Bi-Polar Nikki Hayley Praises Trump's CPAC Speech


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former United Nations ambassador and possible 2024 GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley has praised former President Donald Trump's weekend speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference -- Haley said the GOP should unite behind Trump's "strong" speech, despite comments made less than a month ago in which she criticized his role in the January 6 attack and suggested [he] would not be able to successfully run for office again.

"Strong speech by President Trump about the winning policies of his administration and what the party needs to unite behind moving forward [said Haley] -- Last month, Haley spoke with Politico and distanced herself from Trump's "America First" platform; [in fact, just a month ago] she suggested that Trump's short political career was over. "I don't think he's going to be in the picture," she said of a possible 2024 run. "I don't think he can. He's fallen so far."

If Trump supporters can't see thru this obvious gaslighting, then I don't know what to say -- they should know all about gaslighting.....Nikki is like that annoying ex-girlfriend who keeps calling and texting you over and over again, popping up at your house uninivted -- all because she can't accept the fact that you have clearly broken up with her... She should win an Oscar for sycophancy....but she would have some tough competition from the Lindsey Grahams, Ted Cruzs and Mitch McConnells of the Republican party....
That entire party has gotten so extreme that only the outcasts, people like Kinzinger, Murkowski, Sasse, and although it pains me to say this, Romney and Cheney, seem to have any independence left, and are not groveling at the feet of Trump as this twisted death cult continues to distance itself from reality more and more each day.
Bipolar Nikki is hilarious - But groveling is never pretty ;)


"Former United Nations ambassador and possible 2024 GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley has praised former President Donald Trump's weekend speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference -- Haley said the GOP should unite behind Trump's "strong" speech, despite comments made less than a month ago in which she criticized his role in the January 6 attack and suggested [he] would not be able to successfully run for office again.

"Strong speech by President Trump about the winning policies of his administration and what the party needs to unite behind moving forward [said Haley] -- Last month, Haley spoke with Politico and distanced herself from Trump's "America First" platform; [in fact, just a month ago] she suggested that Trump's short political career was over. "I don't think he's going to be in the picture," she said of a possible 2024 run. "I don't think he can. He's fallen so far."

If Trump supporters can't see thru this obvious gaslighting, then I don't know what to say -- they should know all about gaslighting.....Nikki is like that annoying ex-girlfriend who keeps calling and texting you over and over again, popping up at your house uninivted -- all because she can't accept the fact that you have clearly broken up with her... She should win an Oscar for sycophancy....but she would have some tough competition from the Lindsey Grahams, Ted Cruzs and Mitch McConnells of the Republican party....

It sounds to me that ether the Party Establishment want his endorsements, or, they are aware that he decided he won't be running in 2024.

"Former United Nations ambassador and possible 2024 GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley has praised former President Donald Trump's weekend speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference -- Haley said the GOP should unite behind Trump's "strong" speech, despite comments made less than a month ago in which she criticized his role in the January 6 attack and suggested [he] would not be able to successfully run for office again.

"Strong speech by President Trump about the winning policies of his administration and what the party needs to unite behind moving forward [said Haley] -- Last month, Haley spoke with Politico and distanced herself from Trump's "America First" platform; [in fact, just a month ago] she suggested that Trump's short political career was over. "I don't think he's going to be in the picture," she said of a possible 2024 run. "I don't think he can. He's fallen so far."

If Trump supporters can't see thru this obvious gaslighting, then I don't know what to say -- they should know all about gaslighting.....Nikki is like that annoying ex-girlfriend who keeps calling and texting you over and over again, popping up at your house uninivted -- all because she can't accept the fact that you have clearly broken up with her... She should win an Oscar for sycophancy....but she would have some tough competition from the Lindsey Grahams, Ted Cruzs and Mitch McConnells of the Republican party....

Both of those statements can be true at the same time.
She can try all the butt kissing she can manage...she has pooped in her messkit and there's not fixin' that.
So just to be clear you can’t disagree with someone on somethings and agree with them on others you have to either agree with them all the time or disagree with them all the time. It’s that mindset that has helped fuck the nation up so much.

"Former United Nations ambassador and possible 2024 GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley has praised former President Donald Trump's weekend speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference -- Haley said the GOP should unite behind Trump's "strong" speech, despite comments made less than a month ago in which she criticized his role in the January 6 attack and suggested [he] would not be able to successfully run for office again.

"Strong speech by President Trump about the winning policies of his administration and what the party needs to unite behind moving forward [said Haley] -- Last month, Haley spoke with Politico and distanced herself from Trump's "America First" platform; [in fact, just a month ago] she suggested that Trump's short political career was over. "I don't think he's going to be in the picture," she said of a possible 2024 run. "I don't think he can. He's fallen so far."

If Trump supporters can't see thru this obvious gaslighting, then I don't know what to say -- they should know all about gaslighting.....Nikki is like that annoying ex-girlfriend who keeps calling and texting you over and over again, popping up at your house uninivted -- all because she can't accept the fact that you have clearly broken up with her... She should win an Oscar for sycophancy....but she would have some tough competition from the Lindsey Grahams, Ted Cruzs and Mitch McConnells of the Republican party....
"possible 2024 GOP presidential contender?" Get real. Does anyone actually think that the Trump cult is going to nominate a female, ex-governor of South Carolina who had the audacity to take down from in front of the statehouse, the revered, venerated confederate flag? Never, in a million years!!! Bigly!!!
So, she thought he wouldn't recover a month ago, and after his speech changed her mind? How does that make her "bi-polar?"

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