Biden Administration Decides To Build Border Wall

70 years? Let me give you a history lesson on those years. Before Reagan, migrants came and did seasonal work Americans won't do, then left at the end of the season. Reagan told corporate America he wouldn't do anything if they hired undocumented workers. Bush too. Check this out.

As the Washington Post noted in an article by Hsu and Lydersen on June 19, 2006:

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So we went from Clinton issuing fines to 417 companies to Bush only fining 3?
You may have noticed that this is 2023.

President Biden has had the House and Senate for two years. What did he do?

As you know, this figure does not include the "got-aways". Add another million or so.

These are the terrorists CAUGHT. Not the "got-aways". Ones we don't know about or how many. Yep, President Biden has a great plan.


As you know, when someone can't understand what you are saying, it is your fault, not theirs.,
Then that someone should ask for clarification. Let me know if you are still confused.
You may have noticed that this is 2023.

President Biden has had the House and Senate for two years. What did he do?

As you know, this figure does not include the "got-aways". Add another million or so.

These are the terrorists CAUGHT. Not the "got-aways". Ones we don't know about or how many. Yep, President Biden has a great plan.


We can build a wall now that Trump isn't going to skim 10% off the top.
Then that someone should ask for clarification. Let me know if you are still confused.
I was a professional speaker for many years. Also a REALTOR since 1974. People are not going to say, I don't understand. They will just keep silent and you never get your point across.
So, you don't want a wall? Make up your fucking mind.
Biden has proposed approx. 20 miles of wall. It might have occurred to you... well obviously not... that this is a meaningless gesture. The cartels that Biden is protecting will simply move their crossing locations elsewhere.

You apparently have missed the news that mere months ago, Biden auctioned off huge quantities of the stockpiled wall material at pennies on the dollar thus throwing away $hundreds of millions in taxpayer's money used to construct the wall sections.

The real joke is that comatose Joe Biden's claim to build the wall is nonsense. He has no plan and no intention to enforce existing immigration laws. The third world is still pouring across the open border and that will not stop.
Biden has proposed approx. 20 miles of wall. It might have occurred to you... well obviously not... that this is a meaningless gesture. The cartels that Biden is protecting will simply move their crossing locations elsewhere.

You apparently have missed the news that mere months ago, Biden auctioned off huge quantities of the stockpiled wall material at pennies on the dollar thus throwing away $hundreds of millions in taxpayer's money used to construct the wall sections.

The real joke is that comatose Joe Biden's claim to build the wall is nonsense. He has no plan and no intention to enforce existing immigration laws. The third world is still pouring across the open border and that will not stop.
Sure. So, you blame the orange douche bag of the same thing or only hold Biden accountable?
Sure. So, you blame the orange douche bag of the same thing or only hold Biden accountable?
That makes absolutely no sense.

You can deny the facts but the fact is that President Trump had a working plan that drastically reduced illegal immigration.

Deny it but the facts are easy to find.

I find it remarkable that the Dems / Socialists are utterly oblivious to the fact of terrorists being apprehended at the border while unknown numbers are gotaways. Are you so clueless to believe that Russia, Iran, China, for a few, are not going to take advantage of scores to settle with the US?
That makes absolutely no sense.

You can deny the facts but the fact is that President Trump had a working plan that drastically reduced illegal immigration.

Deny it but the facts are easy to find.

I find it remarkable that the Dems / Socialists are utterly oblivious to the fact of terrorists being apprehended at the border while unknown numbers are gotaways. Are you so clueless to believe that Russia, Iran, China, for a few, are not going to take advantage of scores to settle with the US?
But you were whining about the wall and how little Biden was going to build. And yet, nary a word on the orange loser and his failed promises on the wall?

Now, do you see why we call you cultists? :itsok:
But you were whining about the wall and how little Biden was going to build. And yet, nary a word on the orange loser and his failed promises on the wall?

