Biden far out raises Trump in campaign donations

Biden’s cash on hand is far higher and he did it without selling Bibles.
Yes, it is true that the super rich leftists are backing Biden. If I remember correctly, Trump is ahead in donations from the little "guy" while Biden is getting the mega donations from the rich and powerful swamp.
More Rubes give to Biden than Trump.
Tell us something we don't already know.

The fact is, it's pathetic that it takes over 100 million to run for office, proving the entire election establishment as corrupt and available to the highest bidder.
Sleepy Joe also has the support of Big Labor bosses, if they want to give more to Biden, they just have to raise dues on the rank and file.
Biden has a lot of big money people in his cult.

Groups like the Human Rights Campaign, Nambla, ACLU and the Brady Gun Control Freaks all have deep pockets.

Trump has always been outspent.
Well shit, now ya done it.

He said the "C" word fellas, you know the rules:

Yes, it is true that the super rich leftists are backing Biden. If I remember correctly, Trump is ahead in donations from the little "guy" while Biden is getting the mega donations from the rich and powerful swamp.




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