Biden Blames Guns

If you're in Ohio, your governor that signed it, was a Republican and not a democrat as you stated???

The majority of Americans believe there should be background checks and other regulations, even citizens that are pro 2nd amendment and own guns.....

The NRA wrote the new easy peasy gun laws in Texas and in Ohio...don't fool yourself in to believing they had no influence...

View attachment 651715

The NRA represents gun owners. Of course they lobby for our goals. Doesn't every group? But the little amount of cash they hand out compared to other groups is almost laughable to think the representatives are doing so on their behalf. Our state is a pro self-defense state. It's political suicide for any member to go against gun owners.

And BTW, my mistake. I meant to say it was a Democrat Governor who signed our Castle Doctrine into law, which also extends to our vehicles. According to our laws, breaking into my car is no different than breaking into my home. Doing so gives me the legal right to use deadly force.
The NRA represents gun owners. Of course they lobby for our goals. Doesn't every group? But the little amount of cash they hand out compared to other groups is almost laughable to think the representatives are doing so on their behalf. Our state is a pro self-defense state. It's political suicide for any member to go against gun owners.

And BTW, my mistake. I meant to say it was a Democrat Governor who signed our Castle Doctrine into law, which also extends to our vehicles. According to our laws, breaking into my car is no different than breaking into my home. Doing so gives me the legal right to use deadly force.
Yes, there hundreds of lobby groups. The NRA isn’t even on the list of the most prominent.
There he goes again. Using the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding. What an asshole!!

Today, he hinted that he wants to go after high caliber ammo.

He says, "'The .22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lungs and we can get it out. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,' he said. 'The idea of a high caliber weapon, there is no rationale for it in terms of self-protection, hunting."

2:00 mark in this video...

"The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed," he says.

Today, he hinted that he wants to go after high caliber ammo.

He says, "'The .22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lungs and we can get it out. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,' he said. 'The idea of a high caliber weapon, there is no rationale for it in terms of self-protection, hunting."

2:00 mark in this video...

"The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed," he says.

I wonder if Biden knows that an AR-15 is just a glorified .22.
So maybe your dream will come true of killing somebody someday if somebody mistakes your car for his own and walks up and puts their hand on your door handle. You can kill ‘em

That's about the dumbest statement I read this year. Nobody wants to kill another human outside of criminals who could care less about life. When I strap on my gun, I pray I don't have to use it. Why do you think they put police officers on leave after they're involved in a shooting?

My father never talks about the Korean war in regards to death. The only thing he told us is that killing another human being is a feeling nobody ever wants to feel. It's not like television "bang, oww" it's a feeling that changes your life forever even if the person you killed was trying to kill you.

It's also well documented that CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in the country, including police officers. We Americans use our firearms for self-defense, to defend others, or to stop a crime between 1 and 4 million times a year depending on who's statistics you use. Very few of those situations ever involved shooting somebody prematurely or by accident. If fact in most cases the mere brandishing of a firearm stops a criminal in their tracks and we don't have to fire the gun once.
So maybe your dream will come true of killing somebody someday if somebody mistakes your car for his own and walks up and puts their hand on your door handle. You can kill ‘em
Breaking into a vehicle or home is not a mistake. It is a vicious criminal activity.

No wonder crime is so high in Democrat controlled cities. You Moon Bats are too sorry to hold the assholes accountable.
Nobody wants to kill another human
Salvador Ramos was not a criminal and no one knew he wanted to kill ten year olds when he went to the store that sold him two assault rifles legally - no questions asked - what is the need - doesn’t matter - he had a right - no one’s right to life should get in the way of what he desires to possess.

So it’s on you - You are lying to every ten year old who goes to school. You have decided that no one wants to kill human beings when they buy an assault rifle if not having a criminal record but you say it with no guarantees. You are therefore a fraud and a liar in which 10 year old kids lose and you get to play with your toys but ten year olds don’t get to play with anything at all.
Salvador Ramos was not a criminal and no one knew he wanted to kill ten year olds when he went to the store that sold him two assault rifles legally - no questions asked - what is the need - doesn’t matter - he had a right - no one’s right to life should get in the way of what he desires to possess.

