Biden Higher Disapproval than Trump

You want a REALITY CHECK, Jack?

Considering the media bias totally horribly AGAINST Trump, while being incredibly, unbelievably FOR Biddum, you can figure on Trump's REAL numbers being about 10 points higher with Joe's being 10 points LOWER.

It would be IMPOSSIBLE for any man to go from most popular president ever to worse president of all time in less than a year, unless either America's people are all nuts or the election was a FRAUD and I know we people have not all gone nuts.
As always, if trump doesn't want the media reporting all his crooked batshit crazy bullshit, he should quit doing so much crooked batshit crazy bullshit. Problem solved.
Most popular President ever??? LOL. Jeez, this isn't really even funny.
That is what you, the Left and all of the MSM called Biden when he supposedly got 81 million votes to Obumma's mere 65 million, remember, Jack?

My Broker friend and I got together for lunch today...
We talked about a lot of things.

One of which was past history of Obama's handling of the economy...and how my friend had to run around with what we called "the Apology Tour" for what Obama did to the economy while he was in office. (Same thing Biden is doing now but not as much at that time).

All that borrowed money is coming out of the market. (It's somewhere around 75% at the moment.)
Just like when Obama did a market stimulus plan. Which Biden is doing with a couple more zeros more than Obama ever dreamed about.

So...we made plans to counter that scenario. (Which is obviously coming)

IDC who gets elected so long as it isn't a return of what we got now.
Trust, boostering up is that option, they literally flock to the jabs, which are now demonstrably negative in effect, negative effect will not stop with covid, soon they will be dying of all sorts of otherwise long vanquished viruses, is it not sublime??? Booster up democrats, booster up... :banana:
I was thinking "pushing up daises"
That is what you, the Left and all of the MSM called Biden when he supposedly got 81 million votes to Obumma's mere 65 million, remember, Jack?

Four biased, alt-right sources up, four down.
Just because they said so, doesn't make it so.

81 million votes.
And those election to election voting numbers, have been explained to you
more times than I can count.

Biden won.
Deal with it.
Just because they said so, doesn't make it so.
You mean just like election officials with a vested interest in getting rid of Trump?

81 million votes.
Paper ballots counted with no chain of custody.

And those election to election voting numbers, have been explained to you more times than I can count.
That could be any number over ten. Telling a lie over and over Jack doesn't make it any less false.
Yeah, whatever. Here's Trump's four year reality check. :)
And that was with a GOOD economy (that he inherited from his predecessor).
Save for 2020...when he fucked it all up. LOL.

Many are just shallow enough not to like Trump because of his "mean" tweets and his bombastic personality and couldn't care less about his policies. Those that don't like Biden don't care so much about his personality but are concerned about his horrendous policies, his ineptitude and senility. There is quite a difference in the two low approval ratings.
Many are just shallow enough not to like Trump because of his "mean" tweets and his bombastic personality and couldn't care less about his policies. Those that don't like Biden don't care so much about his personality but are concerned about his horrendous policies, his ineptitude and senility. There is quite a difference in the two low approval ratings.
I could care less about his Twitter habits. Or that he needed to hold his "affirming" pep rallies frequently because he was a media and attention whore. It was his competence (lack of) and the fact he had no interest in the actual job of being President that was concerning to me. Trump's approval numbers in his first year are 10X worse in comparison. Since the day Biden was inaugurated, he's had to deal with nothing but shit, cleaning up the messes left by the last guy and dealing with a pandemic that won't go away due in large part because the ardent followers of the last guy, just can't bring themselves to consider their fellow citizens. Some of Biden's issues have been self inflicted, but there haven't been many. There's been no up time or moments of calm either here or abroad for Biden. Trump, in comparison had three SOLID years of economic growth and falling unemployment, something that began under his predecessor. He also enjoyed a relative period of calm on the international front, due in large part because he ignored foreign policy. But the moment Trump's presidency is tested, he falls flat on his face. His approval rating never went above 45% for his four year term. For a guy that enjoyed the trappings of a good economy for three years, his approval numbers should have been in the 60% range. :)
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I could care less about his Twitter habits. Or that he needed to hold his "affirming" pep rallies frequently because he was a media and attention whore. It was his competence (lack of) and the fact he had no interest in the actual job of being President that was concerning to me. Trump's approval numbers in his first year are 10X worse in comparison. Since the day Biden was inaugurated, he's had to deal with nothing but shit, cleaning up the messes left by the last guy and dealing with a pandemic that won't go away due in large part because the ardent followers of the last guy, just can't bring themselves to consider their fellow citizens. Some of Biden's issues have been self inflicted, but there haven't been many. There's been no up time or moments of calm either here or abroad for Biden. Trump, in comparison had three SOLID years of economic growth and falling unemployment, something that began under his predecessor. He also enjoyed a relative period of calm on the international front, due in large part because he ignored foreign policy. But the moment Trump's presidency is tested, he falls flat on his face. His approval rating never went above 45% for his four year term. For a guy that enjoyed the trappings of a good economy for three years, his approval numbers should have been in the 60% range. :)
People as fucking stupid as the above, should not be allowed to breed, let alone vote, seriously, he is totally out of touch with reality, totally!

From CNBC, you know NBC.

RCP registers Biden disapproval at 53.9 with a net -11.4% while Trump disapproval is at 51.6 and a net -10.9%.

It took Biden less then one year to go from a 35.1% disapproval to 53.9 so down 18.8% and still in free fall.

Biden's toast!

You are mistaken.

On Jan 4th of the start of his 2nd year in office Trump sat at a net -15.3%
Even then trumps poor ratings weren't because of what he did or didn't do for the most part. Anytime he had poor rating it was atleast half because of social politics where you had a lot of people hating on him because it was the cool thing to do and the generation of soft, weak willed pussies was coming of voting age we had been catering to for the previous 5 years.

And I'm sure a lot of it was manufactured by Democrats also in preparation for the kind of bullshit we have going on now.

Trump was an asshole with a big ego, but he did a lot of things right and did a lot of things right for America. But people were focused on his personality, not what he actually did.

Bidens low ratings are because he is fucking up America and his administration is just as bad.
Even then trumps poor ratings weren't because of what he did or didn't do for the most part. Anytime he had poor rating it was atleast half because of social politics where you had a lot of people hating on him because it was the cool thing to do and the generation of soft, weak willed pussies was coming of voting age we had been catering to for the previous 5 years.

And I'm sure a lot of it was manufactured by Democrats also in preparation for the kind of bullshit we have going on now.

Trump was an asshole with a big ego, but he did a lot of things right and did a lot of things right for America. But people were focused on his personality, not what he actually did.

Bidens low ratings are because he is fucking up America and his administration is just as bad.
What a silly post. Trump was hated because he was an idiot doing idiot things. The fact that he is an asshole with a big ego just made it worse.
People as fucking stupid as the above, should not be allowed to breed, let alone vote, seriously, he is totally out of touch with reality, totally!
You need to take off those Trump colored glasses and put down the Trump Kool-Aid. It's injecting you with "alternative facts". Your savior carried an unfavorable rating in his first year at times higher than Biden' a good economy and falling unemployment, and a quiet international scene. Those are facts whether you like it or not.
But by all mean, bow to your savior. He alone can fix everything....sheep. :)
RCP registers Biden disapproval at 53.9 with a net -11.4% while Trump disapproval is at 51.6 and a net -10.9%.

It took Biden less then one year to go from a 35.1% disapproval to 53.9 so down 18.8% and still in free fall.

Biden's toast!

Gee, I wonder how that happened with the country running so well.

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