Bias in the media

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

So a spicy habanero meatball comes along and says: "I don't see what all this talk is about the meatballs being hot, they don't taste spicy to me!" Then when someone DOES come along with another meatball, you call it a joke anyway.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

Not fox type jokes

Fox is no more of a joke than MSNBC, and CNN, which has become MSNBClite recently.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

"But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions"

they do!

FOX news
the Blaze

24/7 hate talk radio....

all of which ranger from 90-100% right wing biased!

When cons complain about "liberal media bias" what they REALLY mean is; al media should be 90-100% conservative biased.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

You're not convinced because..

1. You're a liberal.

2. You're been brainwashed.

3. You're uninformed and unaware of what is going on around you.

4. Your bullshit-detector s apparently non-functional.

Apparently you've never noticed how the left-biased media refuses to give this President any credit for the things he's done, as opposed to constant criticism of him.

Don't try to tell me there's no "bias" in the media. They didn't do the same when Obama was President.
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I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.
GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

I am surprised that you would quote such a intellectual light in the loafers political pundit like billy...

GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

I am surprised that you would quote such a intellectual light in the loafers political pundit like billy...



I see, a user-generated Googly Image. Well there's no possible counter for that, I was really hoping nobody came up with a user-generated Googly Image but there's just no way around this, nosiree bob, that's a devastating argument right there, you must be a lawyer. Jeepers Wally, you sure told me.
Just been watching a highly informative historical documentary on the British Royal Family.

I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.

The British version of "right-wing" still equates to "left of center" by American conservative standards.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".
Near all or most TV stations produce PC, feminist, quotaized shows. And people believe this. If the worse happens with this virus, areas dominated by this will have the highest casualty and hospitlalization rates. The police/corrections/judicial fiefdom will have massive desertions leaving the citizen to his own devices for survival. That is reality to me.
GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

I am surprised that you would quote such a intellectual light in the loafers political pundit like billy...

Yep, Bill Kristol IS a brainwashed dickhead. Other than that, he seems to be a wonderful guy.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.

The British version of "right-wing" still equates to "left of center" by American conservative standards.

Place yer bets on how long it will take Gus Pinochet here to figure out what he just admitted about his own country.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.

The British version of "right-wing" still equates to "left of center" by American conservative standards.

Place yer bets on how long it will take Gus Pinochet here to figure out what he just admitted about his own country.

You can quantize it any way you want to sugar-nipples but the fact is, the Britian's definition of "conservatism" is a weak, watered-down version of ours.

I take it you've never watched Pink Floyd's "The Wall"?

They've become comfortably numb to hundreds of years of their authoritarian figures telling them what to think, how to feel, and what to believe, much like you folks of the liberal persuasion.

If you remember, it was we who rebelled against their rigid ideological way of thinking, not the other way around.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.

The British version of "right-wing" still equates to "left of center" by American conservative standards.
That isn't correct.

It means WAAAAYYYYYYY left of center.
I read a lot on here about the alleged left wing bias in the US media. I am not convinced it is true.
But, for arguments sake, if it is true why dont the right establish their own institutions ?

Not fox type jokes but serious and trustworthy vehicles.

It's just butthurt. The right wing itself, when it's candid, admits it's a hoax.

>> Conservatives often promote the myth that the U.S. media are liberal. This myth serves several purposes: it raises public skepticism about liberal news stories, hides conservative bias when it appears, and goads the media to the right. GOP strategist William Kristol also reveals another reason: "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." (1)

In unguarded moments, however, even far-right figures like Pat Buchanan come clean: "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." (2) <<
It's what they call a "useful myth". And like all such myths it depends on getting repeated over and over and over until those inside the echobubble come to believe it.

And yet, scratch a self-described conservative and they'll swear that Ronald Reagan personally freed the Iran hostages as he was getting sworn in, because that same "liberal media" juxtaposed pictures of that swearing in with the hostage plane leaving Iran, simply because it made for good drama copy, completely ignoring the fact that it was the outgoing Carter administration that had got it done. But never mind that, "liburrul media".

Most of the complaints I have seen on here bare that out. Outlets are slated for being critical rather than any concrete examples of bias.Broadcasting stuff you dont like isnt bias, its just stuff you dont like.

In the UK our press is probably 75/25% right wing and you would probably expect that given the rights superior finances.The US is probably different but your left is hardly radical.

The British version of "right-wing" still equates to "left of center" by American conservative standards.

Place yer bets on how long it will take Gus Pinochet here to figure out what he just admitted about his own country.

You can quantize it any way you want to sugar-nipples but the fact is, the Britian's definition of "conservatism" is a weak, watered-down version of ours.

I take it you've never watched Pink Floyd's "The Wall"?

They've become comfortably numb to hundreds of years of their authoritarian figures telling them what to think, how to feel, and what to believe, much like you folks of the liberal persuasion.

If you remember, it was we who rebelled against their rigid ideological way of thinking, not the other way around.


and when we conservatives have full control of the government and the education system we will have RIGID control of what they think and believe!

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