Biden Is Doing His Job Well....Totally Screwing Everything Up....George Soros And The Chicoms Must Be Doing Cartwheels


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Biden has done the following since being sworn in:

  • Totally screwed up a manageable situation at the border....and proceeded to blame his screwups on Trump
  • Is now paying illegals to stay in their own countries....because even he has to admit how bad it's become
  • Started signing EOs that do nothing to fight gun violence...but it is causing gun sales to sky-rocket
  • Started a commission to explore ways to stack the Supreme Court
  • Is urging Congress to end the filibuster....a move that he will regret if the shoe is ever on the other foot
  • Refuses to allow the country to open back up...even though he knows he's damaging our economy tremendously
“My Democrat friends decry the last president for weakening our institutions with his words and behavior but they now cheer the effort to pack the Supreme Court and end the Senate filibuster, which would forever diminish institutions at our Republic’s foundation,” Romney wrote on Twitter.

The easy description of what Biden is up to, assuming he’s really calling the shots, is that he is simply the anti-Trump president. Whatever Trump did, Biden will undo it.

While that approach tugs at the heartstrings of the hate-Trumpers, it’s hardly a path to success.

Instead, it’s more like a child throwing a tantrum and breaking all his favorite toys. What’s he going to play with tomorrow?

Tomorrow has arrived, and how well Biden’s approach is working can best be seen at the border. The chaos in the migrant facilities overflowing with minors is mirrored in chaos at the White House."

George Soros again., damn, you racist anti-semites are sure worked up about George today. Wonder what wingnut website you've all been watching, as someone has done a story on him, and you all start shrieking the same thing, like you always do.
George Soros again., damn, you racist anti-semites are sure worked up about George today. Wonder what wingnut website you've all been watching, as someone has done a story on him, and you all start shrieking the same thing, like you always do.
Racist anti-semites?
Right now I'm wearing Bar Mitzvah bands on one wrist and "God Is One" in Hebrew on the other.
Blow me.
George Soros again., damn, you racist anti-semites are sure worked up about George today. Wonder what wingnut website you've all been watching, as someone has done a story on him, and you all start shrieking the same thing, like you always do.

Wake up dude. Soros is a non-practicing Jew and is an admitted anti-Semite himself. Don't be tagging people with false labels. FYI, because he is rich, he gets away with his evil shit that would get other people jailed for life or murdered, which he deserves.
George Soros again., damn, you racist anti-semites are sure worked up about George today. Wonder what wingnut website you've all been watching, as someone has done a story on him, and you all start shrieking the same thing, like you always do.
George Soros is a self-indulgent piece of shit.
Soros works for Satan. One particular Jew have done this before. I think his name was Judas.
The Chicoms and Russkies smell weakness in Joe Dufus and his pathetic Queer/Affirmative Action/Woke/Transsexual military.

They are getting ready to eat our lunch. Doesn't the Ukraine own the Biden family? We know China does. Russia is expecting to get something for the millions that the Mayor of Moscow handed over to the Biden bagboy.

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay out of Ukraine, Taiwan

On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

US hegemony is over, it's just a matter of time for world policies to catch up.

It's about to be bumpy.

What is Joe Dufus going to do, hire Cornpop to get the Russians and Chicoms in line?
Don't worry the Joe Dufus administration has a professional to sell out America:

The Chicoms and Russkies smell weakness in Joe Dufus and his pathetic Queer/Affirmative Action/Woke/Transsexual military.

They are getting ready to eat our lunch. Doesn't the Ukraine own the Biden family?

We know Putin owned Trump, and we know that if war broke out between the United States and Russia, you'd cheer for Russia to win.

Fucking treasonous scumbag.
The Chicoms and Russkies smell weakness in Joe Dufus and his pathetic Queer/Affirmative Action/Woke/Transsexual military.

They are getting ready to eat our lunch. Doesn't the Ukraine own the Biden family?

We know Putin owned Trump, and we know that if war broke out between the United States and Russia, you'd cheer for Russia to win.

Fucking treasonous scumbag.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What we do know is that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department, with the help of the DC Swamp, created a false dossier on Trump and that was despicable. Democrats always lie.

