Biden Department Of Justice Threatens To Sue To Lock In 2020 Election Chaos


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Department Of Justice Threatens To Sue To Lock In 2020 Election Chaos
New documents represent the Biden administration’s latest attempt to squelch investigations into irregularities, silence critics of the 2020 election, and cement free-for-all voting ‘procedures.’
29 Jul 2021 ~~ By Margot Cleveland
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice issued two “guidance documents” purportedly “to ensure states fully comply with federal laws regarding election.” Those documents, however, really represent the Biden administration’s latest attempt to squelch investigations into potential voting irregularities, silence critics of the 2020 election, and cement forever the free-for-all COVID voting “procedures” implemented last voting cycle.
Wednesday’s guidance came in the form of two documents entitled, respectively, ”Federal Law Constraints on Post-Election ‘Audits’” and Guidance Concerning Federal Statutes Affecting Methods of Voting.” In the DOJ’s guidance on post-election audits, the Biden administration began with its familiar refrain that “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” and that notwithstanding “automatic recounts or canvasses,” there was no evidence “of either wrongdoing or mistakes that casts any doubt on the outcome of the national election results.”
Yet, as the DOJ put it, there has since been an “unusual second round of examinations” by states looking at “certain ballots, election records, and election systems used to conduct elections in 2020.” Then, with a not-so-veiled threat, the Biden administration rattled off the “federal constraints, which are enforced by the Department of Justice,” on these audits.
Unfortunately, the Biden administration and the Democratic Party have decided that they score a victory just by pretending Republicans seek to disenfranchise voters of color and by portraying voting-integrity laws as Jim Crow 2.0, whether they win in court (or success in passing H.R. 1). Here, the left is playing with fire, because our country is too divided to withstand many more elections where half the populace believes the election was rigged.
That reality represents the clear and present danger—not Arizona’s audit or any of the other complaints put forth by the Biden administration in yesterday’s guidelines.

Hmm...., if I didn’t know better I’d think Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies are trying to hide something.
PMS/DSA Democrat Party Cabal's steps to stealing 2020 election:
  • Communist Wuhan Virus delivered to U.S. in Jan. 2020 (at the start of Presidential election year).
  • Arranges for the violent BLM/Antifa to violently riot, for no reason, across the U.S. in 2020 during a national/global pandemic.
  • Ram through last-minute election law changes across the country.
  • Arrange for Corporate America & the MSM to continuously bash Trump and ban him from social networks, especially Twitter.
  • Write "Transition Integrity Project" report regarding scenarios of how Trump might react to stolen election.
  • Steal election.
  • Relentlessly stamp out any post-"election" criticism of "election" results and continuously bash Trump supporters now through the 2024 election (to ensure Trump is banned and blocked from winning back the White House).
If you haven't read the Time Magazine article regarding the PMS/DSA Dem's plan to steal the 2020 election, go ahead and read it. The 'Time Magazine" article title is: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election." In that article, Time Magazine proudly admits to it all. This is the graphic that accompanies the Time Magazine article:


Biden Department Of Justice Threatens To Sue To Lock In 2020 Election Chaos
New documents represent the Biden administration’s latest attempt to squelch investigations into irregularities, silence critics of the 2020 election, and cement free-for-all voting ‘procedures.’
29 Jul 2021 ~~ By Margot Cleveland
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice issued two “guidance documents” purportedly “to ensure states fully comply with federal laws regarding election.” Those documents, however, really represent the Biden administration’s latest attempt to squelch investigations into potential voting irregularities, silence critics of the 2020 election, and cement forever the free-for-all COVID voting “procedures” implemented last voting cycle.
Wednesday’s guidance came in the form of two documents entitled, respectively, ”Federal Law Constraints on Post-Election ‘Audits’” and Guidance Concerning Federal Statutes Affecting Methods of Voting.” In the DOJ’s guidance on post-election audits, the Biden administration began with its familiar refrain that “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” and that notwithstanding “automatic recounts or canvasses,” there was no evidence “of either wrongdoing or mistakes that casts any doubt on the outcome of the national election results.”
Yet, as the DOJ put it, there has since been an “unusual second round of examinations” by states looking at “certain ballots, election records, and election systems used to conduct elections in 2020.” Then, with a not-so-veiled threat, the Biden administration rattled off the “federal constraints, which are enforced by the Department of Justice,” on these audits.
Unfortunately, the Biden administration and the Democratic Party have decided that they score a victory just by pretending Republicans seek to disenfranchise voters of color and by portraying voting-integrity laws as Jim Crow 2.0, whether they win in court (or success in passing H.R. 1). Here, the left is playing with fire, because our country is too divided to withstand many more elections where half the populace believes the election was rigged.
That reality represents the clear and present danger—not Arizona’s audit or any of the other complaints put forth by the Biden administration in yesterday’s guidelines.

