Bernie’s Big Rock Candy Mountain


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Always a treat when the Leftists stick their hooves into their mouths…and Bernie Sanders, savant of socialism, did just that when questioned about being a millionaire.

“Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders – known for railing against the super-rich – is now a millionaire himself, and shared his moneymaking secrets with America. Sanders was flooded with accusations of hypocrisy in return.

Bernie Sanders, currently a top contender for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency next year, is not a man usually associated with wealth. Indeed, the Vermont Senator has lobbied for higher taxes on “millionaires and billionaires”for his near four-decade political career,…”
‘Write a book, you can be a millionaire too’ – Bernie Sanders shares get-rich advice

2. “Dan Bongino Retweeted Twitter Moments Is there a bigger fraud in politics than Bernie Sanders? This fraud spends the entirety of his waking hours lashing out at successful millionaires he’s never met while reluctantly having to acknowledge he’s a millionaire too. This guy is a Lt. General in the fraud brigade."

3. David Mamet: “In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!”

Looks like Bernie got the message, too.

4. But, to begin at the beginning, the basic difference between free markets, capitalism, and enterprise and the socialism, communism, and utopian views of hypocrites like Bernie, is a view of property. For Leftists, property is theft….unless it’s their property in question.

5. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, which was later renamed the Manifesto of the Equals. Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact. He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

6. “The “Babouvistes,” as they were known, were the first modern revolutionary communist movement, …. they argued, “miseries and slavery are consequences of inequality, which is itself the result of property. Property is, therefore, the greatest scourge on society; it is a veritable public crime.” All differences in wealth are unearned — they accrue by the exploitation of others, or by the accident of naturally endowed strengths and talents — and therefore are undeserved.” Reading Paine From the Left

If ownership of anything, ‘property,’ is actually the fruits of one’s own labor….how does the state come to own them???

And….if Bernie the Hypocrite and Ocasio the Moron see the state as entitled to take your property and assign it to those “unwilling to work,” as she wrote in the Green New Deal…..

….what is the explanation other than the socialist leaders simply out to steal what others have?
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Bernie is toast. Even the dems don't like his letting murderers vote. Looks like Biden is going to coast to the nomination. It should be a fun election cycle for 2020.

A bigger problem for dems is their policy list. The only one Biden supports that I know of is "Medicare for all". That won't fly for most voters who have healthcare thru work. Lets hope Trump can keep the economy humming along...
Bernie is toast. Even the dems don't like his letting murderers vote. Looks like Biden is going to coast to the nomination. It should be a fun election cycle for 2020.

A bigger problem for dems is their policy list. The only one Biden supports that I know of is "Medicare for all". That won't fly for most voters who have healthcare thru work. Lets hope Trump can keep the economy humming along...
Bernie is toast. Even the dems don't like his letting murderers vote. Looks like Biden is going to coast to the nomination. It should be a fun election cycle for 2020.

A bigger problem for dems is their policy list. The only one Biden supports that I know of is "Medicare for all". That won't fly for most voters who have healthcare thru work. Lets hope Trump can keep the economy humming along...

Don't underestimate the scream-at-the-sky brigade.

They will be very strong in the primaries, no matter how moderate the Establishment Dems want their candidate to be....
Assuming Trump can keep the economy going it should be an easy win for the Republicans in every part of government.

Most of the average people see just how far off the rails the left has gone. They understand that the left is trying to buy votes with all their givaeaway switch no real idea how to pay for them. They see the only policies that have been proposed is get Trump.

Sure you will have the hardcore crazies that will vote democrat even if the democrats promised to execute them. But most average Americans look at things like the economy, how their everyday life is, no new wars and they will vote what is best for them. The average American will look around at the hardcore blue cities and realize that they have no need of the country heading in that direction.
Socialism is a scare word they've hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people. --Harry Truman, 1952
Assuming Trump can keep the economy going it should be an easy win for the Republicans in every part of government.

Most of the average people see just how far off the rails the left has gone. They understand that the left is trying to buy votes with all their givaeaway switch no real idea how to pay for them. They see the only policies that have been proposed is get Trump.

Sure you will have the hardcore crazies that will vote democrat even if the democrats promised to execute them. But most average Americans look at things like the economy, how their everyday life is, no new wars and they will vote what is best for them. The average American will look around at the hardcore blue cities and realize that they have no need of the country heading in that direction.
Trump's response to campaign calls for free education has the Trump budget proposal for infrastructure include an increase in Pell grants. Which is what republican brainiacs?
Assuming Trump can keep the economy going it should be an easy win for the Republicans in every part of government.

Most of the average people see just how far off the rails the left has gone. They understand that the left is trying to buy votes with all their givaeaway switch no real idea how to pay for them. They see the only policies that have been proposed is get Trump.

Sure you will have the hardcore crazies that will vote democrat even if the democrats promised to execute them. But most average Americans look at things like the economy, how their everyday life is, no new wars and they will vote what is best for them. The average American will look around at the hardcore blue cities and realize that they have no need of the country heading in that direction.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Max.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

And this....


Yet, a poll would show most Jewish folks will vote Democrat.

It's still an uphill battle.
7. “As said by the Babouvistes, …: one does not truly have a claim to the “full product of their labor,” since their very productivity is a creation of society. … eighty years later Karl Marx would level a more developed version of this very criticism against the philosophy of Lasalle in his “Critique of the Gotha Program.”
Reading Paine From the Left

8.In America, those despotic inroads are disguised and known as regulations, and statutes. In effect, they curtail and remove the defined rights of ownership, very much as another of the collectivist views, the Nazis, did in Germany:

“…private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government….The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.”
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

And in America, the role of stealing ownership via regulations is largely under the guise of environmentalism.

Of course, politician become rich by writing in regulations that industry must bribe their way out of by ‘lobbyists.’

And you’ve heard those same views echoed more recently:

“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Hussein Obama

One would be hard pressed….nay, it would be impossible, find inherent differences between socialism, Nazism, Communism, Progressivism, Liberalism and Fascism…..any collectivist doctrine.

All are based on theft.
Bernie is toast. Even the dems don't like his letting murderers vote. Looks like Biden is going to coast to the nomination. It should be a fun election cycle for 2020.

A bigger problem for dems is their policy list. The only one Biden supports that I know of is "Medicare for all". That won't fly for most voters who have healthcare thru work. Lets hope Trump can keep the economy humming along...
Harris also called for terrorists to vote. I know of no condemnation by any Democrat.
Assuming Trump can keep the economy going it should be an easy win for the Republicans in every part of government.

Most of the average people see just how far off the rails the left has gone. They understand that the left is trying to buy votes with all their givaeaway switch no real idea how to pay for them. They see the only policies that have been proposed is get Trump.

Sure you will have the hardcore crazies that will vote democrat even if the democrats promised to execute them. But most average Americans look at things like the economy, how their everyday life is, no new wars and they will vote what is best for them. The average American will look around at the hardcore blue cities and realize that they have no need of the country heading in that direction.

let up pray---or hope---or whatevah-------I am not entirely confident
Bernie is toast. Even the dems don't like his letting murderers vote. Looks like Biden is going to coast to the nomination. It should be a fun election cycle for 2020.

A bigger problem for dems is their policy list. The only one Biden supports that I know of is "Medicare for all". That won't fly for most voters who have healthcare thru work. Lets hope Trump can keep the economy humming along...
Harris also called for terrorists to vote. I know of no condemnation by any Democrat.

If knowledge, morality, or experience were factors in voting for Democrat voters, no Democrat would ever stand a chance of being elected.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

They can't explain it, or defend it.....but they'll vote for it.

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