Biden Denial


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Lefties seem to be in denial that their candidate for the next four years is showing signs of dementia. He really only needs to make it till November, since he won't win, but still....
The democrats all seem overjoyed that their 2020 champion has emerged.
Apparently he is the best they have to offer for Commander-in-Chief.
I can't stop laughing whenever I see him in action.
This 2020 campaign season is the funniest ever.
I don't think lefties are as excited about biden as they let on. Biden is a mess, but lefties are in denial.
Not to mention the black mail china and Europe has over him
It is disgusting that the DNC and MSM are going to embarrass Biden's family by running this guy. Everyone knows old Joe is ready for the rocking chair.
his platform:
---kiss black a$$ and denounce Mr Trump==that's it..that's all they do or talk about...very pathetic's all the MSM talks about:
BLACK voters/no BLACK candidate/etc
..then on one station they were talking about the election/Dems and they bring up the shooting of that black church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--while blacks murder 8 blacks everyDAY
Many questioned Reagan's mental capacity at the end of his second term. Reagan was way sharper leaving office on his last day than Biden is right now.
The latest factoids on TV are:
1. Bloomberg will fund Biden's campaign, so money is no object
2. Bernie and Warren are merging somehow, stay tuned, this may give Bernie a boost and an advantage
The latest factoids on TV are:
1. Bloomberg will fund Biden's campaign, so money is no object
2. Bernie and Warren are merging somehow, stay tuned, this may give Bernie a boost and an advantage

Cool clown show. :cool-45:

If Bloomberg spent $0.5b for the primaries so far, he will need $5b-$10b for the General.
LOL!! Chauffeured limos to take the democrats to the polls....just like the white folks!!
The latest factoids on TV are:
1. Bloomberg will fund Biden's campaign, so money is no object
2. Bernie and Warren are merging somehow, stay tuned, this may give Bernie a boost and an advantage

Cool clown show. :cool-45:

If Bloomberg spent $0.5b for the primaries so far, he will need $5b-$10b for the General.
LOL!! Chauffeured limos to take the democrats to the polls....just like the white folks!!

Did you know that Bloomberg already prepaid his advisors up to November?

True story. (Money fer' nuthin'. Cue Dire Straits...).


Just a few months ago he looked pretty good for a guy his age, but now he's developing that skull-like look of the old and the sick.

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