Best syware/malware program


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
I tried Avira after reading the Echo's anti virus thread here, and I love it. I'll never use Mcafee again.

But I feel like I would need a good spyware program to compliment it.

I don't want to get "virused" when I download porn like that dude in the flame zone thread, so maybe KK or JBeukema can suggest the best one? :lol:
Malwarebytes Anti Malware is a GREAT spyware tool

And I use Bitdefender for my Virus software
Also when you defrag enver use the windows dfrag

Its kinda bad


Does malware get rid of teh mal? I'd pay money for that.

No you wouldn't. The fact that you continue to engage him in threads tells a different story. He's the car wreck you can't look away from, admit it, you love him.
Best syware/malware program is Linux. :) Easy to use and you don't need a bunch of third party programs to protect your computer or fix it, like you do with Windows.

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