Biden Administration LIES - Border Crisis Is NOT Trump's Fault: 'We would Never Try This Under Trump' Says ILLEGALS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden opened the flood-gates...
...holding biggest Super-Spreader event in history
...facilitating biggest Child-trafficking event in history

Biden reversed all of Trump rules / procedures
-- Encouraged illegals to surge toward the border while running for Pres

14,000+ unaccompanied children in Biden Kiddie Cages
-- COVID-19 Outbreak reported in holding facility
-- Many not being tested

Infected / unaccompanied kids being trafficked all over the country by govt, dropped off without notifying local and state officials they are coming, just like Barry used to...

When asked if he will try again once deported, if illegals will stop coming after Biden asked them to stop, illegal being detained laughed, said, "It will NEVER stop!."

Biden asked illegals to stop voming while admin officials declared Biden administration will not turn away any unaccompanied child sent / smuggled across the border.
- Advocating Cartel trafficking

Biden Immigration Chief reported Biolent Cartels are staying ahead of Biden administration - 'can't keep up with them'

Pelosi says unaccompanied children here is a 'crisis'...but 14,000+ unaccompanied illegals, many infected by the virus in Biden Kiddie Cages & being shipped alone all over the country is NOT a 'crisis'

Bidenen administration says border situation is NOT a 'crisis' ... despite the Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency being called in to help as BPAs are overwhelmed & calling for help

Biden Administration has NO PLAN & NO PLACE to house tidal wave of illegals
-- Using tax dollars to house (virus-infected) illegals in US hotels...

Dedpite what the Biden Admin officials continue to pathetically, desperately claim....


(A former head of ICE has claimed everything he has seen proves all of this is INTENTIONAL...)
.....and they try to blame Mr Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---not only are their border policies totally stupid--then they look like 12 year olds blaming it on Mr Trump

Biden opened the flood-gates...
...holding biggest Super-Spreader event in history
...facilitating biggest Child-trafficking event in history

Biden reversed all of Trump rules / procedures
-- Encouraged illegals to surge toward the border while running for Pres

14,000+ unaccompanied children in Biden Kiddie Cages
-- COVID-19 Outbreak reported in holding facility
-- Many not being tested

Infected / unaccompanied kids being trafficked all over the country by govt, dropped off without notifying local and state officials they are coming, just like Barry used to...

When asked if he will try again once deported, if illegals will stop coming after Biden asked them to stop, illegal being detained laughed, said, "It will NEVER stop!."

Biden asked illegals to stop voming while admin officials declared Biden administration will not turn away any unaccompanied child sent / smuggled across the border.
- Advocating Cartel trafficking

Biden Immigration Chief reported Biolent Cartels are staying ahead of Biden administration - 'can't keep up with them'

Pelosi says unaccompanied children here is a 'crisis'...but 14,000+ unaccompanied illegals, many infected by the virus in Biden Kiddie Cages & being shipped alone all over the country is NOT a 'crisis'

Bidenen administration says border situation is NOT a 'crisis' ... despite the Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency being called in to help as BPAs are overwhelmed & calling for help

Biden Administration has NO PLAN & NO PLACE to house tidal wave of illegals
-- Using tax dollars to house (virus-infected) illegals in US hotels...

Dedpite what the Biden Admin officials continue to pathetically, desperately claim....


(A former head of ICE has claimed everything he has seen proves all of this is INTENTIONAL...)
Democrats are the biggest threat to this country.

Biden opened the flood-gates...
...holding biggest Super-Spreader event in history
...facilitating biggest Child-trafficking event in history

Biden reversed all of Trump rules / procedures
-- Encouraged illegals to surge toward the border while running for Pres

14,000+ unaccompanied children in Biden Kiddie Cages
-- COVID-19 Outbreak reported in holding facility
-- Many not being tested

Infected / unaccompanied kids being trafficked all over the country by govt, dropped off without notifying local and state officials they are coming, just like Barry used to...

When asked if he will try again once deported, if illegals will stop coming after Biden asked them to stop, illegal being detained laughed, said, "It will NEVER stop!."

