Bernie’s Economic Bill Of Rights Taken Nearly Verbatim From Stalin’s 1936 Soviet Constitution

Our society
The society that is the wealthiest on earth but struggles to provide basics for its workers

Especially in radical left California, where the gap between rich and poor is greater than any other state, and where the ruling Communist party actively wages war on the middle class on behalf of Silicone Valley Oligarchs.

That's why people are leaving Kommiefornia. Silicon Valley is a REAL problem.
I saw Bernie the other day preaching how inmates, I say inmates should be given the right to vote. He compared them with blacks and women, who were not allowed to vote in decades past.

Yet most progs probably excuse him, and surely agree with him. They're lost because they believe in the lost. They believe what their masters tell them to. The more absurd an idea the easier they adopt the idea. They stamp it progressive, and declare themselves intelligent and moral.


Sad. So used to being robbed by the plutocrats you think that's how it's supposed to be.

WTF do you think socialism is, dumbass.
Apparently socialism is anything you people don't like.
Socialism is what it is. Why do you fear it?
  • The right to a decent job that pays a living wage
  • The right to quality health care
  • The right to a complete education
  • The right to affordable housing
  • The right to a clean environment
  • The right to a secure retirement
Cite the dangerous idea.
All of them.

Who owes you that job?
Who owes you that healthcare?
Who owes you that education?
Who owes you that home?
Who owes you that retirement?

What will you sacrifice for the environment?

Our society
The society that is the wealthiest on earth but struggles to provide basics for its workers
Who in society owes you that? Is society the people you can steal from? Or the ones you can enslave to build you that house you have a right too?
Sometimes I wonder what the nation would be like if republicans weren’t so stupid.
So if we provide for our workers, we will become Venezuela?
Yes. Just like it happened there. You don’t need to provide for anyone. They can provide for themselves.
  • The right to a decent job that pays a living wage
  • The right to quality health care
  • The right to a complete education
  • The right to affordable housing
  • The right to a clean environment
  • The right to a secure retirement
Cite the dangerous idea.
All of them.

Who owes you that job?
Who owes you that healthcare?
Who owes you that education?
Who owes you that home?
Who owes you that retirement?

What will you sacrifice for the environment?

Our society
The society that is the wealthiest on earth but struggles to provide basics for its workers
Our society
The society that is the wealthiest on earth but struggles to provide basics for its workers

Where poor in America is you have an iPhone 5 and your DVD player doesn’t play Blu-Ray.

And millions risk their lives to live here.
The idea of unions is not a capitalist idea for labor. People had to die to get representation.

You are really quite stupid. You are also ignorant and uneducated.

Within a market economy, certain collectives naturally arise. The need for capital to fund new business or expand existing business creates the need to sell small parts of a company. Economists call these "shares." Each "share" entitles the purchaser a small amount of ownership in the company. Hence, the company is collectively owned. This is called "incorporation."

The other form of collectivism in a market economy is guilds or unions. Skilled labor forms a collective bargaining unit that enhances the value of the skill that union represents. Ensuring that the skill is sold at market value.

Unions and Corporations are symbiotic. One must offset the other for a healthy market to exist, An example of what happens when this equilibrium is disturbed is the public employee unions, where there is no owner, no corporation to offset the union, which then become predatory and destructive, as the public unions in America are.

The major issue arises if corporations or unions create trusts and become monopolies, Anti-Trust laws MUST be applied to both equally. An AFL-CIO is a monopoly that destroys economic stability and caused the destruction of our manufacturing sector. It isn't unions, but the monopoly that is the problem.
At whose expense, Karl?
Well, it can go two ways

The employers can step up and look out for those who create their wealth
The taxpayer can fill the void so employers profits are not impacted
OK...So your "rights" involve depriving one person of their liberty and property, in order for you to get yours.

That's not a "right", Karl....That's expropriation.
It’s a case of Government standing up for working Americans over corporate stockholders
We've been through this. Calling it Democratic Socialism is not going to make it better.

Standing up for working Americans is not socialism
That isn't what you're proposing, douchebag.
OK...So your "rights" involve depriving one person of their liberty and property, in order for you to get yours.

That's not a "right", Karl....That's expropriation.
It’s a case of Government standing up for working Americans over corporate stockholders
It's a case of government enslaving working Americans and expropriating private property.
Government freeing working Americans from corporate greed
Slavery is freedom. That's what you just said.
WTF are you babbling about?
You've never read Orwell's 1984?
Sad. So used to being robbed by the plutocrats you think that's how it's supposed to be.
Never been a Socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty.

