CDZ Biden Inauguration Crowd Smaller Than Trump's Departure Crowd!

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Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
I have no source and some similar discussion is alrady happening on the other section of this forum, but for those of us that shun the spamming and ridiculous behaviour of that section, perhaps we can have a discussion here.

Does anyone have a link to the Trump sendoff ceremony? And maybe some information of how many Magas were there?
What does it matter?
Both men matter to a lot of people and so I would like to see Trump's sendoff.

And the other discussion on the open politics section is outrageous with it's profanity and vicious insluts from both sides. Can we just have a normal discussion here with everybody abiding by the rules?
What does it matter?
Both men matter to a lot of people and so I would like to see Trump's sendoff.

And the other discussion on the open politics section is outrageous with it's profanity and vicious insluts from both sides. Can we just have a normal discussion here with everybody abiding by the rules?
Why is it so important to have a big crowd during a pandemic to see a politician is it bragging rights, another ha-ha moment for time immemorial?
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That's because Trump doesn't give a damn about COVID spreading. Biden does which is why a virtual inauguration was decided on. Of course true to form, Trumptards spun that into..our guy had a bigger crowd so there...
You want to have a superspreader event? Like the ones the last guy used to hold?
When are you guys gonna get it through your head. Crowd size..doesn't matter. :)
They only invited flags to attend joe dementias inauguration...didn't you see them all?
If you were asking me, then no, I didn't see the flags.
But it's Trump's sendoff that I said I was interested in seeing.
Did Trump get his 21 gun salute?
I have no source and some similar discussion is alrady happening on the other section of this forum, but for those of us that shun the spamming and ridiculous behaviour of that section, perhaps we can have a discussion here.

Does anyone have a link to the Trump sendoff ceremony? And maybe some information of how many Magas were there?

Neither inaugurations nor sore-loser departures are selling anything, so how the fuck many showed up is irrelevant. The events happened, period.
That's because Trump doesn't give a damn about COVID spreading. Biden does which is why a virtual inauguration was decided on. Of course true to form, Trumptards spun that into..our guy had a bigger crowd so there...

Cultists don't seem to grasp this simple fact --- If a grocery store limits itself to, say, fifty people at a time due to COVID concerns ----- that in no way means that only fifty people care to go to that grocery store. It's mind-boggling that they can't figure that out.
That's because Trump doesn't give a damn about COVID spreading. Biden does which is why a virtual inauguration was decided on. Of course true to form, Trumptards spun that into..our guy had a bigger crowd so there...
Not too swift, but who's surprised?
Doesn't anyone have a link for Trump's departure ceremony?

If this thread is only going to result in stoking everybody's hard feeling then the mods might just as well take it down.

Americans please!
They only invited flags to attend joe dementias inauguration...didn't you see them all?
If you were asking me, then no, I didn't see the flags.
But it's Trump's sendoff that I said I was interested in seeing.
Did Trump get his 21 gun salute?
Yes, he did. And they played Hail to the Chief. But they wouldn't give him the traditional farewell ceremony. He had to make his remarks on the tarmac. And yesterday, while the Military Band was practicing, they played "Hit the Road Jack" as they passed the White House.
Enough said.
They wore masks and security was beefed up because of Trumps departure rally. So the crowd size reflects the optics of the current environment of the US. Biden did not want a large crowd. He does not need to brag about the size of the crowd. IF he is going to take on COIVID on day one then he doesn't need the distraction of there were too many people there.
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