Biden Brags Un-Constitutional Vaccine Mandate Working Although Number Of Unvaccinated 'Unacceptably High'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal, but instead bragged that his mandates are working, as his conditioning Americans to accept Un-Constitutional Govt mandates, prepping the way for more to come.

President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19.

Biden also ignored the huge impact the opposition to his Un-Constitutional mandates have impacted the declining economy hit with growing inflation, rising gas prices, heating energy costs spiking 45%, and a critical supply chain crisis that has govt officials warning everything from food to Christmas toys will be hard to find on shelves.

"We have to do more to vaccinate 66 million unvaccinated people in America," he said. "It's essential."

Because of his Un-Constitutional 1-size-fits-all edict thousands of people have been fired / forced out of the middle of the declining economy, rising Inflation, etc....

What more can Biden do to FORCE 66 million Americans to get vaccinated? What more are the Marxist tyrannical Democrats willing to do?

It blows my mind with all the stupidity coming from Brandon.
No one addresses that millions had and recovered from the virus.
They all have the natural antibodies that are 23% stronger than the
vaccines on the market that work/don't work. Those that recovered don't
need no stinkin' vaccine and that is what is never discussed.
"Let's be clear, vaccination requirements should not be another issue that divides us," the president said.

Let's be clear, Joe Biden has caused this issue to be massively divisional. He has vilified, demonized, targeted, and punished Americans who have and continue to oppose his UN-CONSTITUTIONAL edict.

He has stripped from the American people their right to make decisions about their own health and their own body. While Democrats continue to proclaim about abortions, 'My body, my Choice' that same argument is not afforded to Americans regarding the virus vaccinations.

"That's why we continue to battle the misinformation that's out there, and companies and communities are setting up. They're stepping up as well to combat these misinformation.

Let's be clear, the Biden administration has been the leading spreaders of misinformation regarding COVID-19 and treatments, and the fake news media continue to lie and spread propaganda, all focused on forcing the mask and vaccination mandates alone to be allowed for discussion as the remedy / solution to the virus.
It blows my mind with all the stupidity coming from Brandon.
No one addresses that millions had and recovered from the virus.
They all have the natural antibodies that are 23% stronger than the
vaccines on the market that work/don't work. Those that recovered don't
need no stinkin' vaccine and that is what is never discussed.
And only 13% of the US population has ever gotten the virus.
President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal, but instead bragged that his mandates are working, as his conditioning Americans to accept Un-Constitutional Govt mandates, prepping the way for more to come.

President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19.

Biden also ignored the huge impact the opposition to his Un-Constitutional mandates have impacted the declining economy hit with growing inflation, rising gas prices, heating energy costs spiking 45%, and a critical supply chain crisis that has govt officials warning everything from food to Christmas toys will be hard to find on shelves.

"We have to do more to vaccinate 66 million unvaccinated people in America," he said. "It's essential."

Because of his Un-Constitutional 1-size-fits-all edict thousands of people have been fired / forced out of the middle of the declining economy, rising Inflation, etc....

What more can Biden do to FORCE 66 million Americans to get vaccinated? What more are the Marxist tyrannical Democrats willing to do?

Isn't it interesting that the administration isn't calling out the "majority" of the black population who aren't getting the vaccine and those blacks calling the vaccine "racist."
They just can’t let go of the make pretend while sowing the seeds of destruction
Hiding from the air and trying to force people to capitulate via mandates which have NO permissible effect of law
This proud American is done with being a guinea pig . Did my part with the two Moderna and no more fiddling around. I will be denied access Nowhere. Liberals will pearl clutch.
They just can’t let go of the make pretend while sowing the seeds of destruction
Hiding from the air and trying to force people to capitulate via mandates which have NO permissible effect of law
It blows my mind with all the stupidity coming from Brandon.
No one addresses that millions had and recovered from the virus.
They all have the natural antibodies that are 23% stronger than the
vaccines on the market that work/don't work. Those that recovered don't
need no stinkin' vaccine and that is what is never discussed.
Donald H says natural immunity is irrelevant. All must get vaccinated. Why? Because the CDC said so
Joe Biden believes that if you tell a big enough lie and do it often enough that eventually people will believe it.

The day that man is out of the WH will be a good day.

That's Donald Trump's mantra. It works on Republicans. Most still believe Obama was born in Kenya.

It's also working with the Big Lie that the election was stolen. You're accusing Biden of lying, when in fact it's Trump and the Republican Party who continue to try to gaslight the American public.

Biden isn't lying. The vaccines are working every that people have been vaccinated. Unfortunately, not nearly enough Americans are vaccinated yet.

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