Hmm...., if I didn’t know better I’d think Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies are trying to hide something.
PMS/DSA Democrat Party Cabal's steps to stealing 2020 election:
  • Communist Wuhan Virus delivered to U.S. in Jan. 2020 (at the start of Presidential election year).
  • Arranges for the violent BLM/Antifa to violently riot, for no reason, across the U.S. in 2020 during a national/global pandemic.
  • Ram through last-minute election law changes across the country.
  • Arrange for Corporate America & the MSM to continuously bash Trump and ban him from social networks, especially Twitter.
  • Write "Transition Integrity Project" report regarding scenarios of how Trump might react to stolen election.
  • Steal election.
  • Relentlessly stamp out any post-"election" criticism of "election" results and continuously bash Trump supporters now through the 2024 election (to ensure Trump is banned and blocked from winning back the White House).
If you haven't read the Time Magazine article regarding the PMS/DSA Dem's plan to steal the 2020 election, go ahead and read it. The 'Time Magazine" article title is: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election." In that article, Time Magazine proudly admits to it all. This is the graphic that accompanies the Time Magazine article:


S’mattwr, nutterbutter? You angry you can’t overturn a legitimate election.

So now it is official.

Democrats are opposed to criticizing certain government functions.
Since you are prepared to 100% believe any accusation of fraud why should you care if they have to prove it in court?
Since you are prepared to 100% believe any accusation of fraud why should you care if they have to prove it in court?
How is that any different from your willingness to believe any accusation against any Republican?

You can't prove things in court if the courts are acting as gatekeepers for the Democrats. You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President, and Democrat operatives working in election teams hiding and running interference.

I won't even begin to mention the cover and lies being told by the media.
How is that any different from your willingness to believe any accusation against any Republican?

You can't prove things in court if the courts are acting as gatekeepers for the Democrats. You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President, and Democrat operatives working in election teams hiding and running interference.

I won't even begin to mention the cover and lies being told by the media.
"You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President..." is a perfect description of Barr running interference for Scumpty Dump. Bigly!!!
If you call what they are doing with the Arizona audit a legit deal you have to be screwy.
Here is a google link.

In it you will find four different instances in which Democrats challenge an election through audits and they continued to challenge those elections until they won.
How is that any different from your willingness to believe any accusation against any Republican?

You can't prove things in court if the courts are acting as gatekeepers for the Democrats. You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President, and Democrat operatives working in election teams hiding and running interference.

I won't even begin to mention the cover and lies being told by the media.
You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President

You can't make this shit up.
How is that any different from your willingness to believe any accusation against any Republican?

You can't prove things in court if the courts are acting as gatekeepers for the Democrats. You have an USAG that is acting as a wingman for the President, and Democrat operatives working in election teams hiding and running interference.

I won't even begin to mention the cover and lies being told by the media.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, the kind of proof that is lawyer proof. If I was going to be a terrorist I would want my rationale for violence to be somewhat factual.
60 court cases at the local, state, Federal, and at least 3-4 U.S. Supreme Court rulings - all against Trump and untold counts, re-count, and audit of the the recounts and more audit - again all against Trump.

Wake the f**k up - Trump lost by 7 million votes ... he's done, kaput, cooked goose, gone - so give it a rest and let's move this nation forward and deep in the Trump hell hole of deceit, deflection, and denial.

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