast site was bulldozed, and “top leaders were not notified,” in an effort to keep what happened firmly under wraps.
US Central Command admitted that the strike killed 80 people – of which only 16 were alleged Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists – after being approached for comment by the newspaper, and Central Command bizarrely attempted to justify the rest of the deaths by claiming that the women and children could also have been terrorists.
According to the report, after Central Command identified 16 alleged fighters and 4 civilians killed in the strike, it said that it “was not clear” that the 60 other casualties were civilians, “in part because women and children in the Islamic State sometimes took up arms.”

The strike would be one of the Pentagon’s worst civilian casualty events in Syria, if 64 civilian deaths were officially acknowledged, but even the Times admitted that civilian deaths in US strikes are often “undercounted even in classified reports” – hinting that the true number of casualties could be even higher.
With memories still fresh of a US drone strike in Kabul that killed an aid worker and seven children – but not a single ISIS terrorist – also first unveiled by the NYT, the new revelation shocked readers in the US and around the world, who called for action over what many called a war crime.

“How do you even get around a defense like you don't know for certain that those babies weren't ISIS fighters?” journalist Caitlin Johnstone questioned, while Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) director Daniel Mahanty tweeted, “This is nothing short of criminal conspiracy. They bulldozed the strike site and manipulated logs. Who is going to jail for this?”

A former spokesperson for President Barack Obama, Tommy Vietor, called on the Department of Defense to release all information related to the attack, describing it as a “truly horrifying story.” As if Obama didn't oversee the same sort of slaughter.

The shit head USA is still bombing Syria to this day.
USA started the terrorist war on Syria and has kept it going in order to create Greater Khazaria for Lord Esau and his fake Israel invaders now controlling Palestine.
Ruskie, that was under the former president.

The orange fat guy.

The more that you know….
I beat you to the punch, otto. I had corrected that mistake before thou caught it.
Yes that stuff was under comrad Trump.
Republicans are entirely disingenuous. You have zero credibility evaluating the direction of the country. All you care about is who is President. Here is proof:

-Republicans held onto the idea of the economy is fundamentally strong even through the Bush implosion until we were well into the worst recession ever.
-Under Obama they never gave credit to an improving economy and then overnight loved the economy Trumps election. He didn’t even have to get into office:


Now, after the economy started rapidly improving in 2021 with vaccinated consumers shopping, stimulus in place, demand opening up the Republicans refuse to see reality, instead, they continue to throw a fit about losing the election and focus on the side effects of a massively recovering economy.

Republicans are entirely disingenuous. You have zero credibility evaluating the direction of the country. All you care about is who is President. Here is proof:

-Republicans held onto the idea of the economy is fundamentally strong even through the Bush implosion until we were well into the worst recession ever.
-Under Obama they never gave credit to an improving economy and then overnight loved the economy Trumps election. He didn’t even have to get into office:

View attachment 576686

Now, after the economy started rapidly improving in 2021 with vaccinated consumers shopping, stimulus in place, demand opening up the Republicans refuse to see reality, instead, they continue to throw a fit about losing the election and focus on the side effects of a massively recovering economy.

View attachment 576689
You sanitize what you want to. The economy was going to improve no matter who was elected in 2008. It is the percentage of GDP increases that could be argued. The economy of W. was affected by the downturn of the stock market when Clinton was President in the spring of 2000.
You sanitize what you want to. The economy was going to improve no matter who was elected in 2008. It is the percentage of GDP increases that could be argued. The economy of W. was affected by the downturn of the stock market when Clinton was President in the spring of 2000.
We are talking about attitudes as to whether we are getting better or worse. Republicans have 30 years of thinking the economy is awesome under Republican presidents with bad economic numbers and they think the economy sucks under Democrats with rising economic indicators.

Democrats attitudes track with the fucking economy not with the party in the White House.

Joe Biden is officially the worst president in United States History.
You really have to be dishonest to find anything good about what he has done so far.
Biden has figured out a way to be worse than the worst president in the last 100 years.....Jimmy Carter. It's debatable who is worse....Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter....but with Biden...there is no debate.

At least with Carter you got the impression that he was actually attempting to deal with problems. You cannot get that impression with Biden. He refuses to admit that the border is a problem. Hasn't even been there because he says he's too busy.

Hasn't done a thing to deal with the backlog in the supply chain because...well....he's just too busy worrying about vaccine mandates and angry parents at school board meetings who he feels are threatening national security.

He's too busy doing his own thing and not making good on his threat to punish those who were responsible for the deaths of 13 US service members in Afghanistan.

Biden's favorability is sinking like the CNN felt the need to bail him out last night, but failed miserably. All they did was show us a weak president who needs help from Anderson Cooper to remember details. Clearly Biden doesn't spend alot of time on his own thinking for himself.

Perhaps the left wants everyone to get the impression that somebody is asleep at the wheel. Why? Because it only makes China look more impressive to our kids....who they are trying to change into communists rather than free-thinkers.

Freedom to kill you?????

What a friggen idiot.


What's official about your opinion and that of other right wing haters.
Republicans are entirely disingenuous. You have zero credibility evaluating the direction of the country. All you care about is who is President. Here is proof:

-Republicans held onto the idea of the economy is fundamentally strong even through the Bush implosion until we were well into the worst recession ever.
-Under Obama they never gave credit to an improving economy and then overnight loved the economy Trumps election. He didn’t even have to get into office:

View attachment 576686

Now, after the economy started rapidly improving in 2021 with vaccinated consumers shopping, stimulus in place, demand opening up the Republicans refuse to see reality, instead, they continue to throw a fit about losing the election and focus on the side effects of a massively recovering economy.

View attachment 576689
"Facts over feelings bro"
We are talking about attitudes as to whether we are getting better or worse. Republicans have 30 years of thinking the economy is awesome under Republican presidents with bad economic numbers and they think the economy sucks under Democrats with rising economic indicators.

Democrats attitudes track with the fucking economy not with the party in the White House.
If we live like it is party time, then we get the results from it.

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