Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

Hunter gave his dad 10 percent of the purchase price..that was rhe point…he’s influence is what they buying duh

He did?
Got a receipt?

What did Biden do in return?
Show me an Executive Order

You guys spout about influence peddling but you can’t show any money or actual influence
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

Exposing yet another lie akin to Obama's "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" said again and again and again when it was a bald faced lie.

Likewise Biden said over and over and over and over again that no one earning less than $400k would pay a penny more in taxes.

What reason other than getting tax revenue is there for having the IRS investigate some of the mostly lower income people who depend on tips for most of their income? Or putting a huge burden of record keeping on those people who receive much of their income in tips?

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He did?
Got a receipt?

What did Biden do in return?
Show me an Executive Order

You guys spout about influence peddling but you can’t show any money or actual influence
no there was no “receiptsl” haha

he let the. do things like openly spy on the united states with a balloon.
Exposing yet another lie akin to Obama's "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" said again and again and again when it was a bald faced lie.

You guys keep repeating that one

Lets get the real story
Republicans were spreading the lie that everyone was going to have to give up their doctor and insurance and take Obamacare

Obama replied if you like your insurance, you can keep it.
98 percent of Americans did
You guys keep repeating that one

Lets get the real story
Republicans were spreading the lie that everyone was going to have to give up their doctor and insurance and take Obamacare

Obama replied if you like your insurance, you can keep it.
98 percent of Americans did
obama said if you like your healthcare you can keep it…it was the 2013 lie of the year
obama said if you like your healthcare you can keep it…it was the 2013 lie of the year

Actually, over 98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The actual lies of the year came from Republicans

Everyone was going to have to take Obamacare
Death Panels
Socialist Takeover
Actually, over 98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare

The actual lies of the year came from Republicans

Everyone was going to have to take Obamacare
Death Panels
Socialist Takeover
nope Politicofact rated that obama lie the lie of the year in 2013

paul kaygman admitted the death panels were real and necessary

i agree it wasn’t a socialist takeover…more of a fascist attempt
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You guys keep repeating that one

Lets get the real story
Republicans were spreading the lie that everyone was going to have to give up their doctor and insurance and take Obamacare

Obama replied if you like your insurance, you can keep it.
98 percent of Americans did
Depending on whose figures you cherry pick. In my own experience at least a fourth of my friends, relatives, associates had to change insurance because their current policies didn't meet ACA standards. Our own insurance company had to make a lot of changes most of which were not beneficial to me or our family.

We lost our personal physicians, Hombre (my husband) lost his cancer doctor due to insurance changes driving them away. Our deductibles and copays increased enormously which was a burden as we are on a fairly low fixed income.

So spare me the virtues of the ACA please and don't try to defend Obama on that one. Even he finally had to apologize for misleading people when the evidence became overwhelming and he was being legitimately strongly criticized for the lies. Our out of pocket medical costs have easily doubled due to the ACA.

And I suspect poorer Americans who bought into Biden's lies that only the very rich would see higher taxes are in for just as rude an awakening.
Depending on whose figures you cherry pick. In my own experience at least a fourth of my friends, relatives, associates had to change insurance because their current policies didn't meet ACA standards. Our own insurance company had to make a lot of changes most of which were not beneficial to me or our family.

We lost our personal physicians, Hombre (my husband) lost his cancer doctor due to insurance changes driving them away. Our deductibles and copays increased enormously which was a burden as we are on a fairly low fixed income.

So spare me the virtues of the ACA please and don't try to defend Obama on that one. Even he finally had to apologize for misleading people when the evidence became overwhelming and he was being legitimately strongly criticized for the lies. Our out of pocket medical costs have easily doubled.

5 million Americans lost their healthcare, out of 330 million people
5 million Americans lost their healthcare, out of 330 million people
I'm not talking about 'losing healthcare.' I'm talking about people being able to keep their healthcare plans that they liked. Keeping their doctors that they liked.

Try to keep up okay?

And now millions of Americans are likely to see their taxes go up after they voted for Biden at least partly on the promise that he would not raise their taxes. But many won't blame Biden because he and the Dem propaganda machine MSM will blame it on Trump and/or the Republicans.
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You guys keep repeating that one

Lets get the real story
Republicans were spreading the lie that everyone was going to have to give up their doctor and insurance and take Obamacare

Obama replied if you like your insurance, you can keep it.
98 percent of Americans did

It was still a lie. My employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started because his insurance rates went through the roof. When I went to Commie Care, the plans were ridiculously priced, 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental or eye care, $50.00 doctor copay.

Until this day I dare you to find a plan that covers my doctors and provider, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. Only one company (Mederna) offers any plans, and they want a separate policy for each division of the facility. Guess what? Not many people can afford seven different healthcare plans, and nobody has a crystal ball to see what services they will need in the future.

I had employer sponsored coverage all of my life until that Kenyan lawn jockey Fd things up for me.
It was still a lie. My employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started because his insurance rates went through the roof. When I went to Commie Care, the plans were ridiculously priced, 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental or eye care, $50.00 doctor copay.

Until this day I dare you to find a plan that covers my doctors and provider, the world famous Cleveland Clinic. Only one company (Mederna) offers any plans, and they want a separate policy for each division of the facility. Guess what? Not many people can afford seven different healthcare plans, and nobody has a crystal ball to see what services they will need in the future.

I had employer sponsored coverage all of my life until that Kenyan lawn jockey Fd things up for me.
You keep bringing that up
Your employer was a cheap SOB and screwed you on health insurance

Then he convinced you to blame Obama

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