Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

You mean fewer than five people? But you still have em on ignore. Why? Cancel Culture 101. I have Zero on ignore. I believe in free speech. You should try it.
And my ignore list is your business why?

Are you that anal?
No, where we differ is that everybody should be allowed to vote but to do so in person, not somebody catering to your laziness at your front door or drop off boxes at every corner. We did it that way since voting started in this country and there is no reason to do it differently now outside of the Communists getting more votes from the lazy and uninformed.
Does "uninformed" include voting for an ex game show host who knew shit about the issues other then what was spoon fed to him by his keepers during the campaign?
Does "uninformed" include voting for an ex game show host who knew shit about the issues other then what was spoon fed to him by his keepers during the campaign?

We were not that uninformed given he's been the best President we've had since Reagan. His accomplishments too lengthy to list. You see we Republican voters staged a protest vote. We were sick of the establishment promising us things they never delivered once we voted them in office. Trump came through with what we wanted, particularly at the border. We voters did very well. And if Trump were in charge today, gasoline would be under $3.00 a gallon, there would be no war in Ukraine, we wouldn't have a labor shortage thus a supply chain problem because Trump refused to sign that pork bill, our border would still be secure and the wall completely built stopping some of the dangerous fentanyl now at record levels of OD deaths in this country.
We were not that uninformed given he's been the best President we've had since Reagan. His accomplishments too lengthy to list. You see we Republican voters staged a protest vote. We were sick of the establishment promising us things they never delivered once we voted them in office. Trump came through with what we wanted, particularly at the border. We voters did very well. And if Trump were in charge today, gasoline would be under $3.00 a gallon, there would be no war in Ukraine, we wouldn't have a labor shortage thus a supply chain problem because Trump refused to sign that pork bill, our border would still be secure and the wall completely built stopping some of the dangerous fentanyl now at record levels of OD deaths in this country.
We were not that uninformed given he's been the best President we've had since Reagan. His accomplishments too lengthy to list. You see we Republican voters staged a protest vote. We were sick of the establishment promising us things they never delivered once we voted them in office. Trump came through with what we wanted, particularly at the border. We voters did very well. And if Trump were in charge today, gasoline would be under $3.00 a gallon, there would be no war in Ukraine, we wouldn't have a labor shortage thus a supply chain problem because Trump refused to sign that pork bill, our border would still be secure and the wall completely built stopping some of the dangerous fentanyl now at record levels of OD deaths in this country.
Excuse me, I didn't know you had a crystal ball or are you using your Ouija Board? Either way your predictions are bullshit. Trump's only legistlative accomplishment during his term? A tax cut to his corporate cronies & his wealthy buddies, some who hang around Mar A Lago sucking his bigly ass.

Even his coup attempt failed.

And Reagen was a jerkoff, part of the "swamp" that you Trump asseaters claim to despise.
Who the hell are you & you Trump lackeys to decide who gets to vote & who doesn't? For your information you fucking moron mail in ballotting was expanded because of Covid. And your idiot Trump discouraged his base from voting using mail in. That's your problem.

Who the fuck are you to label people ignorant because they didn't vote for your candidate when you Trumptards elected a fool as President, an ex game show host who's as ignorant as the day is long. And corrupt to top it off.

You enjoy being stupid.
For your information limp wrist, mail in voting (aka: Dem fraud) was put in (in many cases illegally by ignoring state laws, but that’s another topic) to help Xiden cheat. Funny how most civilized countries in the world have outlawed mail in voting due to massive fraud possibilities. Yes assholes like you are ignorant. If you’re too lazy to go down to the polling place and vote, that’s your problem. You enjoy being an absolute retard who eats the shit you’re served by your Dim masters daily. Then asks for seconds.
More people disliked Trump. That’s a fact. Pick out some obscure part to make yourself feel better but Biden is the most popular president in 5 1/2 years. Since Obama.
Yeah, that record low 33% rating is really good. You truly are this stupid aren’t you? And that’s from Quinnipiac, not exactly a right wing source.
You change tunes faster than a jazz band. Biden’s accomplishments are listed by me. Debate them or don’t. It’s a message board. He’s more popular than Trump because more people like what he did vs what Trump did. It’s math. It’s infallible…. Unless you are doing the math. Then it’s wrong…. By about 700 basis points.
Xiden is not more popular than Trump. Except in your cult circle jerks. Every major policy of your Dear Leader polls underwater. Facts. Infallible. Unless it’s you or Clipper or Colon, then it’s deny, deflect, and cry “orange man bad!”
Yeah, that record low 33% rating is really good. You truly are this stupid aren’t you? And that’s from Quinnipiac, not exactly a right wing source.
Still higher than Trump and never was 33%. Even rASSmussen has him at 40%

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