Biden Administration continues with Destruction of History

Those who believe in the racial superiority of white people, are weak and stupid people, who are easily lead.

You being a prime example.
Superiority isn’t a “belief”, superiority is proven and evidenced by that scary racist data that ignorant fools like you try to pretend doesn’t exist.
Tom Brady isn’t a superior quarterback because people “believe” he is, he’s superior because the data proves it so.
People are much taller, faster and stronger now.

Not to mention healthier, with better access to health care, and better health care; better educated; freer to move around our country and other countries; safer due to enhance tactics and technology in policing, transportation and the food supply-chain.

Smart phones, the internet, wide access to communications make life.....make America......much better than in prior generations.

Sure, there are gonna be losers in any generation. But we will not let those 'sours' create a narrative based upon their own personal failures in life.

Tearing down statues and renaming anything the leftists deem racist. Get back to us when you leftist change the name of the slavery owning democrat party.
Reason 7132 leftism is a mental disorder.
Superiority isn’t a “belief”, superiority is proven and evidenced by that scary racist data that ignorant fools like you try to pretend doesn’t exist.
Tom Brady isn’t a superior quarterback because people “believe” he is, he’s superior because the data proves it so.

Thank you for admitting that the entire purpose of keeping racial data is to vilify minority populations.

However, the only thing such data has proven, is racism begets poverty, and poverty begets crime.

And availability of guns, increases crime and violence.
Thank you for proving that you're opposed to everything the Constitution stands for, and you hate your own country and its people.

0pposing rights for gays, women and racial minorities is destroying the nation. And you're all for it.
We were created as a white Christian country.
blacks hate seeing this stuff on government property Etcetera understandably.

Nope. The majority who have fainting spells or white groomed hive minded leftist. Your politicians use your weakness to get votes and sling mud at the opposition.
Do you really believe Mumbling *Joe , Nancy and Chucky give a crap about statues and school names?

Biden Administration continues with Destruction of History​

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Trump flushed documents down the toilet while his chief of staff was burning documents in the WH.


Still the truth. The whole goal was to get them back into the Union, which is why there weren't mass executions and they were given back the right to vote.
Yeah after 11 years of reconstruction or however long it was.

That is what you have to do to conservatives..continuously rub their nose in their shit so you train them to be better in the future.
Yeah after 11 years of reconstruction or however long it was.

That is what you have to do to conservatives..continuously rub their nose in their shit so you train them to be better in the future.

Still was the outcome, and the outcome that was fought for.

So your snark about my statement is just that, snark.

Now go play in traffic.
Still was the outcome, and the outcome that was fought for.

So your snark about my statement is just that, snark.

Now go play in traffic.
The confederates were traitors and they were allowed back into the union. They were not Americans while they were staging their uprising that got them the mother of all bitch-slappings.
The confederates were traitors and they were allowed back into the union. They were not Americans while they were staging their uprising that got them the mother of all bitch-slappings.

Yes, they were. The Confederacy was never recognized as an independent State by the Union, thus there was no such thing as a Confederate citizen, just US citizens in rebellion.

They weren't even officially recognized by Europe, they were just given "belligerent status"
Yes, they were. The Confederacy was never recognized as an independent State by the Union, thus there was no such thing as a Confederate citizen, just US citizens in rebellion.

They weren't even officially recognized by Europe, they were just given "belligerent status"
They were traitors. History cannot be rewritten to make them patriotic Americans.
They were traitors. History cannot be rewritten to make them patriotic Americans.

They were forgiven by the people who fought against them. The purpose of the war was to return them to the Union, and that was successful.

You don't get a say on changing that over the people that shed blood and lost loved ones to get them back into the fold.

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