Biden did a drag race with Jay Leno and successfully makes his point

You have to be a complete Karen drama queen to suggest he raped this girl.

As far as my take on this goes, the girl is clearly uncomfortable and Biden has some boundary issues. This wouldn’t be proof he is a pedophile. He just needs to be more cognizant to what he is doing to females.
cognizant is the key word here....
Check the NY post article I posted above. It has the video. I mean my god, this was shown on television.

How do you suppose this race actually went down if NEITHER of them were wearing helmets? It's TV. It's produced. For all we know the TOP SPEED was 89mph.

Secret Service would have DEMANDED at LEAST helmets -- if this was a serious flat out drag race.

Numbers on the screen saying 118mph are probably "post production" decisions.
How do you suppose this race actually went down if NEITHER of them were wearing helmets? It's TV. It's produced. For all we know the TOP SPEED was 89mph.

Secret Service would have DEMANDED at LEAST helmets -- if this was a serious flat out drag race.

Numbers on the screen saying 118mph are probably "post production" decisions.
Um well see you’re missing the point entirely and I feel like i have explained this over and over many times already. Good god lol.

Sure, guy, the top speed could have been 89 MPH. Idk maybe that’s true? Who the hell knows. This isn’t about Biden being a badass or being cool. I don’t give a flying fuck if you don’t think he is cool. I already made that clear in my OP. The point is simply an old man with DEMENTIA could not have done this. So whether it was 118 or 89 MPH, a man with dementia could not have done this.
I’m not trying to pretend Biden is cool. The point was just succinctly made that he does NOT have dementia.
Perhaps not, but those who support what the democrats and liberal social creeps have done to this nation may have dementia. . It is indefensible.
Takes that org in New Zealand 7 weeks to put a dog behind the wheel. Maybe it took Biden just 4. And explains all those "lid days" where Biden got off "work" at 11AM.

xiden has been driving that car for 55 years, short term memories are effected first by dementia. He'd probably still be able to physically drive that car even when he can no longer remember Jill's name. Just don't ask him to take you anywhere, he probably won't know the way. billy know nothing is proving just that, he knows nothing about dementia.

Extremely impressive feat for nearly an 80 year old guy.

I know an industry executive who met with Biden a few months ago and said he was extremely sharp. Let me know if any of you know someone who was around Biden recently. Biden is mentally sound. As always he’s a mediocre speaker.
I’m going to preface this by conceding that Biden obviously did this for political optics. The main point of it was to show that his mental faculties are acceptable for a second term as president.

But despite Biden’s actual intentions, he clearly, successfully made his point: a man with dementia would not have been able to do this. This isn’t to say the race didn’t have plenty of Secret Service safety protocols. I’m not saying the whole thing is badass. I’m not trying to pretend Biden is cool. The point was just succinctly made that he does NOT have dementia. If you actually understand dementia, you would know a man with it could not be able to do this.

That puts that narrative to bed.

"his (Biden) mental faculties are acceptable"

Are they acceptable enough to be tried in court for his extortion of a billion dollars from the Ukraine and his interference by having a man fired for asking questions of his son, Hunter, upon his qualifications for sitting on the board of Burisma someplace else (does not have to attend board meetings). Both accepting gifts from foreign countries on the part of a United States Vice-President of the United States of America are against the Constitutional law of the USA. If so, you have done the United States of America a favor for pointing out that the bizarro stuff Biden has been yammering about is just an act, but that he really has the capability of being tried as an adults for criminal behaviors. That billion dollars in cash he bragged that he took home with him on Air Force Two to make his buddies think he is awesome, we can now hold him accountable without any whining and crying about being mentally sick with dementia is not holding anything in justice back? Well, well, well. I wondered if all that "uh, ear, um, you know, the thing" is all a theater performance to keep him from being tried for extortion and interference with a foreign country's officials.

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8), and it says that the Foreign Emoluments Clause prohibits federal officers from accepting foreign emoluments without congressional consent.**

Notwithstanding, the Preamble of the Constitution starts out with 3 important words, "We the people." Our founding authors of the Constitution found that govenments around the world in the year of 1776 AD failed to acknowledge the most important components of each nation were its people, yet none of their laws put the people ahead of the leaders, who at the time were kings, queens, and their relatives and employees. The American founders wanted a government that not only included the people, they wanted government to give the people the right to govern themselves, not some million-miles-away entity that wouldn't even listen to a representative of the people of America. This was untenable to the founders, and 246 years later, I find that to be very important to have each person given one vote, and that nobody should take that right away from them, least of all the branches of government we hold as our leaders--the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch to defend the rights of the people. Are they doing that right now by not holding themselves like monarchs, not to be questioned whatsoever, and worse yet, the use of lies to condemn someone on the part of a corrupt congress that needs to be disciplined, but the courts do not feel that its their job to force elected officials to care for the rights of all the people, and committing 4 years to try to ruin an elected president in a fair election. Now, Congress has divided itself and given ALL THE POWER to those who lusted for power and weaponized their authority to keep them in power sans any votes of the people, as shown on a viral video a precinct in one state collecting votes on camera and running them through with their partison boxed vote computers counted over and over and over, that changed the votes in their precinct to elect someone the people's individual votes were put where the partisans wanted it--in their favor, which wasn't the people's choice. They weaponized a special committee to make it look like all those criminal behaviors were dumbed down by their anti-conspiracy demonstration that the charges were not true, when actually, it is pretty clear a huge dirty trick was being played against the American voters who voted for President Trump's re-election. Honest people who witnessed the crimes came forward and reported to Congress the changed votes occurred in all but two of the swing states. The majority in the House ignored and invented reasons why the whistleblowers were liars and should be put in jail. Since that would look suspicious, Nancy Pelosi and her wicked partners in crime decided to frame Republican supporters of crimes they did not commit in the January 6 deception by having 1 cop direct them into the Capitol building and another Democrat ally to direct the protesters to invade the People's House the Capitol has always been before, but was closed without the people's knowledge by Nancy Pelosi's sidewinder partners in the crime of framing innocent people to be silenced with unjust jailings with no hearings whatsoever, and silence by forcing them to suffer no visitation from families, friends, and lawyers. All the due process rights of these people are still being enforced because the Democrats do not want their despicable crimes against we the people known since their asses would become grasses.

**Text of Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8 reads: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."
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What the OP fails to understand is that people with early onset dementia or early onset Alzheimer's have more moments of clarity, of lucidity than not. The simple fact that he was able to drive a car in a straight line at a high rate of speed does not preclude him from having either of the two previously mentioned conditions.

Even later in the progression of the two conditions, moments of lucidity are common, just not frequent...
I’m going to preface this by conceding that Biden obviously did this for political optics. The main point of it was to show that his mental faculties are acceptable for a second term as president.

But despite Biden’s actual intentions, he clearly, successfully made his point: a man with dementia would not have been able to do this. This isn’t to say the race didn’t have plenty of Secret Service safety protocols. I’m not saying the whole thing is badass. I’m not trying to pretend Biden is cool. The point was just succinctly made that he does NOT have dementia. If you actually understand dementia, you would know a man with it could not be able to do this.

That puts that narrative to bed.

Was likely one of the stunt doubles

"My dad didn’t have a lot of money but he ran the largest Chevrolet dealership in the state for years" and handed me a Stingray.

"And, BTW, I don't have dimentia."

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