Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

What a bunch of assholes biden and his gang of IRS thieves are

Now the wait staff will have to hire expensive accountants to set up tax shelters which means no vacation to Hawaii or the Rivera this year
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

At least waiters and waitresses have a real job. The ones who are really going to get hurt are all those old people on fixed incomes, who decide to sell off some of their stuff on Ebay, just so they can afford their prescriptions.

So you sold over $600 worth of stuff in 2023? 1099-k for you.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

Shiiiiiit.....I cheated like a mofo when I was a bartender and so did everyone else.
It was easy to make $800 bucks for the weekend and that was in 85.
You could pay the rent and the electric bill for two days of work.
And pay for your car note and insurance in one day the following weekend.
I was 20 and rolling in the cash!
I finally gave it up because all you did was go to another bar on your days off and drink for free and you did the same for other bartenders.
You kinda lose touch with the real world after awhile.
My mother was a waitress at Denny's when this first started in the 80's. She only worked part-time. The law was tips must be claimed whether the waitress made tips or not, and you wouldn't believe how many waitresses don't get tipped or tipped very little.

The manager decided the only fair way to do it was all waitresses turn in their tips and be divided evenly. That drew outrage from the good experienced waitresses that usually made the most tips. The busboys were not happy either as waitresses often tip the busboys doing their tables. It was a complete mess.

Finally their tax guy told my mother that after all is said and done, she would be better off quitting the job because those claimed tips with my fathers income was breaking even and she was basically working for free. She liked the job but what was the sense?

Now they are only going to make it worse. Service jobs are the most unfilled in our country and now they want to chase more workers out of it. Thanks Democrats for supporting American workers.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

so how is this going to turn out to be total garbage propaganda?
The IRS will monitor employer compliance based on actual annual tip revenue. I'm sure they'll stop there. How fricken stupid can you be.

She also probably believes these additional IRS agents were going to be hired to go after the rich people. Well...... if we need the rich to get more audits, why are they messing around with Sally at some coffee shop getting spare change from customers? Why not shift those current IRS agents to those wealthy people now and leave the little people alone?

Who wants a job that not only doesn't pay very well, but may end you up in some IRS office trying to defend what you honestly made?
Do people realize how long it takes to understand the ins and out of tax law? your 87,000 newbies prolly only know basic tax law......
Of course that 87,000 includes all the new IRS agents for the next 10 years, and all the other stuff you know about it is also crap. But they will go after the rich instead of going after the poor like the Republicans have, super dupe.

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