So it’s on you - You are lying to every ten year old who goes to school. You have decided that no one wants to kill human beings when they buy an assault rifle if not having a criminal record but you say it with no guarantees. You are therefore a fraud and a liar in which 10 year old kids lose and you get to play with your toys but ten year olds don’t get to play with anything at all.

Ramos became a criminal the second he pulled that trigger. Yes, he had the right to legally buy the gun he used, so WTF do you want us to do about that? The gun didn't walk out of his bedroom and kill kids, he did that.

There are no guarantees with anything in life. There are no guarantees that people who bought cars last week will not get intoxicated and kill somebody. There are no guarantees that the guy who bought a hammer at the hardware store will not use it to kill his wife. There are no guarantees that a guy who got hooked up to the internet today will not use it to lure children to his car to rape or kill them. There are no guarantees.

But it's impossible to create this magic bubble you have in your mind that will protect all of us from evil. There were evil people a thousand years ago and there will be evil people in a thousand years from today. It's just something we have to deal with. All we can do is protect ourselves the best we can against evil and hope to reduce as much of it as possible. That's the reason a good percentage of us want firearms in our home and on person when out in public; because there is no way to eliminate evil.
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No wonder crime is so high in Democrat controlled cities.

Why is murder highest per capita in bright red Trump states?

In all, eight of the 10 states with the highest per-capita murder rates in the country voted for Trump in 2020. None of those eight states have been carried by a Democrat since 1996. Mississippi had by far the highest murder rate at 20.5 murders per 100,000 residents, followed by Louisiana at 15.79. Alabama, Kentucky and Missouri all had murder rates higher than 14 per 100,000 compared to a national average of 6.5.​
The only states that voted for Biden to appear in the top 10 are Georgia — a longtime Republican stronghold that went blue by a tiny margin in 2020 — and New Mexico.​
Why is murder highest per capita in bright red Trump states?

In all, eight of the 10 states with the highest per-capita murder rates in the country voted for Trump in 2020. None of those eight states have been carried by a Democrat since 1996. Mississippi had by far the highest murder rate at 20.5 murders per 100,000 residents, followed by Louisiana at 15.79. Alabama, Kentucky and Missouri all had murder rates higher than 14 per 100,000 compared to a national average of 6.5.​
The only states that voted for Biden to appear in the top 10 are Georgia — a longtime Republican stronghold that went blue by a tiny margin in 2020 — and New Mexico.​
There is no such thing as red states and blue states. That is an invention of USA Today.

It is America v the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

Like Atlanta in Georgia, Houston in Texas, Memphis in Tennessee, etc.

Those cites with Democrat leadership are where all that crime takes place.

Of course the King of Crime is Chicago. Blue city in what is called a blue state.
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Ramos became a criminal the second he pulled that trigger. Yes, he had the right to legally buy the gun he used, so WTF do you want us to do about that?

It’s easy. Do not make it so damned easy for anybody anywhere in the United States to buy an assault rifle without a two year probation period to prove he has the right to play with any type of military use firearm. All you longer term gun owners keep what already have. Proper probationary deeper investigation applications will apply to only first time buyers of a gun.

If there is a definite definable need of self or property protection then each case can be reviewed on an independent basis. Say someone living on a ranch and their father died and one of the sons is taking over. He gets credit for his father’s history of being a law abiding citizen with a gun. Sensible people can make something like this work.

You can’t but since you cannot guarantee in any way that first time gun buyers who choose assault rifles as their first gun toy to play with won’t be committing mass murders with them, no one should pay attention to you. You are not sensible.
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Ignorance for you must be bliss. They also called the Eight out of 10 states with the highest murders per capita are states that Trump won. Nice way to reply with a non-issue.
Salvador Ramos was not a criminal and no one knew he wanted to kill ten year olds when he went to the store that sold him two assault rifles legally - no questions asked - what is the need - doesn’t matter - he had a right - no one’s right to life should get in the way of what he desires to possess.

