“Beyond urgent… on verge of a catastrophe… last chance to save Christian presence in Holy Land”

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Sharia is the basis of legislation in Palestine.
It's in the constitution and in the basic laws.
Yes You know it, and Yes You have seen it.

But You of course support Arab Muslim colonialism...

What Sharia laws have the Palestinians passed?


The Hamas'istan version of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult is largely drenched in the polluted backwater of Islamist sharia.

Hamas imposes Sharia law in Gaza

[1] “Gaza: Hamas bans motorbike rides for women”, Associated Press, 10 July 2009.

[2] “Hamas patrols beaches in Gaza to enforce conservative dress code”, by Rory McCarthy, The Guardian, 18 October 2009.

[3] “Hamas bans men from working in female hair salons”, Associated Press, 4 March 2010.

[4] "Hamas ban on mixed-sex schools in Gaza comes into force", AFP, 2 Avril 2013.

Let's look at the poll results indicating what the Death Cultists prefer for governance, shall we?

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law
The pro-Sharia majority is divided: half want Sharia in conjunction with civil law, half say, 'Only Sharia.'
Over 85% (!) said that the Palestinian Personal Status Law must be based on the principles of Islamic Sharia.​

This is family law not criminal law.

Now how about addressing my post?

That said, what does Palestine look like on the ground? Christians and women can own homes, land, and businesses. They can freely seek the highest level of education. They can run for and hold any public office. They are mayors of cities. They sit as cabinet ministers. Two women sit as judges on Sharia court. There are no dress codes. Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza. Women can travel freely without escorts.

What do Hamas'istan and Gaza'istan look like on the ground? They look like most every other Islamist theocratic backwater.

It's actually comical that you are defining what Arabs-Moslems want for governance when we know from Arabs-Moslems exactly what they want. They want sharia. Why? Because for countless generations, with only brief periods of anything different, they've been ruled by despots, have no aversion to unconstitutional changes of government, and believe to the core of their being in their Islamist creed which means submission. Not only will they gladly submit to a theocratic state, but they'll positively rush out and make it happen… insh’allah.

Why is it that Hamas was "elected"?
Why is it that Hamas was "elected"?
Because Fatah sucks.

Mullah Tinmore's has issued his decree.

Thanks. Now, step away from your infidel innovated keyboard and go do something useful, like watching Oprah.
I don't know. I haven't heard of any Palestinian law covering that.

Sharia is the basis of legislation in Palestine.
It's in the constitution and in the basic laws.
Yes You know it, and Yes You have seen it.

But You of course support Arab Muslim colonialism...

What Sharia laws have the Palestinians passed?


The Hamas'istan version of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult is largely drenched in the polluted backwater of Islamist sharia.

Hamas imposes Sharia law in Gaza

[1] “Gaza: Hamas bans motorbike rides for women”, Associated Press, 10 July 2009.

[2] “Hamas patrols beaches in Gaza to enforce conservative dress code”, by Rory McCarthy, The Guardian, 18 October 2009.

[3] “Hamas bans men from working in female hair salons”, Associated Press, 4 March 2010.

[4] "Hamas ban on mixed-sex schools in Gaza comes into force", AFP, 2 Avril 2013.

Let's look at the poll results indicating what the Death Cultists prefer for governance, shall we?

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law
The pro-Sharia majority is divided: half want Sharia in conjunction with civil law, half say, 'Only Sharia.'
Over 85% (!) said that the Palestinian Personal Status Law must be based on the principles of Islamic Sharia.​

This is family law not criminal law.

Now how about addressing my post?

That said, what does Palestine look like on the ground? Christians and women can own homes, land, and businesses. They can freely seek the highest level of education. They can run for and hold any public office. They are mayors of cities. They sit as cabinet ministers. Two women sit as judges on Sharia court. There are no dress codes. Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza. Women can travel freely without escorts.

Wow, women are actually semi-free in the Palestinian West Bank. They should get a medal for that! Pehaps it's because they live in close proximity to Israel, and absorbed some of its culture.
No doubt there is a truth here. That is probably part of it. There is also travel and tourism. And it is not unusual for Palestinians to pursue higher education in the "west."

Gaza has increasingly become more isolated from external influences since Oslo and isolation fosters extremism. So you will find Gaza to be more conservative.
Sharia is the basis of legislation in Palestine.
It's in the constitution and in the basic laws.
Yes You know it, and Yes You have seen it.

But You of course support Arab Muslim colonialism...

What Sharia laws have the Palestinians passed?


The Hamas'istan version of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult is largely drenched in the polluted backwater of Islamist sharia.

Hamas imposes Sharia law in Gaza

[1] “Gaza: Hamas bans motorbike rides for women”, Associated Press, 10 July 2009.

[2] “Hamas patrols beaches in Gaza to enforce conservative dress code”, by Rory McCarthy, The Guardian, 18 October 2009.

[3] “Hamas bans men from working in female hair salons”, Associated Press, 4 March 2010.

[4] "Hamas ban on mixed-sex schools in Gaza comes into force", AFP, 2 Avril 2013.

Let's look at the poll results indicating what the Death Cultists prefer for governance, shall we?

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law
The pro-Sharia majority is divided: half want Sharia in conjunction with civil law, half say, 'Only Sharia.'
Over 85% (!) said that the Palestinian Personal Status Law must be based on the principles of Islamic Sharia.​

This is family law not criminal law.

