Biden Administration Fuels Largest Human / Child Trafficking Event In History: “We Will Not Expel” Your Child if Sent Here Alone'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

Joe likes groping children and sniffing their hair so he will visit them.
He's created a massive humanitarian crisis on our border, and propped up the massive human trafficking trade for the brutal Cartels who have seen a massive economic boom from Xiden's horrible policies. According to the Mexican government the Cartels now referred to Xiden as the "Migration" President.
What an idiotic statement. Those kids aren't our responsibility and should be bussed back to the border and given to the Mexicans to take care of.

Letting their parents in is just as bad. That stuttering fuck sure doesn't seem to care that these illegals cost we tax payers billions every year.

Trump had the right idea. The Wall and having Mexican army troops at their border to prevent those from South America coming to our border for fake asylum.

Hope the voters are catching a clue about what that stuttering fuck and his administration are doing at the border. Most Americans want all illegals out of our country.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)
Trump put a huge crimp in the flow of kids needed by pedos and career US Intel bureaucrats seeking advancement, but I repeat myself.

These kids will barely cover the drought of the past 4 years.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)
Thank vlad for is observations, Sergei.
Good lord- I see some compassionate conservatism goin on here :mad:

You fucking people need to get a grip - kids don't have a choice- I just posted this in another thread

I'm reading a novel, The Border- it's an interesting (sometimes fascinating) look at the inside machinations of the Drug War- there are several intertwined stories, from inside the Cartels, to the DEA, to the White House to individual stories of those affected- the machinations of the Drug Lords, the politics of the US are intertwined in "business" all the way to the top- the link doesn't do it justice, but it is the authors link-

One of the stories is about a kid (at age 10) makes his way from Guatemalan slums, to the US by a train called La Beastia- he takes a girl friend (not lover, but buddy) with him and meets a teen who has made the trip many times who helps them navigate the trip pointing out and keeping them away from the cruelty inflicted on migrants by their own people and just bad people in general, it turns out to be a girl disguised as a guy-

I highly recommend the book- it may or may not be an eye opener, but, it should be-

And this shit's been going on for a lot longer than Biden has been in office- it's a business- and it can't exist without customers and supporters- it's a result of US policy on one of its never ending wars- war is a racket- war requires money- war has consequences- pointing fingers at others for your problems fixes nothing-

good lord- you people are so shallow it's pathetic-
Biden and his incompetent appointees are no match for the problem he created. They all stupidly thought that they could leave millions of people break into our country and the only result would be more Democrat voters. Problems like housing, jobs, schools, healthcare, COVID, drugs, human smuggling, degradation of our infrastructure and the strain on our social safety net never occurred to these nincompoops. They figured the media could bamboozle the American people as usual. Democrats are far from smart.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)
Thank vlad for is observations, Sergei.

How many illegals will you house Jilldo?

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire,
Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel”
Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

"Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas threw gasoline on the fire on Thursday and told the world that billions of unaccompanied children are allowed to surge the border because they will not be expelled.

Mayorkas told CBS This Morning “we will not expel” your child if they are sent here alone."

There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Mexican Cartel Drug, Human, and CHILD trafficking has exploded along the border as Biden TOLD illegals to surge the border. Biden's Immigration Czar publicly stated that the Biden administration can not keep up with the Cartels, can NOT prevent the humanitarian cxrisis and the child trafficking 'boom' they created.

Families are paying Cartels, its being reported, $10,000 - $20,000 per child to take their children and smuggle them into the US, putting their lives in danger from these criminals. BPAs have told how they have come across the bodies of children the Cartels have abandoned on the way int the border. many of the children are sexually abused, used as mules, or forced into the child sex slave businesses. THE DEMOCRATS ARE FACILITATING AND ENCOURAGING THIS CRISIS BY TELLING FAMILIES TO SEND THEIR FAMILIES TO THE US ALONE, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE DEPORTED....AND THA THE FAMILIES CAN JOIN THEM LATER.

Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents "We Will Not Expel" Your Child if Sent Here Alone (VIDEO)

Joe likes groping children and sniffing their hair so he will visit them.
I'm sure Pedo Joe likes doing more than just that to them when he's not in public. That's just what he can't help himself from doing in public on camera even though it's obviously inappropriate. It's his version of foreplay.
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Good lord- I see some compassionate conservatism goin on here :mad:

You fucking people need to get a grip - kids don't have a choice- I just posted this in another thread

I'm reading a novel, The Border- it's an interesting (sometimes fascinating) look at the inside machinations of the Drug War- there are several intertwined stories, from inside the Cartels, to the DEA, to the White House to individual stories of those affected- the machinations of the Drug Lords, the politics of the US are intertwined in "business" all the way to the top- the link doesn't do it justice, but it is the authors link-

One of the stories is about a kid (at age 10) makes his way from Guatemalan slums, to the US by a train called La Beastia- he takes a girl friend (not lover, but buddy) with him and meets a teen who has made the trip many times who helps them navigate the trip pointing out and keeping them away from the cruelty inflicted on migrants by their own people and just bad people in general, it turns out to be a girl disguised as a guy-

I highly recommend the book- it may or may not be an eye opener, but, it should be-

And this shit's been going on for a lot longer than Biden has been in office- it's a business- and it can't exist without customers and supporters- it's a result of US policy on one of its never ending wars- war is a racket- war requires money- war has consequences- pointing fingers at others for your problems fixes nothing-

good lord- you people are so shallow it's pathetic-

Open up your house then and take in as many as your house will hold.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Good lord- I see some compassionate conservatism goin on here :mad:

Do you really think facilitating child trafficking, the rape, murder, use, abuse, and forcing of children into the child sex slave trade is humane, snowflake?

D-Speaker of the House declared un-accompanied children, alone... without their parents, having to endure being locked up is heart-breaking and a CRISIS.

Well, GEE....what do you call children being handed over to violent, drug, human, and child traffickers and child sex slave facilitators who abuse, rape, murder, and enslave children entrusted to them? What does she call Democrats putting them ALONE on buses and shipped all over the US to be DUMPED in states without local and state officials being notified theyare coming?

You seem to want to claim THIS is being 'humane' and 'compassionate'.

Facilitating increasing drug, human, and child trafficking, encouraging millions more parents to hand their kids off to these Cartel criminals is NOT 'compassionate' or 'humane'. It is a cold, cruel, selfish CRIME being perpetrated bythe Democrats who are doing this ONLY fr selfish reasons - the hope that all of them will become 'faithful' future Democrat voters....
Stocking the child sex trafficking markets with fresh meat is a MAJOR goal of the Harris/Xi/Biden regime. It's probably the only campaign promise Quid Pro will keep. But Hollywood is depending on him.

No child will be separated from their Coyote before they reach market.
There are over 14,000 unaccompanied children being held by the current administration in Biden's Kiddie Cages - more have been released, alone, all across the country, without local and state agencies being told in advance they are coming. Many are COVID-19 infected while many others are not even being tested, to include the illegals being spread all over the US.

Now this little ditty of rhetorical propaganda contradicts itself like most echo chambers do because they have no real substance and play on fear and misinformation. The kids are being held in cages(ok) then they are being released all across the nation, alone, as minors dumped on the streets.

Yeah sure.
Good lord- I see some compassionate conservatism goin on here :mad:

You fucking people need to get a grip - kids don't have a choice- I just posted this in another thread

I'm reading a novel, The Border- it's an interesting (sometimes fascinating) look at the inside machinations of the Drug War- there are several intertwined stories, from inside the Cartels, to the DEA, to the White House to individual stories of those affected- the machinations of the Drug Lords, the politics of the US are intertwined in "business" all the way to the top- the link doesn't do it justice, but it is the authors link-

One of the stories is about a kid (at age 10) makes his way from Guatemalan slums, to the US by a train called La Beastia- he takes a girl friend (not lover, but buddy) with him and meets a teen who has made the trip many times who helps them navigate the trip pointing out and keeping them away from the cruelty inflicted on migrants by their own people and just bad people in general, it turns out to be a girl disguised as a guy-

I highly recommend the book- it may or may not be an eye opener, but, it should be-

And this shit's been going on for a lot longer than Biden has been in office- it's a business- and it can't exist without customers and supporters- it's a result of US policy on one of its never ending wars- war is a racket- war requires money- war has consequences- pointing fingers at others for your problems fixes nothing-

good lord- you people are so shallow it's pathetic-
If you want to read a book on the border, I would suggest this one. "Open Borders, Inc." By Michelle Malkin.

The Dems are helping the Drug Cartels kill over 70,000 Americans from drug overdoses per year.
They are helping Human Traffickers.
They are pandering to Racist Latino Nationalist like AOC.
They are not compassionate, they are greedy for power.

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