Biden falls up stairs of Air Force One AGAIN.

Not about that, surely. He's in pretty good shape for 80, IMO. I nearly fall every day with gardening ---- I get better as the season goes on. It's pretty normal to have slight balance issues with aging. Still ----- he does need to stop doing that if he's running for president.
I think he’s in horrible shape for 80. My dad was still golfing at 90, and my grandmother was walking six blocks to and from the beach every day at 90.
I'm just waiting to see how Trump or DeSantis plans on cleaning up everything that the Democrats ruined because it seems like an awful lot of work.
We need three uninterrupted terms. If Trump or DeSantis wins in 2024, but the anti-Americans seize it back in 2028, they’ll quickly reverse all the good and continue our march toward socialism and “equity” - where nobody has to work and everyone is guaranteed the same outcome.
I think he’s in horrible shape for 80. My dad was still golfing at 90, and my grandmother was walking six blocks to and from the beach every day at 90.
Good Heavens! You've got good genetics, and I hope we all do. I had both grandmothers living into their 90s, but they were sure not in very good shape by then!

It is wonderful how long people are living nowadays.
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Good Heavens! You've got good genetics, and I hope we all do. I had both grandmothers living into their 90s, but they were sure not in very good shape by then!

It is wonderful how old people are living nowadays.
My uncle walked two blocks and waited for the bus to take him to the grocery store, did his shopping, took the bus back, and walked the two blocks back to his apartment. At age 97.
The guy is a stumbling, mumbling, bumbling disaster.

God is trying to tell us something (and bidum, too)

We all know what that is (essentially). It reminds me of the story of how the fake pope Paul 6 died. I'm not gloating because it must have been painful. But the account i read was that right after Mass one day, he suffered a horrific heart attack and one person said that if his hand hadn't been held, he likely would have fallen out of bed. That account said he seemed to implode. Then when his body was taken just a 15 minute ride away to some other point, it started to decompose and needed more formaldyde or however that is spelled. What is most interesting about all this is that Pope SAINT Pius the 10th, on the other hand, who also died in a hot month (August) did not decompose. In fact, his body was (is?) incorrupt, meaning that strangely, it has not decomposed even after all these years. In those days, they only declared an actual saint to be an actual saint. That was the time when the popes really were popes. Again, Catholics have not had a valid pope since 1958. And there is speculation that Pius XII, the last valid pope was murdered by poison (so the anti-Christs could take over the Vatican).
It wont be long now....
If you think about it, what does it really say about Americans if they let a guy who has routinely demonstrated that he isn't even of the capacity to walk up stairs destroy their country?
This is how my grandmother on my Moms side died. She fell tripping over a curb, fracturing her hip.
Her bone mass was not sufficient to place needed pins, so she was basically bed ridden and died less than a year later. A co-workers 75 year old mother fell while trying to carry a basket UP the basement stairs, losing balance bad enough she actually fell down 4 steps to the floor. Again breaking her hip. She was quite healthy, still driving and getting around fine... after the fall she lived just under 6 months from an infection caused by inflammation in her hip that was not diagnosed early enough.
Same thing with my stepfather's mom back in the 90's. She tripped over the dog's chain, fell and broke her hip. Her hip replacement a few days later was a success...but the blood clot that formed in her lung a few days after that was also killing her.
I'm 52....not "old" per se, but also not a spring chicken by any means. I have bad ankles and a bad back. I have fallen downstairs THREE times in the house I moved into less than 6 years ago. Twice down the porch steps and once down the last few basement steps. My bad ankle was the culprit each and every time (twisted under me). So far I've only ended up with a swollen ankle, but I'm SO aware of what more could happen. I'm thinking of installing metal handles along the walls in the stairwells. I have a really bad feeling where I could end up as a result of this recurring event.

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