Now how about addressing my post?

That said, what does Palestine look like on the ground? Christians and women can own homes, land, and businesses. They can freely seek the highest level of education. They can run for and hold any public office. They are mayors of cities. They sit as cabinet ministers. Two women sit as judges on Sharia court. There are no dress codes. Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza. Women can travel freely without escorts.

Wow, women are actually semi-free in the Palestinian West Bank. They should get a medal for that! Pehaps it's because they live in close proximity to Israel, and absorbed some of its culture.
No doubt there is a truth here. That is probably part of it. There is also travel and tourism. And it is not unusual for Palestinians to pursue higher education in the "west."

Gaza has increasingly become more isolated from external influences since Oslo and isolation fosters extremism. So you will find Gaza to be more conservative.
I presume you live under Sharia Law.

What Sharia laws have the Palestinians passed?


The Hamas'istan version of the Arab-Moslem Death Cult is largely drenched in the polluted backwater of Islamist sharia.

Hamas imposes Sharia law in Gaza

[1] “Gaza: Hamas bans motorbike rides for women”, Associated Press, 10 July 2009.

[2] “Hamas patrols beaches in Gaza to enforce conservative dress code”, by Rory McCarthy, The Guardian, 18 October 2009.

[3] “Hamas bans men from working in female hair salons”, Associated Press, 4 March 2010.

[4] "Hamas ban on mixed-sex schools in Gaza comes into force", AFP, 2 Avril 2013.

Let's look at the poll results indicating what the Death Cultists prefer for governance, shall we?

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law

Palestinian Authority: 85% say they want Sharia law
The pro-Sharia majority is divided: half want Sharia in conjunction with civil law, half say, 'Only Sharia.'
Over 85% (!) said that the Palestinian Personal Status Law must be based on the principles of Islamic Sharia.​

This is family law not criminal law.

Now how about addressing my post?

That said, what does Palestine look like on the ground? Christians and women can own homes, land, and businesses. They can freely seek the highest level of education. They can run for and hold any public office. They are mayors of cities. They sit as cabinet ministers. Two women sit as judges on Sharia court. There are no dress codes. Women drive around in their cars with their hair in the breeze, even in Gaza. Women can travel freely without escorts.

Wow, women are actually semi-free in the Palestinian West Bank. They should get a medal for that! Pehaps it's because they live in close proximity to Israel, and absorbed some of its culture.
No doubt there is a truth here. That is probably part of it. There is also travel and tourism. And it is not unusual for Palestinians to pursue higher education in the "west."

Gaza has increasingly become more isolated from external influences since Oslo and isolation fosters extremism. So you will find Gaza to be more conservative.
I presume you live under Sharia Law.
This thread has zero to do with Sharia.

Here it is again:
“Beyond urgent… on verge of a catastrophe… last chance to save Christian presence in Holy Land”

Now, why would anyone want to deflect from such an important topic? Do you really hate Christians that much?
This week we talk with Rev. Robert Assali, Chair of the Canadian Friends of Sabeel, about their recent statement calling on the new Canadian Office of Religious Freedom to investigate Israeli abuses at Holy Week.

This week we talk with Rev. Robert Assali, Chair of the Canadian Friends of Sabeel, about their recent statement calling on the new Canadian Office of Religious Freedom to investigate Israeli abuses at Holy Week.

Speaking of Ramadan-a-ding-dong, the holy month of islsmic terrorism....

Wouldn't 'god' smite the enemies of the Christians so they could stay in their, uh, homeland or something like that there thing. Or are his smiting days over? I'd like to see some smiting. Or some old suicide bomber turned to a pillar of salt. Perhaps a demonstration of magic underwear from the Mormon Christ. Walking on water would be a convincing show. What about Russian roulette with 6 bullets! .556 hollow point of course for the gun derps. Or a wall, a wall where people could cry out. A 'wailing wall' if you will.

Or 'god' could show up and feed the millions of starving children on Earth. Do THAT one thing and I'm a believer.

Aside from severe damage done to the ancient holy site, Reuveni’s arson attack also destroyed a number rare Christian prayer books.

Reuveni’s gang also spray-painted graffiti on the church walls in Hebrew which read, “false idols will be eliminated.”

Jewish Extremist Convicted for Burning Down Church in Holy Land


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This is important for Christians still supporting this.

No time for shallow diplomacy, Christians, in the religious war on churches in the Holy Land

2nd August 2017

By Stuart Littlewood

A month ago, after reading a desperate cry for help from the National Coalition of Christian Organisations in Palestine (NCCOP) addressed to the World Council of Churches, I emailed eight churches in my locality asking whether that heart-rending appeal had trickled down to them at parish level.

If not, I hoped to find out where the break in communications occurred, as this wasn’t the first time churches in the Holy Land had sought support from Western Christendom. Previous appeals were largely ignored and left to civil society for action.

Now, say the Palestinians, the situation is “beyond urgent”. So, had the NCCOP’s latest plea actually arrived on the desks of parish priests in my neighbourhood? And if so, how were grassroots Christians responding?...

No time for shallow diplomacy, Christians, in the religious war on churches in the Holy Land
It is time, long past time, actually, for the Christian zionists to figure out how wrong they are.
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