Now, do you see why we call you cultists? :itsok:
Your whining does nothing to address the demonstrated success of president Trump and control of illegal immigration under his administration. Walls were only a part of that success.

The problem you face is a debilitating disease common to self-loathing Dems / Socialists. You have this sociopathic need to make your every waking moment about Trump. Your every thought is consumed by TDS which makes you oblivious to the failures and ineptitude of Biden and his Dem / Socialist politburo.
Your whining does nothing to address the demonstrated success of president Trump and control of illegal immigration under his administration. Walls were only a part of that success.

The problem you face is a debilitating disease common to self-loathing Dems / Socialists. You have this sociopathic need to make your every waking moment about Trump. Your every thought is consumed by TDS which makes you oblivious to the failures and ineptitude of Biden and his Dem / Socialist politburo.
You are a retard and so, let's keep this simple.

Did your orange loser promise to build a wall? Yes or No?

Did your orange loser further promise to build a wall with Mexico paying for it? Yes or No?

Did the orange loser build this said wall with or without Mexico's pesos? Yes or No?

Let's see if you are able to answer this question with a yes or no answer. I don't think you can, because you are a retard but hey, surprise me. Go.
You are a retard and so, let's keep this simple.

Did your orange loser promise to build a wall? Yes or No?

Did your orange loser further promise to build a wall with Mexico paying for it? Yes or No?

Did the orange loser build this said wall with or without Mexico's pesos? Yes or No?

Let's see if you are able to answer this question with a yes or no answer. I don't think you can, because you are a retard but hey, surprise me. Go.
Simple seems to stress you.

I should remind you that the open southern border is a direct consequence of Biden’s Dem / Socialist agenda.

Let’s see if you can follow a logical sequence of events that connect Biden’s abandonment of effective Trump policies curbing illegal immigration to the Biden policy of encouraging and facilitating illegal immigration while simultaneously enriching the drug and human smuggling cartels. Biden has made the cartels rich.
None of it matters if they are "give ups". Those that give themselves only to be released. Never ending line of a massive illegal immigration.
And now you want one?
I want there to be people patrolling the border. What did I say about a wall last week? It won't work. They will go under, over, through, or keep walking until they find the door. Then seek asylum. So what's the difference if they show up on the other side of the wall? Apparently we are being forced to take them in. Otherwise, why aren't we sending these people back?

We see them coming in waves over the border. We're LETTING them in. Why? We should stop. But we won't and I can't understand the geo political reasons.

I do understand we have room for a lot of them. We need a lot of them. So as long as we vet them and put them someplace that needs minimum wage workers, I'm ok with it. Especially when i need my social security to be there in 10 years.

While the pandemic played a major role in driving last year's decline, the country's population growth has been slowing for much of the last decade, depressed by declining fertility rates, a surge in “deaths of despair” and lower levels of legal immigration.

A Demographic Crisis.” “A Blinking Light Ahead.” “The Death of Hope.” Those are some of the dire headlines that have been written in recent years about the sluggish pace of U.S. population growth, which in 2021 fell to its lowest rate ever — just 0.1 percent.

For a population to replenish itself in the absence of immigration, demographers estimate that there must be, on average, about 2.1 births per woman. In the United States, the fertility rate has been consistently below that level since 2007. And it’s not alone: While some countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, are still growing rapidly, the global average fertility rate has been falling for decades, and even China’s population, the world’s largest, may very soon reach its peak.

As a result, the United Nations now predicts that the human population will start declining by the end of the century.

Why are fertility rates falling? The trend is typically attributed to a combination of economic prosperity, which leads to lower infant mortality, and greater gender equality. “As women have gained more access to education and contraception, and as the anxieties associated with having children continue to intensify, more parents are delaying pregnancy and fewer babies are being born,”

I think it's good because we are over populated. But don't you see that Americans aren't having enough kids? Educated people have to pay off school before they can start a family. And buy an overpriced home. Poor people can't afford to have 2 kids. So blue and white collar people are not having enough kids.

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