Biden impeachment likely if Republicans regain House in 2022

LOL, it's hilarious that YOU say that of all people. No one sounds more like they are in a cult than you.

Seriously, google the definition of cult, then read your own posts. Yeah, Cowboy, Democrats are pure good, they fart strawberries and kiss babies and help little old ladies across streets. Republicans are evil and mean and kill winos in back alleys.

And YOU call anyone else a "cultist?" That's classic
Like so many other tards, you are suffering from a severe case of a false dichotomy typical in simple minds.

You ASSUME, like an idiot, that since I don't like Trump I must support Biden and the Democrats.

As for cults, yes, the Trump cult fits the definition of one perfectly. The leader can do no wrong.

  • The leader is the ultimate authority.
  • The group suppresses skepticism.
  • The group delegitimizes former members.
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world.
  • The group relies on shame cycles.
  • The leader is above the law.
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods.
You did not even open the thread, it goes far deeper than government contractor pay.

But hey, just keep sitting there with your head up your ass pretending I never say anything bad about the Dems, it suits you

LOL, what a tool you are. Sure, I was giving you a super power and I have to do whatever you say. LOL, you're a hoot, Speed Racer.

So let's recap. Do you have any links of your disagreeing with Democrats that don't start with contractors make $15 an hour? Oh, but you promise it gets more interesting, LOL
Like so many other tards, you are suffering from a severe case of a false dichotomy typical in simple minds.

You ASSUME, like an idiot, that since I don't like Trump I must support Biden and the Democrats.

As for cults, yes, the Trump cult fits the definition of one perfectly. The leader can do no wrong.

  • The leader is the ultimate authority.
  • The group suppresses skepticism.
  • The group delegitimizes former members.
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world.
  • The group relies on shame cycles.
  • The leader is above the law.
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods.

Your choice to do nothing but defend Democrats and attack Republicans speaks for itself. What a jackass
Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."

The gallows is quicker!!
Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."
Republican, the party that says, “Ridiculous? Let’s double down!”
The standard, shallow, binary thought process. If you don't obediently bend over for the orange high hard one, you must be a commie. They just assume that everyone ELSE is a sheep, TOO.

Boring as hell.
TARD: Biden blew up the moon!

SKEPTIC: Hey, retard. Look out the window.

TARD: Why do you love Biden you fucking commie?!?!?
Your choice to do nothing but defend Democrats and attack Republicans speaks for itself. What a jackass
You should really ask yourself what it means when you associate debunking the bullshit you tards manufacture by the truckload with support for Biden.

TARD: Biden blew up the moon!

SKEPTIC: Hey, retard. Look out the window.

TARD: Why do you love Biden you commie?!?!?
You should really ask yourself what it means when you associate debunking the bullshit you tards manufacture by the truckload with support for Biden.

TARD: Biden blew up the moon!

SKEPTIC: Hey, retard. Look out the window.

TARD: Why do you love Biden you commie?!?!?

You haven't debunked shit. What a great example of my point you can't even tell the difference between a "Trumpist" and someone who voted for Trump as the best option since Biden blows and no one else can win.

You're such an ass wipe. Sure, Sport. To vote for Trump, you have to be a devote who loves him and can't live without him. Voting for Biden according to you just means you don't like Trump. You can deny it, but you would just look even more clueless since you did this .. in this post ...
Agreed. Republicans took the first blow to end the filibuster. Democrats the second (and third). It's time to end it (in a meaningful way).

I figure Republicans could impeach Biden based on the time maybe five times. They should do that
What an utter waste.
You haven't debunked shit. What a great example of my point you can't even tell the difference between a "Trumpist" and someone who voted for Trump as the best option since Biden blows and no one else can win.

You're such an ass wipe. Sure, Sport. To vote for Trump, you have to be a devote who loves him and can't live without him. Voting for Biden according to you just means you don't like Trump. You can deny it, but you would just look even more clueless since you did this .. in this post ...
I totally get that. I voted for Biden because Trump blows and Biden had the best chance of beating Trump.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
You impeached Trump twice for things that Democrats did.

Pure horseshit.

A Democrat did not illegally extort foreign government to investigate oppostion, TRUMP DID, Repbulicans admited that substance of charges against him during trial.

A Democrat also did not instigate an attack on Congress with shameless lies and attempts to overturn election result. TRUMP DID and he got his ass impeached again, with ten Republicans voting in favor.

Biden has done nothing of the sort and I honesly don't know how you rightwingers look yourself in the mirror after carrying water for that amoral, shameless swamp monster.

You fools want to spend your political capital trying to baselessly impeach Biden? By all means PLEASE go ahead, I can think of no easier way for you to forfit elections.
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Assuming Old Joe lives that long, of course.

Growing number inside GOP stir to impeach Biden in 2023 over border insecurity​

"The bar was so low to impeach President Trump," he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement. What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral.

"The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we're seeing [is] they're filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel. It's really a travesty. And it's not what this country should be about."
What is this crime you all are so anxious to impeach him for?
Name it for Christ's sake.
You've been belching this shit for 12 months. Put up or shut up.
Before Fuck Biden and Heels Up Harris can be impeached, Pelosi has to be removed as Speaker.
Pure horseshit.

A Democrat did not illegally extort foreign government to investigate oppostion, TRUMP DID, Repbulicans admited that substance of charges against him during trial.

A Democrat also did not instigate an attack on Congress with shameless lies and attempts to overturn election result. TRUMP DID and he got his ass impeached again, with ten Republicans voting in favor.

Biden has done nothing of the sort and I honesly don't know how you rightwingers look yourself in the mirror after carrying water for that amoral, shameless swamp monster.

You fools want to spend your political capital trying to baselessly impeach Biden? By all means PLEASE go ahead, I can think of no easier way for you to forfit elections.
Oh no. Impeaching Biden would not be difficult at all.
Of course the GOP HoR will impeach.

And the Senate will not convict.

Political theater 101….
It may be political theater but impeaching Joe Biden even if the Senate doesn’t remove him could expose many of the Biden family crimes. Plus Biden may be so damn unpopular in a couple of years that the Senate might vote to remove him.

Free crack pipes?


Joe probably got that idea from his son, Hunter.


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