Bernie Sanders wants the US to become Venezuela

Bernie sure knows how to pick winners. He idolizes failures.

When Bernie Sanders Thought Castro and the Sandinistas Could Teach America a Lesson
As mayor of Burlington, Sanders praised the regimes of Nicaragua and Cuba—claiming bread lines were a sign of economic health and press censorship was necessary in wartime.

When Bernie Sanders Thought Castro and the Sandinistas Could Teach America a Lesson

Moron, the Daily Beast is an opinion blog, NOT a news agency.
Many of the countries in that list are more capitalist than the USA. That is probably why they can't be mocked as socialists.

The problem is that you are way out of your depth.

I don't know why I even bother with idiots.....but for other right wing posters who still have a brain...

The SEVEN most capitalistic countries in the world are:

Germany, Japan, Indian, China, the U.S., France and the U.K

Don't believe me.......look the data up somewhere beside Fox or Breibart.

I certainly don't claim that. I have never heard anyone claim that so now would be the time for citation. I also don't claim those countries are socialist, which is just as retarded notion (maybe you could classify China as one - but even that would be a stretch).

And yes there is a strong free market in those countries, which provides for pretty much all the wealth that the parasites such as yourself siphon of off.
I certainly don't claim that. I also don't claim those countries are socialist, which is just as retarded notion (maybe you could classify China as one - but even that would be a stretch).


Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC health care system....yes or No?

Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC education system. Yes or No?

Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC retirement system. Yes or No?
I certainly don't claim that. I also don't claim those countries are socialist, which is just as retarded notion (maybe you could classify China as one - but even that would be a stretch).


Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC health care system....yes or No?

Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC education system. Yes or No?

Do those countries have a SOCIALISTIC retirement system. Yes or No?


The answer is NO. You moron.

Have a list: List of socialist states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernie sure knows how to pick winners. He idolizes failures.

When Bernie Sanders Thought Castro and the Sandinistas Could Teach America a Lesson
As mayor of Burlington, Sanders praised the regimes of Nicaragua and Cuba—claiming bread lines were a sign of economic health and press censorship was necessary in wartime.

When Bernie Sanders Thought Castro and the Sandinistas Could Teach America a Lesson

Stupid and biases.....

The blogger in that "article" states the following:

"............perhaps another enterprising television journalist will ask the candidate-of-consistency one of the following questions:

— Do you think that American foreign policy gives people cancer?"

NOW, even a right wing moron shoudl conclude that this is a hit-piece from a moronic right wing blogger.
Venezuela Is Falling Apart

That's right everyone, socialist Venezuela has gone belly up. People are being arrested for stealing toilet paper because none is available and people are now going through garbage cans to eat, all because of socialism.

Save them Bernie!

Obviously, the free market must be blamed but how?

Is someone blaming the free market?

Venezuela's economy is 95% dependent on oil exports. Does Bernie Sanders want that for the US?
If your praise for Castro and the Sandinistas is considered over the top for the Hildabeast, well, you might be a commie.

Sanders defends past praise of Fidel Castro

Hillary Clinton went after Bernie Sanders in Wednesday night's Democratic debate for a 1980s interview in which he praised the communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

"I think in that same interview, he praised what he called the 'revolution of values' in Cuba, and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves," Clinton said at the Democratic debate audience in Miami.

"I just couldn't disagree more," the former secretary of State added.

"You know, if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear, you imprison people, even kill people, for expressing their opinions ... that is not the kind of revolution of values that I ever want to see anywhere."

Sanders defends past praise of Fidel Castro
Venezuela Is Falling Apart

That's right everyone, socialist Venezuela has gone belly up. People are being arrested for stealing toilet paper because none is available and people are now going through garbage cans to eat, all because of socialism.

Save them Bernie!

Obviously, the free market must be blamed but how?

To be fair, no socialist wants what is happening is Venezuela, they just don't think it will happen to their "brilliant" plan to implement socialism and bring on the glorious new age of peace, love, and fuzzy fuzzy bunnies.

No, I just don't think they care.

Just so long is everyone is miserable like themselves they will be happy.
Venezuela Is Falling Apart

That's right everyone, socialist Venezuela has gone belly up. People are being arrested for stealing toilet paper because none is available and people are now going through garbage cans to eat, all because of socialism.

Save them Bernie!

Obviously, the free market must be blamed but how?

Is someone blaming the free market?

Venezuela's economy is 95% dependent on oil exports. Does Bernie Sanders want that for the US?

I guess the translation of the stunned silence is a no.

Does Bernie Sanders want government run stores selling price controlled food and other staples?
Venezuelas socialist model worked just fine when there was a strong market for oil. They were so socialist that they even offered low cost heating oil to poor people in the U.S.

Oil market crashed and so did their economy

The U.S. economy is not built on a single commodity

Yeah - it's the oil, not the socialism!

Wow, how ignorant can you be. It should tell you all that this country is dependent on oil.. - a luxury which many successful non-socialist countries don't have. Damn the socialism apologists... If Venezuela didn't have oil the socialism wouldn't have lasted even as long as it did, basing so much of the economy on the soaring oil prices of the 2000s was dumb as hell. It is ironic though that it is the things socialist can't stand - CO2 and oil... that made their lifestyle possible.

