Biden administration to mandate COVID vaccine for federal workers, contractors


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This needs to be fought every step if the way, all the way to SCOTUS.

The vaccines, particularly the mRNA ones, are failing and VAERS is filled with stories of serious side effects.

President Biden is expected to sign an executive order Thursday that will require all federal workers and contractors that do business with the federal government to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

A source familiar with the White House’s plans told Fox News that the mandate would extend to all federal workers and to millions of contractors that do work with the federal government, the nation's largest employer.

The executive order, the source told Fox News, builds on the president's announcement in July to strengthen safety requirements for unvaccinated federal workers.

The order will "take those actions a step further and require all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated."

The mandate will also extended to employees of contractors that do business with the federal government.


The courts will quickly strike this down
Simply put. In America you cannot hold people’s employment and everyday life hostage to a mandate of experimental vaccination participation. The need for a second round after first round has mostly failed is evidence of the trial and error experiment that is ongoing . The courts will wisely see that. A good idea (if it is) is often not the Best idea. Eradicating freedom and choice while vainly attempting to eradicate and ever changing virus is a totalitarian effort that will not stand.
Good, all businesses should have them mandatory.
How about you get yours and then mind your own business. Me getting a shot , I have 2 Modernas, is none if your business nor anyone else’s. If you think it is your business to assure your health then remember this—Your health is not my business and decrees that indicate otherwise are illegitimate and won’t stand the test of law.
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1) these are not real vaccines, they are spiked proteins
2) thousands of people have died from it
3) it is not effective, thousands of people are getting break through cases
4) there is some evidence that people who have been "vaccinated" are having worse cases of covid-19
5) expect thousands of law suites over forced vaccinations
6) Biden is too mentally incompetent to be the president and the Democrat Cult Leaders need to tell him to resign before he is impeached
Good, all businesses should have them mandatory.
Spoken like a true, hate-filled Marxist Symp. Psst... you should probably spend at least a little time reading about the history of Marxist governments.
They get around to crushing ALL citizen's rights, eventually. You see, the movement has only two goals. Total control of all wealth in the hands of a few people in government, and the absolute subjugation of all under their sway.

The reason this demon has been seen to rise over and over in history is because of simple-minded human beings who think they can get something for nothing, or by those whose greatest joy is in causing the misery of others. Just curious, when millions refuse the vaccine STILL, what enforcement measures would you support next?
..he's a fking bastard dictator
HAHAHHAAHAH---he's everything evil that the left said that Mr Trump was !!!!
HE works for ME....he needs to be taken out---he is talking like a dictator --and his hitlerjugend voters gobble his crap up
The state of California is applying Covid laws to seasonal flu. Get the vwx, keep your job.

How far can the government take medical tyranny, for your own good of course? Maybe organ donor cards will be next.

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