Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

Xiden is not more popular than Trump. Except in your cult circle jerks. Every major policy of your Dear Leader polls underwater. Facts. Infallible. Unless it’s you or Clipper or Colon, then it’s deny, deflect, and cry “orange man bad!”
You live in fantasy land. I know exactly how popular Biden is… he is moderately popular.
Lie all you want. Not higher than Trump and Quinnipiac says 33%. Period. Enjoy then rout in November as the Dem tears flood small communities.
You’re weird. The numbers are what they are. Sorry your life is fake. I posted them so you can see.

The midterms were lost when Biden was elected. Just like the last dozen presidents or so. Even super popular Obama lost his midterms.
26% is higher than the actual amount of real votes he got. So consider me impressed.
Nothing intelligent to add, mouth breather?
No, you don’t. But then, you never do.

Try telling us more about Trump so we won’t know how putrid your Vegetable Messiah is, Dumbfuck.
Does "uninformed" include voting for an ex game show host who knew shit about the issues other then what was spoon fed to him by his keepers during the campaign?
When you are too fucking stupid to discuss the topic of a thread……

538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.

Got a source that isn’t a complete joke?
Was that before or after Trump kissed Putin's ass for help, mouth breather.

Maybe you can find an adult who will explain to you the truth about Trump. They may even have flash cards with pictures & diagrams in crayon to make it easier for you.
Excuse me, I didn't know you had a crystal ball or are you using your Ouija Board? Either way your predictions are bullshit. Trump's only legistlative accomplishment during his term? A tax cut to his corporate cronies & his wealthy buddies, some who hang around Mar A Lago sucking his bigly ass.

Even his coup attempt failed.

And Reagen was a jerkoff, part of the "swamp" that you Trump asseaters claim to despise.

Really, tax cuts to the rich? I can't wait to tell my family you informed me that I was rich.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I have traded commodities contracts for a couple of years. It's the futures market that determines the price of fuel among dozens of other things.

Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years. A million more jobs than Americans who could do them. The lowest unemployment rate for women and every minority group since records were kept. He curbed border crossers with various polices such as telling Mexico if they want to continue to receive our foreign aid, they will stop people from crossing their country to get to ours. And if you somehow do make it to our border, you will have to wait in Mexico for your hearing in which case you will be escorted to court and back over the border once they decide you are not eligible for asylum, speaking of which, if while you were coming here you were offered asylum by any other country and refused, that's automatic disqualifications for US asylum.

He also instituted policy that if you want to apply for US asylum, you must do so at a US embassy in your own country unless you can prove you needed to get out of there right away. Plus if you were pregnant and applying for a VISA, you would be disqualified to help stop birther tourism. If you don't know what that is, Goggle it. He got Un to stop firing test missiles. He was the first American President to meet with a NK leader in person. Not one dead American solder in Afghanistan in his last 18 months in office. In spite of our great economy, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon nationally. During his presidency, we became the worlds leader in fuel exports.

When covid hit the PPE shelves were empty. DumBama used all the PPE and never replaced it. We only had one test kit approved by the FDA, and that were the test kits created by the CDC. When they proved defective, Trump went into action to start all over again getting test kits that of course were in high demand. In July of 2020, Trump funded 8 different potential vaccine companies. All his contracts read we have exclusive rights to the first 100 million doses, with a rider that stated we get the next 500 million on demand. Trump made sure we Americans came first. The US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust their reporting and the fact they had weeks or months head start over everybody else. With no vaccines available to President Trump, we still had less covid deaths under his watch than Biden with three Trump vaccines.

Trump allowed the Keystone pipeline to be built until Dementia put it to a halt. He also found a way to get around Congress to get the money to build 460 miles of replacement or new border wall. Besides getting rid of costly business regulations, he created a policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. While John McCain did whatever possible to try and make Trump look like a failure with Commie Care, he managed to have the fines removed that hurt the least fortunate Americans the most. He also removed DumBama's regulation of forcing public schools to cater to weirdos in dresses and allow them into rest rooms and locker rooms of female students.

So if you ever want to get into a debate of "all Trump ever did was give tax cuts to his rich buddies" I'll be happy to have that debate with you.
Was that before or after Trump kissed Putin's ass for help, mouth breather.

Maybe you can find an adult who will explain to you the truth about Trump. They may even have flash cards with pictures & diagrams in crayon to make it easier for you.
Weird how every post of yours, no matter what the thread topic, includes Trump and your obsession with his ass.
Excuse me, I didn't know you had a crystal ball or are you using your Ouija Board? Either way your predictions are bullshit. Trump's only legistlative accomplishment during his term? A tax cut to his corporate cronies & his wealthy buddies, some who hang around Mar A Lago sucking his bigly ass.

Even his coup attempt failed.

And Reagen was a jerkoff, part of the "swamp" that you Trump asseaters claim to despise.
Trump’s tax cuts were ACROSS THE BOARD. He doubled the standard deduction, which is what most lower and middle class taxpayers use. That was on top of their rate reduction.

Grow a brain, Window Licker.
Excuse me, I didn't know you had a crystal ball or are you using your Ouija Board? Either way your predictions are bullshit. Trump's only legistlative accomplishment during his term? A tax cut to his corporate cronies & his wealthy buddies, some who hang around Mar A Lago sucking his bigly ass.

Even his coup attempt failed.

And Reagen was a jerkoff, part of the "swamp" that you Trump asseaters claim to despise.
Weird how every post of yours, no matter the thread topic, includes Trump, and your obsession with his ass.
Typos aside, you are a moron.

Every one of your posts confirms it.
Not a typo. You’re an idiot. Every one of your posts is an insult. Go ahead and refer to a post where you offered up a link, some facts, or provided some intelligent insight. You simply are here to insult. Free country but if that’s what you’re here to do at least learn grammar.

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