Having such a large oil deposits and still being able to ruin it all only adds to the failures of socialism.
When oil was was Venezuela

They rubbed our capitalist noses in it by providing cheap fuel oil to Americas poor families

And what might your point be?

I hope you have now correctly identified that the problem in Venezuela is socialism.

Let me make it simple then

The U.S. Economy is not Venezuelas
Just because Venezuela is failing is not justification for the U.S. To do nothing to help its citizens

Let's make it really simple so even you can understand: Socialism is a failure. Can't condense it more than that.

Because socialism fails everywhere, that is a justification for ANYONE reasonable not to attempt it.

If socialism is such a failure, then refute my earlier posts... you can't now move on and shut up. Repeating over and over that socialism is a failure because of what happened in Venezuela is a waste of oxygen.
Yeah - it's the oil, not the socialism!

Wow, how ignorant can you be. It should tell you all that this country is dependent on oil.. - a luxury which many successful non-socialist countries don't have. Damn the socialism apologists... If Venezuela didn't have oil the socialism wouldn't have lasted even as long as it did, basing so much of the economy on the soaring oil prices of the 2000s was dumb as hell. It is ironic though that it is the things socialist can't stand - CO2 and oil... that made their lifestyle possible.

Having such a large oil deposits and still being able to ruin it all only adds to the failures of socialism.
When oil was was Venezuela

They rubbed our capitalist noses in it by providing cheap fuel oil to Americas poor families

And what might your point be?

I hope you have now correctly identified that the problem in Venezuela is socialism.

Let me make it simple then

The U.S. Economy is not Venezuelas
Just because Venezuela is failing is not justification for the U.S. To do nothing to help its citizens

Let's make it really simple so even you can understand: Socialism is a failure. Can't condense it more than that.

Because socialism fails everywhere, that is a justification for ANYONE reasonable not to attempt it.

If socialism is such a failure, then refute my earlier posts... you can't now move on and shut up. Repeating over and over that socialism is a failure because of what happened in Venezuela is a waste of oxygen.

They have to lie about Bernie and socialism because the truth is a winning argument.
Bernie won't even try to defend the failure of socialism. This reporter asks him repeatedly to comment on Venezuela's workers paradise. He won't answer but watch his face. It's obvious he knows what he's selling won't work.

Socialism attracts two types: Idiots who want free stuff even if it destroys their country and psychopaths who want to control a country and have no trouble resorting to force when the system collapses.

Bernie Hits Bump on Univision: Speechless on Socialism’s Failures

If you want to mock socialism......then pick on Germany, Sweden, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, etc.

Many of the countries in that list are more capitalist than the USA (depending how you measure). That is probably why they can't be mocked as socialists.

The problem is that you are way out of your depth.

On this list, other than Iceland who the leader of the country basically killed on his own, who is going belly up like Venezuela?

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World - Peerform Blog
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And what might your point be?

I hope you have now correctly identified that the problem in Venezuela is socialism.

Let me make it simple then

The U.S. Economy is not Venezuelas
Just because Venezuela is failing is not justification for the U.S. To do nothing to help its citizens

Socialism is a failed system...Dumbass:slap:
All societies are a mix of socialism and capitalism
The question is getting the correct mixture

The U.S. Has socialist schools, infrastructure, police and fire, military
Government run schools are failing our inner cities... Police and fire are locally controlled:slap:

What would private schools do with inner city students who don't want to learn?

Do they have a magic formula?

competition works..:cool:

Many of the countries in that list are more capitalist than the USA. That is probably why they can't be mocked as socialists.

The problem is that you are way out of your depth.

I don't know why I even bother with idiots.....but for other right wing posters who still have a brain...

The SEVEN most capitalistic countries in the world are:

Germany, Japan, Indian, China, the U.S., France and the U.K

Don't believe me.......look the data up somewhere beside Fox or Breibart.

I certainly don't claim that. I have never heard anyone claim that so now would be the time for citation. I also don't claim those countries are socialist, which is just as retarded notion (maybe you could classify China as one - but even that would be a stretch).

And yes there is a strong free market in those countries, which provides for pretty much all the wealth that the parasites such as yourself siphon of off.

There's no free market in China. It's government controlled
Venezuela Is Falling Apart

That's right everyone, socialist Venezuela has gone belly up. People are being arrested for stealing toilet paper because none is available and people are now going through garbage cans to eat, all because of socialism.

Save them Bernie!

Obviously, the free market must be blamed but how?

Is someone blaming the free market?

Venezuela's economy is 95% dependent on oil exports. Does Bernie Sanders want that for the US?

I guess the translation of the stunned silence is a no.

Does Bernie Sanders want government run stores selling price controlled food and other staples?

Through more regulation and more taxes...Yes would be the answer......Idiot:slap:
Very thoughtful thread. You really made your case. Except nothing you posted even tries to connect Bernie's proposed policies...instituted in the US....with anything that has or is happening in Venezuela.

Awesome job.

Hmmmm, how about the fact that they're socialist? The Venezuelan government has a policy of giving away free stuff. Their problem? They ran out of stuff because the people making it got tired of giving it away.

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