Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

Given the fact that these polls are all conducted in Urban Shit Holes full of DemNazi LibTards, the approval rating is probably actually 4%.
You have any evidence of that or are you having another hallucination, Trump humper?
Among independents. 33% overall.

America knows he is a disaster.

Who would have thought it? Even though the State Controlled Lame Stream Media spews misinformation 24/7 about what a tremendous job the Biden Regime is doing, the people aren't buying it.

Are the people really that prejudiced against aged and senile old farts who don't have control of their bowels?
Is that when Putin's asseater Trump asked him for help?
Joe Xiden is Putin's "asseater"...

The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG, Putin loved it.
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG, Putin loved it.
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed, Putin loved it.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
Putin when Trump was President.......


First reaction when Biden was elected....


Then when it sunk in that it isn't a joke. Joe Biden is the U.S. President.....

I didn’t say he was super popular. I said he is more popular than Trump was on the same day in office while Trump had no issues passed from Obama and Biden had an entire disaster passed to him by Trump. Biden is killing it by comparison.
That is a fucking lie Moon Bat.

Trump never had a 26% approval rate.

Joe Potatohead is fucking everything up and the American people know it. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats were traitors for stealing the election from Trump.
That is a fucking lie Moon Bat.

Trump never had a 26% approval rate.

Joe Potatohead is fucking everything up and the American people know it. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats were traitors for stealing the election from Trump.
I heard you lost an election. Lol
I heard you lost an election. Lol
Trump didn't lose an election. An election was stolen from him with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Remember, it is not the people that vote that decide an election. It is the people that count the votes that decides who wins.

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