Biden draws criticism over possible plan to shut down oil pipeline as winter approaches


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Biden admin considering shutting down another pipeline, drawing criticism and dire warnings as winter nears
The Biden administration is reportedly weighing the potential market consequences of shutting down an oil pipeline in Michigan, drawing criticism from opponents. Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Biden's energy secretary, predicted Sunday that heating prices will rise this winter regardless of the Biden administration's decision on the pipeline. "Yeah, this is going to happen. It will be more expensive this year than last year," Granholm told CNN. Biden draws criticism over possible plan to shut down oil pipeline as winter approaches

What the hell?! Is this president crazy?
What the hell?! Is this president crazy?

LOLOL.. Maybe you should know something about Line 5.

Applicable Permits
Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 pipeline was built in 1953 and extends for 645 miles across the state of Michigan. Line 5, which is part of Enbridge’s Lakehead System, begins in Superior, Wisconsin, and ends in Sarnia, Canada.

Line 5 details
Marshall spill raises awareness
State creates pipeline task force
Board initiates Line 5 analyses
Coating gaps, anchor strike
First agreement between Enbridge, State
Second agreement between Enbridge, state
Agreement to build tunnel
Legal challenges to tunnel
The pipeline is a single, 30-in diameter pipe except for the section that crosses the Straits of Mackinac. That 4.5-mile section is two separate pipelines, each 20 inches in diameter, that lie on the lake bottom. The pipeline’s route through the Straits is within an easement issued in 1953 by the State of Michigan. The easement authorized Lakehead Pipe Line Co., Inc., which eventually became Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership, “to construct, lay and maintain pipe lines over, through, under and upon certain lake bottom lands …for the purpose of transporting petroleum and other products. … ”

Line 5 transports up to 540,000 barrels – or 22.68 million gallons – per day of light crude oil and natural gas liquids, according to Enbridge. Some of the natural gas liquids are refined into propane and used in the Upper Peninsula, while other products are routed for processing at oil refineries in Detroit and Toledo, Ohio. The remainder crosses the St. Clair river for processing in Sarnia.

Some Michigan drilling companies use Line 5 to transport the oil they produce. That product is introduced into the pipeline at Lewiston, Michigan.

In 2010, about 21,000 barrels of heavy crude oil spilled in a tributary of the Kalamazoo River near Marshall from a line owned by Enbridge.

As a result of the Kalamazoo River spill – one of the largest inland spills in U.S. history – the State and Enbridge in May 2015 entered into a $75 million Consent Judgment. That was followed in July 2016 with a Consent Decree between Enbridge and the federal government to resolve claims related to the Marshall spill. Enbridge agreed to pay $110 million on spill prevention and pipeline operations in the Great Lakes region and a $61 million fine. Cleanup efforts are ongoing and are estimated at more than $1 billion.

The spill prompted increased attention and focus on the potential ecological and economic damage that could occur if the Line 5 pipeline running beneath the Straits of Mackinac failed.

Line 5 is one of the most well built pipelines we have. The pipes are extra thick, enamel coated, monitored 24/7/365 and hasn't had a single leak since it was built in the 50's.

In 2010, about 21,000 barrels of heavy crude oil spilled in a tributary of the Kalamazoo River near Marshall from a line owned by Enbridge.

As a result of the Kalamazoo River spill – one of the largest inland spills in U.S. history – the State and Enbridge in May 2015 entered into a $75 million Consent Judgment. That was followed in July 2016 with a Consent Decree between Enbridge and the federal government to resolve claims related to the Marshall spill. Enbridge agreed to pay $110 million on spill prevention and pipeline operations in the Great Lakes region and a $61 million fine. Cleanup efforts are ongoing and are estimated at more than $1 billion.
Explain how shutting down another pipeline helps the US, no m atter whose oil it is.......still waiting......thanks for playing.

You mean to tell me that you still don't know anything about Keystone XL or Line 5 Michigan?
Sounds like Senile Joe is begging for the long lines at the gas pump of the Jimmy Carter (that used to be our
worst president) days.

Looks like falling asleep and farting aren't his only skills.

The1973 embargo was brought to you by Israel.
The shuttering of this line would equate in much higher prices this winter for gas, food, heat, etc.. Why in God's name would any President do that to the people of MI, PA, OH, and IN?

For the same reason that he doesn't see an open So. Border as a crisis.
El Presidente is an installed anti-American puppet!!
How much proof do muppets need?
For the same reason that he doesn't see an open So. Border as a crisis.
El Presidente is an installed anti-American puppet!!
How much proof do muppets need?

Read up on Line 5 Michigan. It needs to be replaced.
I am sorry, but if the American public buys into this Leftist crap, then pay more, period, done deal.

It is obvious what they are trying to do, and it has NOTHING to do with cost, it has to do with politics.

They HAVE to stroke the progressive far Left, and they have to make an excuse why they need to do it. Soooooooo, they pretend there is a problem, so they can justify screwing America, while getting votes from far Leftists. It is just that simple!

Americans, if you buy into this pile of bull, then pay more, nothing else I or anyone else can say. If you do NOT, remember this when it is time to vote! AOC the bartender, and all her brilliant girlfriends, have your budget in their hands, plain and simple.

You either accept the brilliant BARTENDERS budget for your family, or tell her to stick it up her a**. You decide!
I am sorry, but if the American public buys into this Leftist crap, then pay more, period, done deal.

It is obvious what they are trying to do, and it has NOTHING to do with cost, it has to do with politics.

They HAVE to stroke the progressive far Left, and they have to make an excuse why they need to do it. Soooooooo, they pretend there is a problem, so they can justify screwing America, while getting votes from far Leftists. It is just that simple!

Americans, if you buy into this pile of bull, then pay more, nothing else I or anyone else can say. If you do NOT, remember this when it is time to vote! AOC the bartender, and all her brilliant girlfriends, have your budget in their hands, plain and simple.

You either accept the brilliant BARTENDERS budget for your family, or tell her to stick it up her a**. You decide!

What are you talking about?
The killing of the energy industry with no reliable replacement.

Do you think one size fits all? Some deals are really flawed or detrimental to the US consumer. Get the facts and learn the differences.

Laugh it up boy…let’s see how you like $400. per month utility bills, $200 per week groceries per person, (if you can find what you need), $5 per gallon gas, massive unemployment due to raw materials shortages, blackouts, chaos.

You’ve never had it hard from moms basement you little puke, reckoning is coming.

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