Biden claims America is all messed up....well what has he been doing for 47 years?

I don't believe anyone except someone eaten up with the Cult45 wants to be within 100 feet of Rump. He's the Eastern Seaboard Covid 19 Distributor. And just because his camp says he's cured doesn''t hold water with the majority of everyone else. so, with that in mind, Virtual is all he gets. And he backed out of that because he was looking for any excuse not to have another debate. What's next, is Rump going to have a person with Flesh Eating Bacteria hug everyone around him?

Here!!! wear this for just four more years and enjoy a better life....
View attachment 399961

If that will prevent Rump from being PResident and allow NY to have his ass then it would be worth it. Anything for America.
all you do is spread unwanted vile evil scum beliefs---hatred, that makes you an idiot

Woww, truth certainly is vile when dealing with a Criminal like Rump. Doncha' just hate it when that happens.
First. It was Iran’s money. It was money we seized when the Monarchy fell. Second. What would you prefer? All out war? Soviets gave AK’s to everyone. Do we bomb Moscow because our troops were shot by AK’s? We gave weapons to Jihadists who turned them on our troops. Do we bomb our own Capital?
Let me be perfectly clear.................after 9/11 I would have ripped the middle east a new asshole.......I wouldn't have rebuilt a damned thing..........I would have went right through Iran to get to Osama...........I would have went into Pakistan to kill Osama when he fled there..........and dared the fuckers to get in my way.

You don't win wars by playing by BS ROE's........and staying there for decades only screws yourself.........

I've served over there........we wanted to stomp them back then when they mined us in the Persian Gulf..........

Obama's ROEs; and policies were BS..............Bush ROE's were soon as Iran sent para militaries into Iraq I would have fucked them up............

Clear it up for you................

and it would have been over in 6 months..........we are VERY CAPABLE of fucking shit up to a point that they will say uncle sam quickly............

Sure. We have lots of history doing that. Look at Vietnam. Wait. Bad example. Um. How about Lebanon. No. Shit. Um. Gulf War One. Yeah. Not so much.

The Confederate States was roundly defeated. And still holds a grudge today. How many decades did the KKK run rampant? And that was after the economy and people and land was decimated.

I also served. I was in for Gulf War One. And we had holdouts days after it was all done. We had holdouts decades after Japan was defeated in War Two.

Afghanistan stood up to how many invaders through history? We are not the first, or second. And the same thing keeps happening time after time. If the people won’t give up, eventually you quit and go home.

Stomp the bastards into the ground was the attitude taken towards Germany after War One. How did that work out again? Oh yeah. Fascism in Italy. Fascism in Germany. Essentially a Shogunate in Japan. Millions dead. Trillions in expenses.

Let’s make this a little more micro stead of macro. Let’s say we are neighbors. You hate me. We fight and I whip your ass. What are the chances you will just learn to tolerate me? I would say one chance in ten. Maybe one in twenty.
What did he accomplish? What are his major acheivements? Taking money from Ukraine and China? Telling Obama not to kill Bin Ladin? Starting 5 illegal foreign wars and killing hundreds of thousands of brown people in the middle east? Putting thousands of black people in jail by passing the 1994 crime bill? Passing the trainwreck Obamacare? Sexually assaulting Tara Reade?
Enriching himself along with his family and friends.
Notice how these liberals cant talk about Biden’s accomplishments without naming Trump?

Trump had unemployment at 3% and the lowest black unemployment in history. He made us energy independent. He lowered taxes.....YES, ON YOU.

And we have had an influx of Covid cases in this county. We went through the whole thing with less than 100 cases and zero deaths. Then it comes the time to start wearing masks and Rump burns that idea. We have spoiled little children running around daring you to say anything about them not wearing masks when around the public. Now we have deaths in this county and have topped a couple of hundred cases and more than a handful of deaths. I know that doesn't like a huge number to you people but that is a huge increase from zero deaths to a bunch of deaths only because Rump wants to play the Mach Man over Science. As far as I am concerned, he's a mass murderer.
obviously, you are not smart enough to make a decision without being led around by the vile scum you support

Masks don't t protect me from you. It protects you from me. And these knotheads are as guilty with those deaths as if they had grabbed a gun and blew them away by shooting them.
well then stay the fuck home for the rest of your days....

just like piglousy inviting the sheep to china town masklesss. you are a retard
Joe Biden is an example of something that is mediocre but lasts a lifetime. He is one step away from being elected President, and he does not deserve it. Joe always seems to be present but not important. And when he was there was controversy. He came into politics long before social media and that was a good thing for him. A small state Senator backed by corporate interests there and did their bidding. Religion left Joe a long time ago if he had any in him. Repubs need to win this time around again. And it will be good for you Progs. It won't be good for Repub voters if Progs win. And frankly, a percentage of them seem to be getting ornery.

So the circus leaves town and takes the Carny Barker Con Man with it. Then we spend the next 4 years or so without have the begezus scared and shocked out of each and every day. We could use the vacation. A little mediocrity is in order. Maybe we can better spend our time forcing Congress to stop with the You against Me crap and work together like real human beings or start replacing them with those that do. And we can start spending time putting our Cities back to decent places to live. When the circus leaves town it leaves us a lot more time to do other things.

As for getting ornery, they won't. They are a lot of talk considering the LE and NG won't put up with it. And neither will their communities.
the vile scum demonrats wasted millions of tax payer $$$$ and getting it all shoved up their skanky asses. and you support this communist bullshit... go figure

Sorry, but as the day nears, fewer and fewer people are buying what you are selling. Try something different. Hey I know, next time, don't run a Carny Barker Con Man.
yo, dick lick...i aint promoting anything. im just saying you type some really stupid shit.
Notice how these liberals cant talk about Biden’s accomplishments without naming Trump?