So it’s on you - You are lying to every ten year old who goes to school. You have decided that no one wants to kill human beings when they buy an assault rifle if not having a criminal record but you say it with no guarantees. You are therefore a fraud and a liar in which 10 year old kids lose and you get to play with your toys but ten year olds don’t get to play with anything at all.

In 2018, he was reportedly arrested for planning a Columbine-type attack at a the Uvalde Middle school....

In 2018, he was reportedly arrested for planning a Columbine-type attack at a the Uvalde Middle school....
You are just another NRA evil Republican getting sucked up into right wing lies. You need to read the story you posted. It was not Ramos.
You are just another NRA evil Republican getting sucked up into right wing lies. You need to read the story you posted. It was not Ramos.
Yes, I should have checked for updates before posting that reported info I originally posted on Thursday.

Thanks for letting me know it is disputed.

FYI, I am not an NRA member, just a big supporter of the 2A and the right to defend oneself and one's family. I am a Republican. Probably nicer than most Dems, but perhaps your definition of "evil" is much different from mine.

Can you please explain to me why so many posters like yourself resort to name calling so quickly? That seems to foreign to me.
It’s easy. Do not make it so damned easy for anybody anywhere in the United States to buy an assault rifle without a two year probation period to prove he has the right to play with any type of military use firearm. All you longer term gun owners keep what already have. Proper probationary deeper investigation applications will apply to only first time buyers of a gun.

If there is a definite definable need of self or property protection then each case can be reviewed on an independent basis. Say someone living on a ranch and their father died and one of the sons is taking over. He gets credit for his father’s history of being a law abiding citizen with a gun. Sensible people can make something like this work.

You can’t but since you cannot guarantee in any way that first time gun buyers who choose assault rifles as their first gun toy to play with won’t be committing mass murders with them, no one should pay attention to you. You are not sensible.

I'm not following what you're saying. A two year probationary period of what? You mean after he buys a gun be on some sort of probation period or before he buys a gun?

What you fail to understand are several things: ARs are not military weapons, they never have been. There is no such thing as an assault rifle. It's a term the Communist party made up. Goof balls can do nearly as much damage or the same damage with a handgun as they can an AR. Handguns are readily available to most people legal or illegal. There is not a law in the world they can write to stop that.

Now, once you come to terms with the reality of guns in our country, only then you'll realize how unproductive banning AR's at any age are. It won't stop one crazy person from a mass shooting, it won't stop one school shooting, it won't stop some mentally deficient person from going into a Walmart and shooting anybody he can hit. Why? Because guns don't shoot themselves. Killers use guns to kill and they will kill no matter what if that's in their heart.
I do bring facts. I was a child in school in the 60's. You could walk in or out of them through unlocked doors with no concern. Nobody dreamed of going into a school and killing a bunch of innocent kids. What changed? We always had guns. We always had violent television shows. Westerns were very popular back then and a lot of that was shooting scenes.

What changed was our society. The commies pushed for single-parent homes during the women's lib movement to try and buy votes. We took God out of school and nearly all of society itself. We stopped having people committed because it was a constitutional violation. I remember in the 70's. Geraldo had his own weekly television show. He's the one that started the movement institutions were holding people that committed no crimes. It started a movement that led to us opening up all those locked doors and letting those people out, and we haven't locked them up since. Thanks to that, homeless are roaming our streets by the tens of thousands. Liberal cities give them syringes so they can shoot themselves up with drugs safely. Crazy people are getting guns and there is absolutely nothing we can do to them until they use one in a crime.

We had our faults in the earlier days, but not the problems we have today mostly thanks to the liberals.
You always had disregard for human life it just changed from white serial Killers, Italian and Irish mafias to what we see now. America was always a violent society but you try to paint it differently.

You didn't have school shootings but you hate serial kidnappers and rapists.
I want to make it impossible for an 18-year-old to buy an assault rifle and high velocity ammunition with 30 round clips without a damn good reason for why he needs one for starters.
That's because you're a dumb deluded leftard.

You can NOT make it impossible.

You don't have that power

Through legislation or any other way.

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