Biden calls Republicans "semi" fascist

Slaves were capital.

Slavery in the new world evolved from the slavery practiced in Europe since at least Roman times and has been part of the human condition since there has been a human condition.

Your poli-spin is stupid.
So in your estimation, we should continue with slavery, child labor, harems..etc? They've always existed, right? We evolve and move on.
Genuine communism occurs when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production:

That is decades, maybe even a century away. Atomic precision manufacturing machines will allow consumers to produce everything they consume without anyone else's help or input. People will become fully independent and the state will become superfluous. Human relationships will be 100% voluntary. Land or being in one place long-term, will be seen as a burden because you carry with you all of the technology that produces everything hence no need to remain in one place unless you want to. You become a spacefarer with your family, or seafarer, or an earthfarer/landfarer, living and traveling on a ship or giant RV. Don't like the authoritarian nature of the leaders of your community? Leave, big deal. Now it's difficult to "leave" and relocate, but in the future, people will just leave and go somewhere else. They'll start a new colony or community somewhere else, maybe in an asteroid, near Pluto.

Socialism is now like a flower growing in a field of weeds that want to strangle it. Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries. Socialism won't replace capitalism in one single swoop or revolution, it will take some time. We're now getting very close to the material conditions that are ripe for socialism. Advanced technology will eliminate wage labor and that's essentially the end of capitalism and the beginning of the socialist age.

ommunsim is when there is no state and no individual.

communism will never happen because it ignores the basic reality of humans…we look out for our own self interest
ok, so do you know the difference between capital and capitalism? apparently not

there was capital in a monarchy, there is capitalism in socialism, there is capital in fascism

capital isn’t capitalism they mean two different things

gosh you aren’t bright
Selling slaves at the market is capitalism just as much as selling any other commodity. Do you know how much a good slave cost back then?
Selling slaves at the market is capitalism just as much as selling any other commodity. Do you know how much a good slave cost back then?
buying and selling in and of itself isn’t capitalism

socialist regimes buy and sell things too

slavery undermines and runs against capitalism since it undermines the idea of max profits

slavery is what happens in a socialist society…nobody owns anything, the state does Just cause the State buys and sells stuff doesn’t mean it’s not socialist
In China there are millions of people who are poor and don't have access to healthcare. I had open heart surgery in June 2021, in one of the top hospitals in this country. I'm not rich, I had to become really poor to qualify for Medicaid in my state, but at least I had Medicaid. I'm now recovering financially, and physically, but the impoverished Chinese have less access to healthcare than we do here in America. Sure you may not be able to pay the deductible to your private health insurance, but you can still, in many states, qualify for Medicaid if your income is below a certain level. The Chinese don't have that, and they're "communist"? No they're not. Americans have more access to an education, through their local community colleges. You can get plenty of US government financial aid, with the FAFSA, Pell Grants, the Chinese don't have that. You have to go through a rigorous vetting process to see if you're "worthy" of receiving a university education and then and only then, maybe, you will get a higher education, paid for by the state.

America and Western Europe, in many ways, are more socialist and compassionate, towards their citizens than China is towards its own people. I'm against imperialism, that's when our politicians serve the vested interests of corporations at the expense of human beings (Americans, and people in other countries).
yeah that’s what happens in a socialist country…poverty and death
One of the major similarities that the Democrats have with the fascist is that they are both raging fanatical assholes.
Biden is once again campaigning with lies and hate mongering and fear mongering
He is calling the Republicans "semi" fascist and a threat to our "democracy"
Fascists do things like using the FBI as their political weapon.
Fascists do things like using hate and fear as their campaign tools.
Fascists do things like using race, religion and region to divide people
Fascists do things like relentlessly lying and using propaganda and censorship.
Fascists do things like using violence as a campaign tool like the Democrats do.
Biden is wrong once again and he is lying once again.
It's the Dems who are the true fascists.

So a proven criminal, treasonous, compromised, Constitution / Rule of Law / Oath of Office-violating, Tyrannical, Democrat so dementia-ravaged and brain damaged that he shakes hands with AIR and needs cue cards to tell him when to walk, sit, stand, and leave a room called Republicans a name ... an action probably written down for him on one of his cue cards...and WHAT?

Republicans...Conservatives...are supposed to get angry, become triggered in response like snowflakes do?

laughing hilariously.jpg
So in your estimation, we should continue with slavery, child labor, harems..etc? They've always existed, right? We evolve and move on.
You know that's just the way it was two hundred years ago when practically all white folks here believed that the slave race was inferior and that we was helping them along the evolutionary ladder. Not really, they didn't know shit about evolution.....
buying and selling in and of itself isn’t capitalism

socialist regimes buy and sell things too

slavery undermines and runs against capitalism since it undermines the idea of max profits

slavery is what happens in a socialist society…nobody owns anything, the state does Just cause the State buys and sells stuff doesn’t mean it’s not socialist
Slaves were property, to be owned by individuals and or large plantations, not the state. Their labor made those plantations very profitable.

Biden calls Republicans "semi" fascist​

Joe is trying to uphold that campaign promise of his to unite the country.

At least he can distinguish between the rest of us and his party of FULL Fascist democrats.

Someone ought to ask Joe how the GOP can be semi fascist when they haven't control over anything? Does Joe even know what fascism is?

All of this is just more of the usual ploy to try to spin the opposition so badly that the GOP will do its usual turn and spend all its time trying to prove him wrong, when instead we simply need to focus on impeaching him.
It's capitalism that eventually does that, not socialism. This is America, not China:

oh there is not homeless people living in poverty in china? venezuela? cuba? north korea?

capitalism gives people the opportunity to be lifted out of such conditions

socialism does not

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