Biden EPA Administrator Announces New Tailpipe Emission Standards – Will Force Green New Deal Mandates on Cars, Delivery Trucks, Buses, Transit & More

He got elected being out of touch

And if gets elected again, that will prove politicians no longer have to care what the populace thinks.

Democracy will have died for good.

As for driving, it will become for the rich only, like Joe Biden as I'm sure he will be able to keep his corvette.

Everyone else can take the bus.
The Whole Plutocracy Is Against Us. Choosing Sides Is Suicide.
Oil wells are clean compared to strip mining.
There might not be enough minerals to meet Biden's far left extremist environmental mandate.
You Lie! - There are plenty of materials to replace every vehicle on the planet with electric.

Peak Oil will soon be the larger problem. Oil is behind most of the recent wars. We have already past peak conventional oil. We have been rapidly fracking for shale oil that will peak in the near future.
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The best choices obviously would be hydrogen powered vehicles, that produce no emissions at all, or bio-fuel that actually reduces the carbon emissions in the atmosphere.


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