Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I think it a mistake to blame anyone but Trump for all the bad things that happens during the Biden administration.

After all, that is all the Left will run on in 2024, which is Trump hate because they will have nothing else.

But that is just me. Blaming Delta is a little "iffy"

I think it a mistake to blame anyone but Trump for all the bad things that happens during the Biden administration.

After all, that is all the Left will run on in 2024, which is Trump hate because they will have nothing else.

But that is just me. Blaming Delta is a little "iffy"
Know how many jobs were gained in the hospitality sector?


People are too scared to eat indoors at restaurants or get on planes and ships
??? I don't know any economist that would say that Delta has had no impact on economy, Biden is certainly right to point that out.

Wilmington Trust chief economist Luke Tilley has among the lowest forecasts at 300,000. He said high-frequency data he watches indicates a slowing.

“We do think that the spread of delta and some slowing in spending has a lot to do with it,” he said. “Spending at restaurants is coming down. You can look at daily spending trackers. Spending on airlines and leisure came down from July.”

While some of that is normal over the course of the summer travel season, Tilley said there’s a bigger trend developing. “We do think we’re going to see a slowing. We’re in the process of revising some of our GDP numbers.”

Dumbass, these are national statistics, which is the exact opposite of speaking for anyone specific.
These "national statistics" come with no empirical or sensory evidence to back the claim that delta is to blame.

You're just making the connection because you're a dour, depressing, scaremonger.
These "national statistics" come with no empirical or sensory evidence to back the claim that delta is to blame.

You're just making the connection because you're a dour, depressing, scaremonger.
Hey dope… if people were cramming into restaurants and taking vacations… the hospitality sector would have added jobs… even if they had to pay higher wages.

That didn’t happen
no empirical or sensory evidence to back the claim that delta is to blame.

"sensory evidence"? - is that your crack at sounding not stupid? You aren't doing well.

Why else do you think liesuire and hospitality is lagging in August if not for resurgence of Covid? Why did people suddenly not want to travel at the tail end of the summer?

You've got some other, surely well thought out, alternate theory to everything economists are saying? I don't think you do, I think youa re a two bit politico out to pin everything on POTUS who has a D instead of an R in front.
..he is like a 10 year old---always blaming someone/something else--he's a puss
Yep, if we had Trump he would take full responsibility for what happens on his watch.


...oh wait no, he always did just the opposite, never taking any responsbility for anything negative that happened it didn't bother you at all - why the sudden reversal?
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Mr Trump is not a PUSS like Bidumb and Psaki...he's not afraid
Yes he is, thats why he didn't ever take any responsibility or had any capacity to admit a loss DUH

Nobody out-Trumped Trump when it came to obssesive projection of a "winner" image. Being seen as a failure at anything was his worst anxiety. Damn straight he was scared.
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Know how many jobs were gained in the hospitality sector?


People are too scared to eat indoors at restaurants or get on planes and ships
I eat out at restaurants all the time. Have a flight booked in a few weeks.
Hey dope… if people were cramming into restaurants and taking vacations… the hospitality sector would have added jobs… even if they had to pay higher wages.

That didn’t happen
The hospitality sector hasn't recovered their losses from last year. There isn't room for higher wages.
The hospitality sector hasn't recovered their losses from last year. There isn't room for higher wages.
If there's demand...there sure is

Demand is down because of covid fears
Hey dope… if people were cramming into restaurants and taking vacations… the hospitality sector would have added jobs… even if they had to pay higher wages.

That didn’t happen
They're vacationing and cramming into restaurants where I am....And scads of them are the over 70 crowd.

The hospitality sector here is screaming at the top of their lungs for help, to the point that my part-time gig would be going full time if the season weren't mercifully coming to and end in the next month.

But I forgot that you're still cowered in your basement, and have no idea what's happening out here in the real world, so you're forgiven for your bliss ninny idiocy.

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