Biden declares national emergency at Ukraine-Russia border — but calls back US warships


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.

Joe is a GIANT fail historically at foreign policy.
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.

Joe is a GIANT fail historically at foreign policy.

Chyna Joey Xi is a failure period.
Yogurt-brains just got checkmated by Putin. What an embarrassment.

We shouldn’t be involved in Ukraine at all. They aren’t NATO. Crimea belongs to Russians. Move on.
It's like when the US invaded Russia to support the monarchy during the Bolshevik Revolution....
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.

Joe is a GIANT fail historically at foreign policy.

Chyna Joey Xi is a failure period.

That's why El Presidente was installed.
The problem here is not Joe but two nations who seek to expand their borders through force. And god knows the US hates competition in controlling nations and economies.
The only thing that needs to be said about this one is that Russia was responding to US/Nato escalation.

However, the turning around of two US warships is only meant to play to the American people's sense of arrogance and pride. Nothing more, and obviously not a real threat aimed at Russia..

Russia and China aren't playing sandbox games with the US. They have no intention of pushing the situation to critical but they also have no intention of backing off what they consider just to be holding ground.

The US pushed Nato into a bridge too far with it's attempt on taking Crimea. The status quo situation was amenable to all parties but the US thought it could cause a gain for Ukraine. Crimea will always be Russia's because it's so strategically important to Russia that it would take a nulcear war to take it away.
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.

Joe is a GIANT fail historically at foreign policy.

Chyna Joey Xi is a failure period.

That's why El Presidente was installed.

I'm still hoping for another open microphone exposing Chyna Joey Xi's cooperation with both China and Russia.
“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,”
Then MAYBE the feckking Potato-in-Chief should have just STFU and not appeared to back down... looks like he learned at the feet of his master- Tan Messiah...
Yogurt-brains just got checkmated by Putin. What an embarrassment.

We shouldn’t be involved in Ukraine at all. They aren’t NATO. Crimea belongs to Russians. Move on.
The same way the Sudatenland "belonged" to the Nazis.

Putin already has seen what an empty shell of a man Biden is when he humiliated Joe by challenging him to
a face to face debate which Joe simply pretended he didn't hear about.

The problem is you let bullies gobble up things you don't care about and pretty soon they are emboldened
to take the things you do care about. Xi Jinping and Vlad are bullies. Joe is a weak old corrupt loser.
One Question Before Us Is: Will We be Destroyed in War Before We Lose Our Civil Liberty to the Establishment’s Orchestrated “Covid Pandemic”?

Shoigu announced that the Russian military is in full readiness and in full ability to dispose of any threat from any quarter.

Can the low-grade morons ruling in Washington understand the language?

Russia can't win a conventional war against the US and so it's important that Americans understand that Biden, the US congress, or whoever starts US wars, must not start one.

Russia will not lose a war under Putin's leadership. Push Russia to war against the US/Nato and it becomes nuclear within the first two days!
I'm trying to get My head around why Biden would call a national emergency at the Ukraine-Russa border.

Doesn't he know that those two countries are not the USA and that we are not being threatened --- yet.

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