Biden Considers Giving ID Cards to Illegal Aliens Released into U.S. So They Can Receive Benefits Payed By American Taxpayers

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Biden is aiding an invasion of illegal invaders, children included. He is a domestic enemy occupying the oval office as a Usurper. Do any liberals here want your taxpayer money go to support criminal illegal third worlders? Yes or No!

Biden is aiding an invasion of illegal invaders, children included. He is a domestic enemy occupying the oval office as a Usurper. Do any liberals here want your taxpayer money go to support criminal illegal third worlders? Yes or No!

And to think all that money going to illegals and their anchor babies, end up back up in Unkotare's pocket. Isnt that just wonderful.
Who or what is Unkotare?
It is a gay thing that indoctrinates Anchor Babies...

Now you are trying to dictate what Biden should be thinking? Hell, I can't even come close to that. What does come out of this is that you and Brietbart are nothing more than MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
You're delusional. We're American patriots!

The Tories said the same thing in 1776. The Nazis said the same thing in 1942. Okay, in 2 years, Rump won't be a factor at all but that still doesn't change your status. Instead of MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors you will be MAGA Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
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The Tories said the same thing in 1776. The Nazis said the same thing in 1942. Okay, in 2 years, Rump won't be a factor at all but that still doesn't change your status. Instead of MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors you will be MAGA Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
Are you a patriotic Citizen who loves America?
Are you a patriotic Citizen who loves America?

I am a retired Military Member who has put his ass on the line for America whether I agreed with the reasons or not. And I was recalled from retirement once. I took a promise 5 times (Oath) to fight terrorists both foreign and domestic. When someone proceeds their name, organization or whatever, with MAGA and then supports the Jan6 Insurrection then my Oath comes into play.

I won't ask if you are a Partiotic Citizen who loves America because you triggered my oath about Domestic Terrorist. And yes, even a Domestic Terrorist can be an American Citizen.
Biden is aiding an invasion of illegal invaders, children included. He is a domestic enemy occupying the oval office as a Usurper. Do any liberals here want your taxpayer money go to support criminal illegal third worlders? Yes or No!

Biden is an idiot, and idiots will support him on this.
The Tories said the same thing in 1776. The Nazis said the same thing in 1942. Okay, in 2 years, Rump won't be a factor at all but that still doesn't change your status. Instead of MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors you will be MAGA Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
Demscum are traitors.
I am a retired Military Member who has put his ass on the line for America whether I agreed with the reasons or not. And I was recalled from retirement once. I took a promise 5 times (Oath) to fight terrorists both foreign and domestic. When someone proceeds their name, organization or whatever, with MAGA and then supports the Jan6 Insurrection then my Oath comes into play.

I won't ask if you are a Partiotic Citizen who loves America because you triggered my oath about Domestic Terrorist. And yes, even a Domestic Terrorist can be an American Citizen.
the constitution was also violated constitution and the rule of law was violated when leftists were burning down entire city blocks across the country and assaulting and injuring over 2000 law enforcement officials ...and dem leaders were supporting bail for the rioters ..... facts .
I am a retired Military Member who has put his ass on the line for America whether I agreed with the reasons or not. And I was recalled from retirement once. I took a promise 5 times (Oath) to fight terrorists both foreign and domestic. When someone proceeds their name, organization or whatever, with MAGA and then supports the Jan6 Insurrection then my Oath comes into play.

I won't ask if you are a Partiotic Citizen who loves America because you triggered my oath about Domestic Terrorist. And yes, even a Domestic Terrorist can be an American Citizen.
You do know the election was stolen by a systematic coup, don't you? We have a Usurper installed in the oval office. To call law abiding Citizens traitors and domestic terrorists who want to preserve the Constitution, our sovereign southern border and make America great again is un-American.
Biden is aiding an invasion of illegal invaders, children included. He is a domestic enemy occupying the oval office as a Usurper. Do any liberals here want your taxpayer money go to support criminal illegal third worlders? Yes or No!

Imo Biden should be using every possible resource to track down and capture every one of these fucking illegal aliens. These invaders should be shipped out of the country as fast as possible. All of them: men, women, children. Every damned one of them.

Biden is a traitorous asshole. Closing, and protecting our borders should be his priority, not a fucking after thought. I can hardly wait until we can vote this worthless, disgusting, bastard out of our White House.
You do know the election was stolen by a systematic coup, don't you? We have a Usurper installed in the oval office. To call law abiding Citizens traitors and domestic terrorists who want to preserve the Constitution, our sovereign southern border and make America great again is un-American.

Spoken like a true Terrorist. The steal was thwarted on Jan6th and a lot of people are prison bound over it. We are hoping that Rump is one of them since he should carry more guilt than anyone. Of course, he doesn't feel guilt on anything even when he's caught red handed.

We are warming up the bunks in Gitmo just for you.
Now you are trying to dictate what Biden should be thinking? Hell, I can't even come close to that. What does come out of this is that you and Brietbart are nothing more than MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
Allowing diseased illegal criminals to cross our borders in the 100s of thousands is Domestic terrorism and traitorous. Voting for someone who allows this makes you culpable.
I am a retired Military Member who has put his ass on the line for America whether I agreed with the reasons or not. And I was recalled from retirement once. I took a promise 5 times (Oath) to fight terrorists both foreign and domestic. When someone proceeds their name, organization or whatever, with MAGA and then supports the Jan6 Insurrection then my Oath comes into play.

I won't ask if you are a Partiotic Citizen who loves America because you triggered my oath about Domestic Terrorist. And yes, even a Domestic Terrorist can be an American Citizen.
These people who were attacking the police at the White House, werent MAGA but BLM/ATIFA Joe Biden voters. True insurrections was happening at this time. How come nothing was to bring those people to justice?

I am a retired Military Member who has put his ass on the line for America whether I agreed with the reasons or not. And I was recalled from retirement once. I took a promise 5 times (Oath) to fight terrorists both foreign and domestic. When someone proceeds their name, organization or whatever, with MAGA and then supports the Jan6 Insurrection then my Oath comes into play.

I won't ask if you are a Partiotic Citizen who loves America because you triggered my oath about Domestic Terrorist. And yes, even a Domestic Terrorist can be an American Citizen.
I am also a Veteran. What does that have to do with Biden giving benefits to Illegals?

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