Biden asked illegals to stop voming while admin officials declared Biden administration will not turn away any unaccompanied child sent / smuggled across the border.
- Advocating Cartel trafficking

Biden Immigration Chief reported Biolent Cartels are staying ahead of Biden administration - 'can't keep up with them'

Pelosi says unaccompanied children here is a 'crisis'...but 14,000+ unaccompanied illegals, many infected by the virus in Biden Kiddie Cages & being shipped alone all over the country is NOT a 'crisis'

Bidenen administration says border situation is NOT a 'crisis' ... despite the Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency being called in to help as BPAs are overwhelmed & calling for help

Biden Administration has NO PLAN & NO PLACE to house tidal wave of illegals
-- Using tax dollars to house (virus-infected) illegals in US hotels...

Dedpite what the Biden Admin officials continue to pathetically, desperately claim....


(A former head of ICE has claimed everything he has seen proves all of this is INTENTIONAL...)

'We would Never Try This Under Trump' Says ILLEGALS...and yet they did​


'We would Never Try This Under Trump' Says ILLEGALS...and yet they did​

Trump's successful policy forced illegals to wait in Mexico until their court date. It also prevented the historic record-setting number of illegals from making the trip.

Biden has surrendered both our sovereignty and national security - according to his own Immigration Czar.
- Trump never did,

Biden has allowed the Cartels to now control our border - according to his own Immigration Czar
Trump never did.

Biden has been facilitating the largest drug / human / child trafficking event ever, making the Cartels BILLIONS
- Trump never did.

Biden has created a Humanitarian crisis at the border for the physically / sexually abused, virus-infected kids packed in Biden Kiddie Cages without enough food or useable water
- Trump never did.

Biden is engaging in criminal child trafficking, helping the Cartels traffic children all over the US.
Trump didn't do this.

Both Presidents from Guatemala and Mexico has publicly declared what you snowflakes refuse to admit in private - that this criminal border crisis is the direct result of Joe Biden's failed, illegal border / immigration policies.

:206: 'B...b...b...but Trump!'

Pathetic.....but funny.
Trump's successful policy forced illegals to wait in Mexico until their court date. It also prevented the historic record-setting number of illegals from making the trip.

Biden has surrendered both our sovereignty and national security - according to his own Immigration Czar.
- Trump never did,

Biden has allowed the Cartels to now control our border - according to his own Immigration Czar
Trump never did.

Biden has been facilitating the largest drug / human / child trafficking event ever, making the Cartels BILLIONS
- Trump never did.

Biden has created a Humanitarian crisis at the border for the physically / sexually abused, virus-infected kids packed in Biden Kiddie Cages without enough food or useable water
- Trump never did.

Biden is engaging in criminal child trafficking, helping the Cartels traffic children all over the US.
Trump didn't do this.

Both Presidents from Guatemala and Mexico has publicly declared what you snowflakes refuse to admit in private - that this criminal border crisis is the direct result of Joe Biden's failed, illegal border / immigration policies.

:206: 'B...b...b...but Trump!'

Pathetic.....but funny.
Seems Biden has done a lot...

Could you tell us the decisions that Biden took that lets this happen?
Seems Biden has done a lot...

Could you tell us the decisions that Biden took that lets this happen?
He completely F*ed up the withdrawal. He declared several weeks ago things that 'WILL NOT HAPPEN', and ALL of it has happened,

Shocking video purportedly shows Afghans clinging to American aircraft leaving Kabul airport
Does THIS look like a successful withdrawal?
Does THIS look like 'The United States is back!'?

Had the withdrawal been handled better Biden would not be sending in 5,000 troops to save the thousands of Americans now trapped in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

Biden team surprised by rapid Taliban gains in Afghanistan​

In other words, Biden - who has never been right on any Foreign policy decision in his life - was piss-poorly prepared - as was his team - to deal with the Taliban take-over. This is what happens when you are way over your head and have no clue what you're doing...when you are attempting to demonize / vilify opposing party supporters in the military ranks instead of keeping an eye on the real enemy.

Due to poor planning and incompetence Biden allowed the Taliban to control the timing of the take-over, allowing them to dictate the timing and conditions of US personnel's exit out of Afghanistan, failing to ensure the protection of Americans, many of whom are now trapped there.

'Afghanistan will not be 'Saigon'', Joe declared. Remember that?

"The Taliban is not the south—the North Vietnamese army. They're not—they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable,"
- President Joe Biden


Ummm.......Geem Biden was wrong....AGAIN.

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