Biden Cannot Escape Impeachment for This Criminal Giveaway to his Generous Pals in China.

So they will impeach Biden to make Harris President?

Then impeach Harris to make Pelosi president?

None of those are winning scenarios.
In any impeachment scenario, Pelosi would never become president, because she would not be Speaker of the House. Biden could take a dump on the front lawn of the White House, hand it to a visiting dignitary, and Pelosi would not let him be impeached. Even she doesn't want Kamala anywhere near the WH. Get rid of Quid Pro and you'd better get rid of Kamala at the same time, or she'll just appoint an even greater radical as her VP.
I dunno. I can see a gop house voting impeachment just to quell the Trumpfans.
Sorry, Charlie. That dog don't hunt.
Biden: deny, deny, deny
The American people: Yo pants on fire, Mr. President!

the reality: a desperate Biden chooses to skirt around his own deed that is horrifying, frankly:
In any impeachment scenario, Pelosi would never become president, because she would not be Speaker of the House. Biden could take a dump on the front lawn of the White House, hand it to a visiting dignitary, and Pelosi would not let him be impeached. Even she doesn't want Kamala anywhere near the WH. Get rid of Quid Pro and you'd better get rid of Kamala at the same time, or she'll just appoint an even greater radical as her VP.
Her trial is being firmed up as we speak. She jumped ship and was seen yesterday overseas on "vacation." Not sure where she is today.
The latest Gallup has Joe's approval has nosedived to 23%. Tissue? Here's some blue box ones in honor of you Biden clingers:



Look what the Dems have done by trying to impeach Trump for everything.

Now, any POTUS that farts - gets screams for IMPEACHMENT!!!

The US political system becomes more of a joke every day.
This from the person that thinks the President can control what oil companies do with the oil they bought
I see you haven't heard the latest madman finger snap Biden did. He's emptying the Naval Reserves in Midwest Wyoming, millions of barrels a day as a gift to Russia by way of China whom he stiffed just a few short years ago as Obama's point man. *sigh*
Meanwhile, us middle class "thugs" have had to limit our driving our 20-year-old cars and trucks to a couple of trips a week due to pump pain and limited incomes shrinking by Biden's inflation caused by hammering an oil pipeline, declaring out-and-out war on small businesses and the oil industry, American babies dying for lack of baby formulas on empty grocery shelves. Don't worry. Biden is refining his Biden's fault line to escape responsibility, as ever. Who knew?
I dunno. I can see a gop house voting impeachment just to quell the Trumpfans.
Actually, it's to bring back truth to the next Speaker of the house's chair. Pelosi has some little old crimes of calumny against 60% of the American people to account for. :whipg:
Is your short term memory terminal? Awwwwwwww. All those things Biden did were Trump's fault? Is your last name "Biden?" or are you just a good li'l ol' apparatchik for the leftist lying fetish?
I said Trump did it also, sorry you can't handle reality.
Trump authorized the budget Fauci used to pay for programs.
Another lie you Satanic Globalist Whore. Trump only financed creation of Vaccines to combat the Obama-Fauci BioWeapon. He never did forced needle raping.

Obama is who black budgeted (no pun intended) the money for The Defense Department laundered through ECO Health and funneled through Fauci and The CCP Chinese Wuhan Lab.

Obama, Biden, Clinton and Fauci did this because there was a complete BAN on GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH in THE US, so they circumvented the law like the CAREER CRIMINALS they are, and funneled and laundered that money through The Defense Department through their ECOHEALTH Front to Wuhan into Fauci and Xi's Greedy little hands.

Then 10 days before Trump was sworn into office OBAMA took the Gain of Function Ban off so He and Fauci could have plausible deniability for an illegal BIOWEAPONS COVID19 project they had already been running for several years.

Then PROFIT Fauci comes out in Public after he and Bill Gates Corona Seminar and states PROPHETICALLY that Trump would be attacked by the very illegal BIOWEAPON he had developed, now suddenly ok because Obama lifted the ban to give cover to Fauci to make a prediction based on their Plan to Release that very BioWeapon strategically before our elections.

You don't think God is going to punish all the people that committed Global Genocide just to win an election even though they have to this date gotten away with it?

Tell your Globalist RUSKIE CCP DEMNAZI lies to someone else who has just as much of a low IQ as you do.

The only attack on Democracy was authorized by Obama, Biden, Clinton and Fauci first in 2016 when they contracted with Putin to take down Trump, and then in 2020 when they contracted with Xi and the CCP to overthrow our Democracy in their second attempt in just 4 years to rig a presidential election.

Only this time COVID19 that they funded and financed was a more powerful weapon to use against The American People than the Russian Collusion Weapon they purchased just 4 years earlier.
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