Beto/Booker 2020: A Ticket That Can Inspire Americans to stop being violent & love their enemies!

the majority of americans arent democrats or republicans, the majority of americans are americans! that's the Beto/Booker campaign slogan!
Happy Easter, Everybody. Have a good day. Lot of great things happening for our country
On this Easter Sunday, we pray for and remember those who were senselessly murdered in Sri Lanka. May we do our best to reject hatred and bigotry in each and every form and pledge to unify behind a message of love, peace and a universal respect for human life.
it’s time for a new generation of leadership, and we gotta send Donald Trump packing.
"In the six weeks since Beto O’Rourke entered the presidential race, the former congressman has gone from the buzzy celebrity candidate — the one trailed by dozens of journalists, compared to Barack Obama and photographed by Annie Leibovitz — to just another Democrat in a crowded field"
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!

There are some enemies you just can't reason with. The only way to deal with them is to defeat them.
"Beto O’Rourke unveiled a $5 trillion plan to battle climate change and reach net zero carbon emissions in the US by 2050."
Mr President, for you to live as Manchurian candidate in OUR White House is absurd, and we're kicking you out!
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
those who don't vote for Beto, i call it the tragic human weakness, the hatred of the other, it's just irrational!
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
The Wigger and the Quadroon? Funny stuff?
America is at a moment of profound change. we need to make sure those changes work for us, rather than let them tear us apart!
Awesome! Fake Mexican and Fake Spartacus are a totally winning combo....for Trump 2020!

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