Biden drops "free college" from his massive taxing and spending bill

Riiiiiight 'infrastructure' and by that you mean bailouts for corrupt Dem states who spent themselves into a black hole of debt. :itsok:

Roads, Bridges, upgrades to water, rail, ports, power grid

Riiiiiight you mean the 10% of the bill for that, the rest is PORK!

Why do you continue to post that debunked LIE?

The infrastructure bill is 100% traditional Infrastructure and is supported by Republicans

Can you find ANYTHING in that bill that you oppose?
Too bad, suckers! Biden needs to make more room for payoffs to lefty billionaires like Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bezos. So you can forget about your "free college". LOL

In what appears to be a major concession to moderate Democrats, President Joe Biden reportedly told House progressives Tuesday that tuition-free community college will not be included in the final version of a multitrillion-dollar spending bill to fund the president's economic and climate agenda.

CNN reported Tuesday that Biden discussed a $1.75 trillion to $1.9 trillion top line figure for his spending bill, which Senate Democrats hope to pass via budget reconciliation to dodge the 60-vote requirement imposed by the filibuster. Those numbers are more in line with the $1.5 trillion figure demanded by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who's vote is needed in the 50-50 Senate to pass any legislation.
If it weren't for Manchin there would be virtually no good dims
You idiot. That does not even make sense. This is what I get for interacting with retards. Fuck off.
It's not our fault Dems abandoned their promise to give you free shit. I guess you should have picked someone more capable than Biden to lead you. lol
Oh bullshit. Their votes are what is stopping the bill from being passed as written and passed by the House.

Are you dishonest or just ignorant?
and the first thing the demafasict cut is your free college

not the bailouts and buy backs to their big donors

you got scammed again by the cult leaders
Why do parents in K-12 pay for others education?
Why do childless people pay for education?

Because it benefits society
Why do parents in K-12 pay for others education?

Because k-12 education is required by law, therefore everyone must support it through taxes.

Why do childless people pay for education?

Good question! Lol, why are they required to pay for that when they have no children in school? Well, the answer to that is obvious, making sure our kids graduate with the basic skills to move on in life IS beneficial to society, to make sure they can read and write and do basic math.

Because it benefits society

OK, this one I have a hard time understanding. How does someone I don't know, getting a free education, benefit me? Or anyone else in society? It doesn't, it benefits THAT kid, by allowing him to not take on a bunch of debt, but we can fix that problem by just educating these kids not to take on too much debt.

But, I have to know, how does it benefit society? Sure, if they go into a stem field and they work on some ground breaking projects that improve the world, yeah, I can see that, but if they get a business degree, or some kind of art degree, I don't see that benefitting society.

I could agree with you on this IF the free college was limited to things our society needs, like engineers, programmers, IT specialists, stuffike that, AND provided to get that free education, they had to agree to work for X years for the government or somewhere that those skills are needed. I could get on board with that, but just saying they want to give free college to everyone? I don't know if I can get on board with making taxpayers foot the bill for someone else's education.
There's a sucker born every minute. Dims say that every time they propose their vast new spending programs. All these "small increases" have added up to almost 50% of my income.
Amazing isn't it? They raise the taxes a little at a time and we become comfortable with it. It becomes just commonplace. Then they want to raise it a bit more, and we're so used to the current taxes, its like "it's just a small increase, it won't make a difference", but if you look at the big picture, and you see that you only get to keep about 60% of your income, it takes on a new perspective.

Just like the frog in the water pot analogy.

Roads, Bridges, upgrades to water, rail, ports, power grid

Stop it silly.

Republicans don't believe in infrastructure.

They want us to be a second rate or even third world country.
Amazing isn't it? They raise the taxes a little at a time and we become comfortable with it. It becomes just commonplace. Then they want to raise it a bit more, and we're so used to the current taxes, its like "it's just a small increase, it won't make a difference", but if you look at the big picture, and you see that you only get to keep about 60% of your income, it takes on a new perspective.

Just like the frog in the water pot analogy.
You fuckers are FREAKED out by ANY tax in the wealthy
When they plow snow in front of my home do I receive a bill?
When I take a book out at the Library, do I pay a fee?
When cops investigate a crime at my house, do I get a bill?
When my kid enters second grade, do they send me a bill?

Those are “free” public services that are taken out of our taxes

You are entitled to a free public education whether you can afford it or not.
It is what made America great
And you get your free education k-12, what your taxes paid for. Not everyone can go to college. Some people have to join the work force right out of high school, some kids don't have parents who can help them out financially while they go to college. Some kids are just not mentally equipped to go to college. Are you suggesting that we simply pay for the privileged ones who have the right circumstance to go to college, while the less fortunate get nothing?
And you get your free education k-12, what your taxes paid for. Not everyone can go to college. Some people have to join the work force right out of high school, some kids don't have parents who can help them out financially while they go to college. Some kids are just not mentally equipped to go to college. Are you suggesting that we simply pay for the privileged ones who have the right circumstance to go to college, while the less fortunate get nothing?
They want education only for the wealthy.

Republicans with money think they're the only ones who deserve an education...Republicans without money think that somehow they'll be included. They're wrong

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