We know that Joe Dufus received money, lots of money, form the Ukraine, Russian and Chinese. it is pretty well documented. Hell, even Joe Dufus admitted his bag boy Hunter was getting money from foreigners. That is a fact.

Now we are going to get our lunch ate by foreign interests just like we did when the worthless Negro was President, but only worse.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus knowing that he was owned by foreign interest is a fucking idiot, wouldn't you agree?
The Chicoms and Russkies smell weakness in Joe Dufus and his pathetic Queer/Affirmative Action/Woke/Transsexual military.

They are getting ready to eat our lunch. Doesn't the Ukraine own the Biden family?

We know Putin owned Trump, and we know that if war broke out between the United States and Russia, you'd cheer for Russia to win.

Fucking treasonous scumbag.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What we do know is that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department, with the help of the DC Swamp, created a false dossier on Trump and that was despicable. Democrats always lie.

We know that Joe Dufus received money, lots of money, form the Ukraine, Russian and Chinese. it is pretty well documented. Hell, even Joe Dufus admitted his bag boy Hunter was getting money from foreigners. That is a fact.

Now we are going to get our lunch ate by foreign interests just like we did when the worthless Negro was President, but only worse.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus knowing that he was owned by foreign interest is a fucking idiot, wouldn't you agree?
Amen to that.clueless got schooled.
Biden has done the following since being sworn in:

  • Totally screwed up a manageable situation at the border....and proceeded to blame his screwups on Trump
  • Is now paying illegals to stay in their own countries....because even he has to admit how bad it's become
  • Started signing EOs that do nothing to fight gun violence...but it is causing gun sales to sky-rocket
  • Started a commission to explore ways to stack the Supreme Court
  • Is urging Congress to end the filibuster....a move that he will regret if the shoe is ever on the other foot
  • Refuses to allow the country to open back up...even though he knows he's damaging our economy tremendously
“My Democrat friends decry the last president for weakening our institutions with his words and behavior but they now cheer the effort to pack the Supreme Court and end the Senate filibuster, which would forever diminish institutions at our Republic’s foundation,” Romney wrote on Twitter.

The easy description of what Biden is up to, assuming he’s really calling the shots, is that he is simply the anti-Trump president. Whatever Trump did, Biden will undo it.

While that approach tugs at the heartstrings of the hate-Trumpers, it’s hardly a path to success.

Instead, it’s more like a child throwing a tantrum and breaking all his favorite toys. What’s he going to play with tomorrow?

Tomorrow has arrived, and how well Biden’s approach is working can best be seen at the border. The chaos in the migrant facilities overflowing with minors is mirrored in chaos at the White House."

This is 100 percent by design
They want to obliterate American into Europe
Biden has done the following since being sworn in:

  • Totally screwed up a manageable situation at the border....and proceeded to blame his screwups on Trump
  • Is now paying illegals to stay in their own countries....because even he has to admit how bad it's become
  • Started signing EOs that do nothing to fight gun violence...but it is causing gun sales to sky-rocket
  • Started a commission to explore ways to stack the Supreme Court
  • Is urging Congress to end the filibuster....a move that he will regret if the shoe is ever on the other foot
  • Refuses to allow the country to open back up...even though he knows he's damaging our economy tremendously
“My Democrat friends decry the last president for weakening our institutions with his words and behavior but they now cheer the effort to pack the Supreme Court and end the Senate filibuster, which would forever diminish institutions at our Republic’s foundation,” Romney wrote on Twitter.

The easy description of what Biden is up to, assuming he’s really calling the shots, is that he is simply the anti-Trump president. Whatever Trump did, Biden will undo it.

While that approach tugs at the heartstrings of the hate-Trumpers, it’s hardly a path to success.

Instead, it’s more like a child throwing a tantrum and breaking all his favorite toys. What’s he going to play with tomorrow?

Tomorrow has arrived, and how well Biden’s approach is working can best be seen at the border. The chaos in the migrant facilities overflowing with minors is mirrored in chaos at the White House."

And yet his approval rating is higher than Trump's ever got..go figure huh..

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