Trump had unemployment at 3% and the lowest black unemployment in history. He made us energy independent. He lowered taxes.....YES, ON YOU.

And we have had an influx of Covid cases in this county. We went through the whole thing with less than 100 cases and zero deaths. Then it comes the time to start wearing masks and Rump burns that idea. We have spoiled little children running around daring you to say anything about them not wearing masks when around the public. Now we have deaths in this county and have topped a couple of hundred cases and more than a handful of deaths. I know that doesn't like a huge number to you people but that is a huge increase from zero deaths to a bunch of deaths only because Rump wants to play the Mach Man over Science. As far as I am concerned, he's a mass murderer.
obviously, you are not smart enough to make a decision without being led around by the vile scum you support

Masks don't t protect me from you. It protects you from me. And these knotheads are as guilty with those deaths as if they had grabbed a gun and blew them away by shooting them.
well then stay the fuck home for the rest of your days....

just like piglousy inviting the sheep to china town masklesss. you are a retard

I would rather a temporary law that says that YOU have to stay home and if you go out adhere to the Medical Procedures.
Notice how these liberals cant talk about Biden’s accomplishments without naming Trump?

Trump had unemployment at 3% and the lowest black unemployment in history. He made us energy independent. He lowered taxes.....YES, ON YOU.

And we have had an influx of Covid cases in this county. We went through the whole thing with less than 100 cases and zero deaths. Then it comes the time to start wearing masks and Rump burns that idea. We have spoiled little children running around daring you to say anything about them not wearing masks when around the public. Now we have deaths in this county and have topped a couple of hundred cases and more than a handful of deaths. I know that doesn't like a huge number to you people but that is a huge increase from zero deaths to a bunch of deaths only because Rump wants to play the Mach Man over Science. As far as I am concerned, he's a mass murderer.
obviously, you are not smart enough to make a decision without being led around by the vile scum you support

Masks don't t protect me from you. It protects you from me. And these knotheads are as guilty with those deaths as if they had grabbed a gun and blew them away by shooting them.
well then stay the fuck home for the rest of your days....

just like piglousy inviting the sheep to china town masklesss. you are a retard

I would rather a temporary law that says that YOU have to stay home and if you go out adhere to the Medical Procedures.
obviously, you are not smart enough to make a decision without being led around by the vile scum you support
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
Well, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is right: The dreams born in the1960s have turned into the nightmares of 2020 and beyond.

The country will soon pass the point of no return.

The United States of America is not exceptional, after all!
Well, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is right: The dreams born in the1960s have turned into the nightmares of 2020 and beyond.

The country will soon pass the point of no return.

The United States of America is not exceptional, after all!

It could be. But it takes exceptional leaders to make it that way. We don't have any available.
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.

That is Heresy. You should be rounded up, put into chains, displayed along the streets and tried by the Tribunal. Then you should be drawn and quartered and each part carried to the far ends of the...... Okay, you get the idea.
Biden has always been on the wrong side of everything.

Biden has also been pretty much a worthless piece of shit his entire career. Incompetent, not too bright, a creepy asshole and we all know about his corruption selling his influence to foreign countries like China, Ukraine and Russia.

Only an idiot or some poor confused Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome would vote for him.
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.
look dick, BARRAG o ruined AMERICA, period. TRUMP is trying to salvage what you vile scumbags of the demonrats created.
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.

That is Heresy. You should be rounded up, put into chains, displayed along the streets and tried by the Tribunal. Then you should be drawn and quartered and each part carried to the far ends of the...... Okay, you get the idea.
you should just be hung for your stupidity...obviously, you are very delusional, what a shame
Well, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is right: The dreams born in the1960s have turned into the nightmares of 2020 and beyond.

The country will soon pass the point of no return.

The United States of America is not exceptional, after all!

It could be. But it takes exceptional leaders to make it that way. We don't have any available.
especially in the evil, vile scum in the demonrats
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.
look dick, BARRAG o ruined AMERICA, period. TRUMP is trying to salvage what you vile scumbags of the demonrats created.
Are you insane? The country was humming along other than some people had to suffer deeply by looking at a black face in the Oval Office. By every measure except one important one which is distribution of equity the country made significant progress. If you think it was in shambles before and is now fixed.... fuck you. With all due respect. ;)
Well, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is right: The dreams born in the1960s have turned into the nightmares of 2020 and beyond.

The country will soon pass the point of no return.

The United States of America is not exceptional, after all!
and BEIJING XIDEN is one of the reasons.....
When Biden left government as the VP America was the greatest nation on earth with a booming economy and world respect. Without him in the government for 3 1/2 years it has fallen apart.
do you convince yourself of that stupid shit? the best economy was last year before the demonrat virus....duh
The economy continued on the improvement trend set up by Obama Biden which was the greatest in the world at that time and continued to be until Trump F’d it up. Unlike you flat earthers I know the world is older that 4 years ago when Trump god was elected.
look dick, BARRAG o ruined AMERICA, period. TRUMP is trying to salvage what you vile scumbags of the demonrats created.
Are you insane? The country was humming along other than some people had to suffer deeply by looking at a black face in the Oval Office. By every measure except one important one which is distribution of equity the country made significant progress. If you think it was in shambles before and is now fixed.... fuck you.
you are delusional. never said that dick. you shouldnt take after the vile scum of the demonrats and assume. it makes an ass out of you, and you only!!! BARRAG left AMERICA in ruins. btw--fuck you dick lick

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