Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

I have been watching all of the big networks this am and it is a constant barrage of fearmongering from every single one of them. They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it... Not one is doing honest reporting on the people affected.

The all hands on deck strategy from the Biden propaganda arm is in full blown tilt mode this morning. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all onboard and not one of them are covering the accusations of treason by Joe Biden when he was a sitting VP of the United States.

At no time in my life time have I seen such blatant political bias from our media. NONE OF THEM DESERVE 230 Protections as they are acting like a supper PAC for Joe Biden.

There is no "LINK" for this OBSERVATION of behaviors by the Lame Stream Media...

Its my observation of these people since 0300 my time this morning. The LSM has been pushing COVID fear this morning.. Its all Joe and democrats have left.
What would Trump's strategy be, if the situation were reversed?
The economy and what he would do differently... But Joe has nothing and what he would do will kill the US economy dead.... The media acting like a Super PAC is more concerning to me as this is more a soviet style disinformation campaign..
'Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID'

That is pretty interesting considering he led the Democratic Party's opposition to President Trump's life-saving travel bans. Biden called them 'Xenophobic' while Democrats authored legislation designed to block the bans as well as to strip the President of other powers / taking other actions that could help save even more Americans.

Eventually Biden conceded that the bans were the right thing to do. Later, when asked what he would have done / would do if HE were president, the historically documented PLAGIARIST released a list of things he would do and it looked almost identical to what Trump was already doing.
And the data shows that the US is in very good shape even with the current surge in cases which are primarily in the 20-40 age range.


They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it.
Are you really STUPID enough to think hospitalizations are not being reported because they are DECREASING? :cuckoo:
They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it.
Are you really STUPID enough to think hospitalizations are not being reported because they are DECREASING? :cuckoo:

AN Idiot speaks... As a general observation they are decreasing in most states. only two states are currently seeing an increase in hospitalizations... Yet the death rates continue to decline...

You must watch the LSM as this is the panic porn they are pushing too..
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Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

I have been watching all of the big networks this am and it is a constant barrage of fearmongering from every single one of them. They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it... Not one is doing honest reporting on the people affected.

The all hands on deck strategy from the Biden propaganda arm is in full blown tilt mode this morning. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all onboard and not one of them are covering the accusations of treason by Joe Biden when he was a sitting VP of the United States.

At no time in my life time have I seen such blatant political bias from our media. NONE OF THEM DESERVE 230 Protections as they are acting like a supper PAC for Joe Biden.

There is no "LINK" for this OBSERVATION of behaviors by the Lame Stream Media...

Its my observation of these people since 0300 my time this morning. The LSM has been pushing COVID fear this morning.. Its all Joe and democrats have left.
Politicization of covid, fear mongering, racial divide and an all out frontal assault on anything Donald J Trump by the liberal left propaganda machine is, and has been the democrat 2020 platform. Back to covid, anyone with even a remote understanding of viral epidemiology knows that an airborne virus is unstoppable. What we can do against the virus is make available effective therapeutic treatment regimes and vaccination, both of which Trump has already done in record time. Biden's focus on covid is a ploy to take the focus away from his real agenda, socialism. It's just that simple.
Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

Yep. Despite the fact that deaths are right where the SCIENCE experts predicted we would be this Spring if we did all the right things, despite being 53rd in the world in Covid deaths, despite things getting worse all over the world, if Biden gets in, he'll get RIGHT ON IT, he'll PROTECT us from all threats big and invisible (I didn't know we were being threatened!), and he'll institute his BIG PLAN and you'll see Covid vanish overnight!

The funny thing is I've listened to all his "steps" and they are all a crock-- -- one of them is protecting the ACA as if that were a key to saving Covid deaths! The ONLY ONE which has any meaning is his claim that he will double the number of testing stations.

I couldn't tell you where one is now! So what will he do? Have all of us standing in long lines every other day getting tested so he can jack the numbers higher then have half the country in quarantine for months on end? Talk of madness! Do any of the democrat loving fuckwits give ANY thought to any of this?
AN Idiot speaks... As a general observation they are decreasing in most states. only two states are currently seeing an increase in hospitalizations...
Total hospitalizations:
Oct 25 41,776
Oct 26 42,917
Oct 27 44,212
Oct 28 45,045
Oct 29 46,095
Do you see a DECREASE there?????
Why do you lying scum ASSHOLES lie about stuff that can be so easily checked?????
Covid, Covid, Covid
Yes, its the only tool the Dems have left in their toolbox.
They are just trying to salvage what's left of their political base at this point.
They know theyre out of ammo, as they dont have a China-man's chance of winning :laughing0301:
Everything that crook Joe says he would have done differently Trump did already...I don't know about you all but he looks like a clown when he politicizes a virus....I wonder if crooked Joe would have politicized AIDS to get elected.....ITS A VIRUS FROM YOUR EMPLOYER JOE!!!!!!!!!
AN Idiot speaks... As a general observation they are decreasing in most states. only two states are currently seeing an increase in hospitalizations...
Total hospitalizations:
Oct 25 41,776
Oct 26 42,917
Oct 27 44,212
Oct 28 45,045
Oct 29 46,095
Do you see a DECREASE there?????
Why do you lying scum ASSHOLES lie about stuff that can be so easily checked?????

I posted the CDC...
Biden Campaign Strategy = COVID, COVID, COVID

I have been watching all of the big networks this am and it is a constant barrage of fearmongering from every single one of them. They are all citing the number of cases but not one of them is showing hospitalizations from it... Not one is doing honest reporting on the people affected.

The all hands on deck strategy from the Biden propaganda arm is in full blown tilt mode this morning. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all onboard and not one of them are covering the accusations of treason by Joe Biden when he was a sitting VP of the United States.

At no time in my life time have I seen such blatant political bias from our media. NONE OF THEM DESERVE 230 Protections as they are acting like a supper PAC for Joe Biden.

There is no "LINK" for this OBSERVATION of behaviors by the Lame Stream Media...

Its my observation of these people since 0300 my time this morning. The LSM has been pushing COVID fear this morning.. Its all Joe and democrats have left.
Fascists gotta fascist.
AN Idiot speaks... As a general observation they are decreasing in most states. only two states are currently seeing an increase in hospitalizations...
Total hospitalizations:
Oct 25 41,776
Oct 26 42,917
Oct 27 44,212
Oct 28 45,045
Oct 29 46,095
Do you see a DECREASE there?????
Why do you lying scum ASSHOLES lie about stuff that can be so easily checked?????
Stay in your closet.
Rest of us will live our lives.

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