Just ask Bernie and his free healthcare and pension for life and three homes.
That's right, be a good little peasant.
That's right, be a good little peasant.

I grew up in poverty and now my home I own is 6,000 sq ft on acreage and a lake and I own it free and clear.

Thank God for America and Capitalism.
When is the OP going to admit that Bernie’s proposal has nothing to do with the Soviet Constitution?
It's the exact same thing, moron. It will have the same end.
It hasn't so far do you enjoy your 40 hour a week jobs or would you prefer to work 70-80- hours so you have no free time for the Devil's infiltration of yer brain from idleness..??
How has it worked out in Venezuela?

Henry Ford created the 40 hour week, moron.
When is the OP going to admit that Bernie’s proposal has nothing to do with the Soviet Constitution?
It's the exact same thing, moron. It will have the same end.
It hasn't so far do you enjoy your 40 hour a week jobs or would you prefer to work 70-80- hours so you have no free time for the Devil's infiltration of yer brain from idleness..??
How has it worked out in Venezuela?

Henry Ford created the 40 hour week, moron.
One comapny out of how many?
Let’s look at this graph

View attachment 265554

What happened in 1980?

That is when our country began its commitment to Supply Side Economics
Shows that the Trickle Down to the workers never happened

The employers just kept the money
That chart is totally fake.

Got one you claim is real Finger Boy?
Or just bullshitting because you got nothing
Whether I have one has no bearing on whether yours is correct, shit for brains.
Sad. So used to being robbed by the plutocrats you think that's how it's supposed to be.
Never been a Socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty.

Just ask Bernie and his free healthcare and pension for life and three homes.
That's right, be a good little peasant.
That's right, be a good little peasant.

I grew up in poverty and now my home I own is 6,000 sq ft on acreage and a lake and I own it free and clear.

Thank God for America and Capitalism.
You never own it free and clear as long as taxes are owed annually and you can lose the land by not paying the taxes on it...
When is the OP going to admit that Bernie’s proposal has nothing to do with the Soviet Constitution?
It's the exact same thing, moron. It will have the same end.
It hasn't so far do you enjoy your 40 hour a week jobs or would you prefer to work 70-80- hours so you have no free time for the Devil's infiltration of yer brain from idleness..??
How has it worked out in Venezuela?

Henry Ford created the 40 hour week, moron.
One comapny out of how many?
Was that supposed to mean something? After Ford adopted toe 40 hour week, all other large firms had to follow suit. That's history.
No surprise, the democrats ARE Stalinists. I've been pointing this out for years.

View attachment 265557
You hate labor do you??

Little early in the day to be that drunk, isn't it?
I suppose it's five o'clock somewhere...But, I wouldn't know I don't imbibe bacteria urine...You enjoy overtime? Thanks a socialist today for that ability to earn overtime when the capitalist damn sure wouldn't give it voluntarily. They'd still have robber baron social statures if the had their way..

Back then it was six, ten hour days
The idea that workers should have a life was offensive
Steel workers at Carnegie plants had two shifts, one shift worked 84 hours a week the second shift worked 77 hours a week and barely made enough to survive while Carnegie lived in a mansion..
Can you imagine the conditions working near those blast furnaces?

Hell on earth
Sad. So used to being robbed by the plutocrats you think that's how it's supposed to be.
Never been a Socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty.

Just ask Bernie and his free healthcare and pension for life and three homes.
That's right, be a good little peasant.
That's right, be a good little peasant.

I grew up in poverty and now my home I own is 6,000 sq ft on acreage and a lake and I own it free and clear.

Thank God for America and Capitalism.
You never own it free and clear as long as taxes are owed annually and you can lose the land by not paying the taxes on it...
As opposed to communism where the state owns everything.
Sad. So used to being robbed by the plutocrats you think that's how it's supposed to be.
Never been a Socialist leader in history who hasn’t lived like royalty.

Just ask Bernie and his free healthcare and pension for life and three homes.
That's right, be a good little peasant.
That's right, be a good little peasant.

I grew up in poverty and now my home I own is 6,000 sq ft on acreage and a lake and I own it free and clear.

Thank God for America and Capitalism.
You never own it free and clear as long as taxes are owed annually and you can lose the land by not paying the taxes on it...
Let’s look at this graph

View attachment 265554

What happened in 1980?

That is when our country began its commitment to Supply Side Economics
Shows that the Trickle Down to the workers never happened

The employers just kept the money
That chart is totally fake.

Got one you claim is real Finger Boy?
Or just bullshitting because you got nothing
Whether I have one has no bearing on whether yours is correct, shit for brains.

Never fail to disappoint Finger Boy
As usual.....when pressed, you got nothing

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