NOW Kevin McCarthy ways he never supported the Fat Man's efforts to overturn the 2020 election


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
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But, but...I didn’t exactly “support” the claims

It was just the principle.
But, but...I didn’t exactly “support” the claims

It was just the principle.
How is he going to explain that to his King when he crawls on his knees to Mar-a-Lago and asked the Fat Man for money? I mean, it seems to me that Kevin is trying to cover both sides of the street. The Don might now like that....
Well since it was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history He was right to question it. To bad the Judges didn't want to look at the evidence, and there was plenty of it.

Now we are stuck with the stuttering fuck you all support.

He's already made a mess at the border. He stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He invited illegals to stream across the border, which they are doing. Many of which have the Chinese virus. We have thousands of unaccompanied kids locked up in the kiddie cages. The fact that illegals cost we tax payers billions each year means nothing to the sick fuck.

He kicked every American tax payer in the teeth on day one. He stopped the Keystone pipeline throwing over 11,000 in the UE line. His ban on drilling for oil and natural gas and his hoping to end fracking have sent gas prices high. Once his EO's and green shit kicks in we tax payers will be hosed.

Yep. You guys elected a winner.

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man's willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Need a tissue? Democrats are so afraid as more and more evidence comes out Democrats engaged in massive Un-Constitutional and Illegal election fraud....while Pelosi continues to try to STEAL 2 seats the Democrats could not win.

But, but...I didn’t exactly “support” the claims

It was just the principle.
How is he going to explain that to his King when he crawls on his knees to Mar-a-Lago and asked the Fat Man for money? I mean, it seems to me that Kevin is trying to cover both sides of the street. The Don might now like that....
Fat Donnie will throw him under the bus in a minute
But, but...I didn’t exactly “support” the claims

It was just the principle.
How is he going to explain that to his King when he crawls on his knees to Mar-a-Lago and asked the Fat Man for money? I mean, it seems to me that Kevin is trying to cover both sides of the street. The Don might now like that....
Fat Donnie will throw him under the bus in a minute

Nah but Biden sure would. LOL
I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
But, but...I didn’t exactly “support” the claims

It was just the principle.
How is he going to explain that to his King when he crawls on his knees to Mar-a-Lago and asked the Fat Man for money? I mean, it seems to me that Kevin is trying to cover both sides of the street. The Don might now like that....
Fat Donnie will throw him under the bus in a minute

Nah but Biden sure would. LOL
It's clear that McCarthy has been studying the interview tactics 0f Nathan Thurm.
Not only DID he support it - Kev flew south to kiss the ring.

I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions were on Mars on January 6th? Even after over 60 losses in courts, he continued to say the election was unfair and that he was cheated. Even today he is saying there was massive voter fraud. The days when people fell for his gaslighting are over. He actually thought he could lie over and over and they suddenly even the courts would begin to believe him.

Unfortunately for the Fat Man, facts and truth have prevailed. He lose. Get over it. Get a Life where you don't dream about the Fat Man in the White House again.

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Don't forget that Mccarthy said his "heart" goes out to those poor kids that are here alone and are no longer with their parents when he supported ripping children from their parents' arms when Trump decided on that policy.

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Over turn what? Trump won legally
I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
The others accepted the courts' decisions and everyone moved on, but not Trump.
He attacked the courts and anybody else who would listen and made a mockery of our Democracy which morphed into the insurrection of Jan 6. His uninformed and uneducated snappers believed his horseshit and still do.
Not only DID he support it - Kev flew south to kiss the ring.

This photo was taken shortly have Kevin gratified the Fat Man with a quickie. Please note the smile on he Don's face and his relaxed stance.
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I think the claim that he tried to "overturn" something is false. He did nothing different then what others have done in prior elections....most recently Bush and Trump. Dems sued in the Bush election, and filed lawsuits when they questioned election processes....same with Trump....desm also after the Trump election voted to object to the certification's nothing new.

The left is trying trying to make it something new, in order to justify to their base historic power grabs and police state actions
The others accepted the courts' decisions and everyone moved on, but not Trump.
He attacked the courts and anybody else who would listen and made a mockery of our Democracy which morphed into the insurrection of Jan 6. His uninformed and uneducated snappers believed his horseshit and still do.
No, they were objecting in Congress....sorry...just like folks did this year. No different.

Dems attacked the Courts as well....they still to this day say Bush v Gore was the Court stealing the stop already

The Dems also couldn't accept the Trump win, even after they lost in Court and in Congress...they continued to call his illegitimate and repeatedly attempted to overthrow him, with hoaxes about a Russian Conspiracy, two impeaches, one literally based on admitted parody....this encouraged ijnsurrections around the nation for attempt to stop his swearing in in DC, breaking into the Dept of Tres, attempt to break in the White House....

So, please stop already....we see through this attempt by the left to justify their power grab, and police state tactics....

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Don't forget that Mccarthy said his "heart" goes out to those poor kids that are here alone and are no longer with their parents when he supported ripping children from their parents' arms when Trump decided on that policy.
The GOPQ....the Party of Hypocrisy.....

An in other news, the GOPQ states, with undeniable evidence that:
-The world is square and we will all fall off the edge in 2022.
-The Fat Man willfully handed over his personal income tax returns when asked, and
-The Fat Man NEVER stated that he has grabbed a woman's p*ssy.

The world of the GOPQ is becoming more and more unbelievable every day. How can they ever expect to Govern again if they cannot even tell the truth from one day to the next?
Over turn what? Trump won legally

Only in the dreams of the deluded.

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