Bernie to Dems: Change course before you nosedive in November...Jacobin to Dems: Bernie Should Run for President a 3rd Time +a Bernie rally in Chicago


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Bernie has a rally in Chicago next Thursday...for those who say he's no longer influential, let this thread be the antidote to that

He isn't wrong. That and the fact that the Democratic party leadership can't seem to message their way out of a wet paper bag doesn't help either.
How interesting!
Could America turning to acceptance of Bernie's more leftist agenda be popular enough to win in America today?

It's obvious that the trick needed is to convince America's working class that social reform is the only way to bring back their piece of the American pie.

And that also requires the realization that Trump didn't bring it and never could without destroying his support from the very wealthy.

In other words, the working class needs to come to terms with Trump's big lies!
Crazy Bernie might run in 2028, but I can't see it for 2024.

Whoever is nominated is going to have to defend Sleepy Joe's record, particularly Sanders who voted for the vast majority of it.

There is no one better to stand for Brandon's atrocities than the man himself.

Now, 2028 is a different story. I can see Sanders and Warren teaming up.

Bernie has a rally in Chicago next Thursday...for those who say he's no longer influential, let this thread be the antidote to that

This penchant for supporting candidates so old that they should be in nursing homes (and this includes Trump), has to stop. The minimum age requirement for any presidential candidate is 35 years of age. It's time that the public start looking seriously at candidates that aren't just about ready for that "big dirt-nap."
In Bernie Sanders case, his Communist ideology is absolutely anti-Constitution. He's praised the old Soviet Union and Cuba and is an unacceptable candidate. For those ignorant of Marxist nations, they allow only one political party, theirs and I've repeatedly said that which has and always will be true: One-Party governments are authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous. No exceptions.
While the GOP’s anti-abortion stance and opposition to more sweeping firearm restrictions may help Democrats, he warned that if they “think that they’re gonna march to victory based on those issues, I think that that is not correct.”

I 100% agree.

After that real talk, Sanders wants Democrats to make the case for more Democratic power in 2023 — through a Newt Gingrich-style “Contract with America.”

I disagree this will help. No one believes the promises of politicians any longer.

They may blame the loss on two Senators but that will not be the case. The loss will be pinned on broken promises for years.
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This penchant for supporting candidates so old that they should be in nursing homes (and this includes Trump), has to stop. The minimum age requirement for any presidential candidate is 35 years of age. It's time that the public start looking seriously at candidates that aren't just about ready for that "big dirt-nap."
In Bernie Sanders case, his Communist ideology is absolutely anti-Constitution. He's praised the old Soviet Union and Cuba and is an unacceptable candidate. For those ignorant of Marxist nations, they allow only one political party, theirs and I've repeatedly said that which has and always will be true: One-Party governments are authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous. No exceptions.
so you would disqualify Bernie, Biden, Trump, Warren, Hillary, etc from running for president? cool cool
Crazy Bernie might run in 2028, but I can't see it for 2024.

Whoever is nominated is going to have to defend Sleepy Joe's record, particularly Sanders who voted for the vast majority of it.

There is no one better to stand for Brandon's atrocities than the man himself.

Now, 2028 is a different story. I can see Sanders and Warren teaming up.
Sanders is 80 years old! You think he could run when he's 86? Assuming he even makes it that far?
so you would disqualify Bernie, Biden, Trump, Warren, Hillary, etc from running for president? cool cool
I would recommend an Amendment to the Constitution, placing an age limit on candidates running for president, perhaps 62 on taking office. Limiting it to 62 years of age would mean that whoever wins the maximum two terms, would end their second term on reaching 70.
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I would recommend an Amendment to the Constitution, placing an age limit on candidates running for president, perhaps 62. Limiting it to 62 years of age would mean that whoever wins the maximum two terms, would end their second term on reaching 70.
i respect your argument...i just think disqualifying someone like Bernie is unfair...Biden on the other hand...
Sanders is 80 years old! You think he could run when he's 86? Assuming he even makes it that far?

Why not? Mike Gravel was a Democrat candidate during the last election cycle at age 90.

Crazy Bernie is still really feisty, in spite of his advanced age. I don't think that the campaign would really be that difficult for him.
Why not? Mike Gravel was a Democrat candidate during the last election cycle at age 90.

Crazy Bernie is still really feisty, in spite of his advanced age. I don't think that the campaign would really be that difficult for him.
Gravel died at 88 for starters, i believe, and he said he wouldn't serve if he won, and only ran because a bunch of 16 year olds convinced him to, because they wanted "progressive" issues to be raised at the debates, and they believed Gravel would raise them
i respect your argument...i just think disqualifying someone like Bernie is unfair...Biden on the other hand...
How popular a candidate is, is not the issue, it's concern about taking a modest measure to reduce the likelihood of having a president in office that has lost his/her mental sharpness and would be more likely to make very poor decisions.
For me personally, I would disqualify any candidate that demonstrates a penchant for wanting to turn this nation into a Marxist one. All those being voted into a political office, are required to raise their right hand and swear to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, our supreme law of the land. Once they take that oath, they MUST obey it and politicians that have sought to undermine our Constitution, violate the very oath they swear to uphold, such actions are seditious.
Left-wing policies keep failing and people keep voting out left-wing pols once they see what the results are. Look at Chesa in San Fran. Bernie couldn't make it out of a Dem primary, why would America pick him?

Bernie has a rally in Chicago next Thursday...for those who say he's no longer influential, let this thread be the antidote to that

Ah, yes, it's election season. Time for Bernie Sanders to come out looking for his payoffs. $600,000 to pretend to run for president in 2016, and $3 million for the same act in 2020. He should be good for at least $5 million this time.

Bernie has a rally in Chicago next Thursday...for those who say he's no longer influential, let this thread be the antidote to that

Changing course isn't enough.

The Dems have to purge their leadership.

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