Biden is eviscerating Trump - Live!

It is wonderful to hear a real president. A real leader who is not a lowlife con man. A low life con man who has nothing but disdain for those that serve our country.

This is what Donnie would be doing had it not been for inheriting half a billion from Daddy Fred - Sad :(

i wouldnt buy one from biden either.....
Good Job, Joe. Tell the world just want a pathetic president Trump is.

Biden lists the problems caused by the lockdown. Then says they aren't caused by the lockdown. Biden looks old and defeated. He is clinging to Democrat lies. Like all democrats.
LOL.. Biden is hellava lot more coherent that Trump is.
Hmmmm you must think alike. Both enemies.
LOL.. coming from someone who routinely posts they would rather support a take over of this country by Putin than vote for a Democrat. Screw you, Quisling.
I'm watching it, he was asked about China and Russia being a threat and he brought up Putin. I have yet to hear him speak negatively about China and I listen like a hawk whenever I catch these.

Covid-19 came from China and that's the "nice side" of what the communists have planned for the West.
Do you see the fascists toe sucking at Bidens grotesque feet, they claim here is a real president, a great and honorable man. Yet Biden, a psychopath, used the death of his first wife and daughter as a prop to get himself reelected, in one of the most, if not the most nakedly political exploitation of what was supposed to be a personal tragedy in modern US history, that is the honorable and great man the intellectually aborted extol virtues of??? And just in case you missed that naked example of psychopathology from 30 plus years ago, Biden is today, running exactly the same ads, wherein he is hoisting up the dead corpses of his family as motivation for you to vote for him, he's doing exactly what the media covered up for him all those years ago, today, using his dead family to garner your sympathy and your votes.... Yeah, that is a great man. :rolleyes:
Glad to see him speak about jobs. Would be nice to talk about the great success Obama had in providing so many jobs for China and Mexico.

I'd also like to hear him weigh in on Taiwan as he has with Kosovo.

These are the policies to me, as a Canadian who knows that if America fails, we are going down rapidly. Even though many of the low performers in Canada THINK they know who would be best for Canada.
It is wonderful to hear a real president. A real leader who is not a lowlife con man. A low life con man who has nothing but disdain for those that serve our country.
Tell it like it is, Joe!

Don't know where you think you are, but Biden isn't a real president.

He ain't even a pretend president.

And he don't play one on tv, either.

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